Home » Congressman DeSaulnier To Host Town Hall On Preparing For The 119th Congress And New Administration – DeSaulnier Will Provide An Update On His Efforts To “Protect Our Personal Freedoms And Democracy”

Congressman DeSaulnier To Host Town Hall On Preparing For The 119th Congress And New Administration – DeSaulnier Will Provide An Update On His Efforts To “Protect Our Personal Freedoms And Democracy”


Congressman Mark DeSaulnier (CA-10) announced that he will host a town hall in Walnut Creek to discuss his and House Democrats’ priorities in the 119th Congress and what we can expect in a new Administration on Thursday, January 30 that 6:30 p.m. PT.

At the event, Congressman DeSaulnier will provide an update on his efforts in Congress to “protect our personal freedoms and democracy and the work he is doing to prepare for the new Administration.”

The Congressman will also take questions from constituents.

Preparing for the 119th Congress and New Administration Town Hall


Thursday, January 30, 6:30 p.m.
Center for Community Arts
111 N. Wiget Lane, Walnut Creek

The event is open to the public and press.

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Mark is protecting the personal freedom for men to use the Ladies locker room.


America is not now, nor has it ever been, a Democracy.


It was a Constitutional Republic last time I checked…. why are you telling me?




Does he actually believe that our “personal freedoms” and “democracy” are at risk with the Trump administration? Hey Mark, what about the damage that the Biden administration did to those?


How about a little discussion on protecting us from wild fires and ridiculous PG & E expenses.
Address those to our satisfaction and then maybe we’ll consider your democracy propaganda.


Exactly WHAT FREEDOMS are we losing???? As I recall: Censorship/ Banning/ Canceling/Debanking/ Ghosting ALL Came from the left. Including the Unconstitutional lockdowns.
Prove me wrong.


Boom baby!


Hey Mark, in case you forgot, your side kinda fell apart on the last election, so maybe instead of fearing the big bad scary orange man, perhaps work with the new administration to the benefit of the people of California. 


I don’t want or need his or Newscum”s “protections” – please can somebody please usher him to the exit?


The idiocy from the leftist loons continue. Hey Mark, you do realize that Mark Zuckerberg turned on you, and spilled the beans how your side forced FaceBook into 3rd party “Fact Checkers” that were part of the Democrat machine on banning actual TRUTH right? Game over pal, the beans are spilled, and now even the brain washed Kamala voters are saying they got scammed and are aware of the lefts emotional manipulation machine.

The next two days cannot pass fast enough. He’s not even in office and he’s done more than the Biden Admin did in the last four years. Stop with the fear mongering BS and actually do something. Anything.

Hey, here’s a great idea. Spearhead a movement to fire all the companies that have anything to do with the roads in Concord and start from scratch. Make it a bonus based platform that if the road is actually done right the first time, they get a bonus, and if it is still drivable by the same time next year, they get another bonus. Because right now, it appears whoever is in charge of the roads is completely clueless.


Don’t be so quick to kick Congressman Mark DeSaulnier to the curb. He has no power in DC, he’s just an order taking minion, therefore he can’t do any real damage and is largely harmless, his replacement on the other hand would be much worse and capable of inflicting serious damage on the country. The corrupt, lying, cheating, crooked, preacher, and State Senator Tim Grayson has made it clear that he intends on replacing Mark DeSaulnier in Congress. There’s nothing more damaging in DC than an ideological clone of Mark DeSaulnier in the body of Tim Grayson, who’s also AMBITIOUS, CORRUPT, and POWER HUNGRY!


Let’s ALL go and Boo him and throw rotten tomatoes.
Tell him we are NOT buying what he’s selling!


This makes me so mad! Here we’ve been going down the drain in so many ways and the democrats want to keep going further that way! People are tired of this old crap and failed policies. . They need to go away…. at least for a while so we can slow the damage and recover. The people have spoken.


2. DeSaulnier is an idiot. He’s parallel to Adam Shift. My only regret was voting for him. He presented himself as a middle- moderate. Then when he gets into office he made a sharp left turn into liberal orbit! Seems a lot of democrats do that, if you’re paying attention. Eric Swalwell is another one That’s why I don’t trust them at all anymore.


The Fang Fang situation proved Swalwell is easily pumped for information.


Well…. he wouldn’t have let himself get sucked into it… not with a name like Fang Fang.


I suppose this was his attempt to bring corruption to it’s knees.

Badge 1104,
When did you first vote for Mark DeSaulnier?
Actually, Mark DeSaulnier showed the public who he was when he was first elected to the Concord City Council in 1991, as a progressive Republican. He was appointed to the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors as a progressive Republican by Republican Governor Pete Wilson, where he was then elected and reelected to the position before switching parties halfway into his third term, at the urging of Democratic Congressman George Miller III, so that he would have the ability to continue being reelected to the Board of Supervisors and move onto higher office in the California State Assembly, California State Senate, and the US House of Representatives as the Contra Costa County area moved more towards the liberal and progressive Democratic ideology.
A while back, I watched a televised “Congressman Mark DeSaulnier Town Hall,” where he told the audience, “We’re so lucky to have Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff.”


Badge 1104,
I did forget to mention that one only had to look at the name of Mark DeSaulnier’s bar, TR’s, to understand his political ideology, as he named his bar after his political hero, progressive Republican Teddy Roosevelt.


so freedoms???? or do we mean how do we Trump proof so we can do what we want? No freedoms are threatened other than the freedoms we have already had taken away. No one in the feds are coming for anything that have not been laws for our lifetime. Scare tactics “crying fire in a clouded room” Wat a worthless pile of c*^p. Politics of fear and half the population just seal clap along.
“They’re are coming for the eggs!!! They’re coming for the eggs???


will he answer the question as to why he voted AGAINST the Laken Riley Act? My guess is he has no answer other than “that’s what they told me to do”. Mark does not represent the people in his district, he’s a yes man to the liberals that were soundly defeated in November. He’s worse than a vacancy in his seat. After feeding at the government trough for far longer than he should have been allowed to, it’s way past time for him to go.


He has a brain of wood as he is a puppet.


Mark DeSaulnier isn’t a liberal, he’s always been a Massachusetts progressive.


I am always surprised to read the venom in reaction on this site toward good people like Congressman Mark DeSaulnier, President Biden, and VP Harris. I’ve lived in Concord since 1978 and have never met people who think this way.


Does anyone change the water in your fishbowl?


Good for you. Obviously you’ve led a very sheltered life in that you’ve NEVER met people who think this way…… for over 46 years. I feel sorry for you.

”good people?” You mean the word salad princess who blew through $2 billion on a FAILED campaign , then blames everyone else for it? Biden – who continues to lose arguments with a dribble glass and whose sole “success” was putting together a DEI administration- and failed? How about Sam Brinton, the luggage thief? And Marky just does what aunt Nancy tells him to do, and is unable to discuss thing s intelligently, responding with “let’s agree to disagree.” They still don’t know which bathroom to use and can’t define “woman.”

i suggest you open your eyes and learn some critical thinking skills. And you’re “always surprised? “ 100% of the time, all the time? 24/7/365? Crawl out from under your rock.

nah – the past 4 years have been a disaster.


I AM a proponent of critical thinking skills and wonder why so many on this forum do not support continuing education. I have been taking university-level classes since 1966. I volunteer for and serve on committees for several organizations that promote critical thinking. I read books–remember those–and am in two book clubs. Most days I am either volunteering, attending classes and lectures, at the museums, or at the opera, the symphony, or the ballet. I am NOT “under a rock.”


Concord Rez,
While you might engage in a wide variety of activities, perhaps you don’t surround yourself with a wide variety of people who have diverse political views, which is why you haven’t heard people having a negative view of former Concord City Councilman, former Contra Costa County Supervisor, former Assemblyman, former State Senator, and current Congressman Mark DeSaulnier. Your view of Congressman Mark DeSaulnier, Vice President Kamala Harris, and President Joe Biden being “good people” is nothing but your subjective opinion of them, which might make it true in your world, but not in the world of other Claycord Americans.


Taking classes since ’66?
When do you expect to graduate?


Since you’re “always surprised” at the “venom”…..yes, you ARE living under a rock.

It doesn’t matter how “active” you are when you’re “always surprised.”

And being a “proponent “ of critical thinking skills” means nothing if you don’t actively practice it.

Just another example of a closed mind.


Concord Rez,

Don’t let these trolls bother you. They are bullying people to stay quiet on their opinions, if it doesn’t align with theirs.

Say your piece, as it is your right.

If they can speak freely, people with opposing opinions should exercise their right to do so as well.

Let them swarm with hateful replies and insults. Just don’t stoop to their level.


Nobody here is trying to silence anyone, that’s the modus operandi of leftists. Leave your opinions here as you will, but contrary to the beliefs of the left, nobody has the right to be free of criticism or mockery – neither of which is bullying OR threats.


Rollo Tomasi,
You are absolutely right. I never said that they didn’t have a right to criticize, mock or even bully. I just said not to let it bother them. But thank you for reiterating that.

Nice strawman. I didn’t argue that you made any claim regarding criticism, mockery, etc. I was objecting to your claim that some people here are trying to silence others.
Quoting you: “They are bullying people to stay quiet on their opinions, if it doesn’t align with theirs.”
Try to keep up.

lol ok??? Object all you want. I am very caught up. Thank you though.

Omg these liberal fools. Just concedr defeat and act normal. America decided and you lost! Quit crying about it.


And you know damn well that he won’t take questions from the floor that aren’t already pre approved.


Congressman Mark DeSaulnier’s staff chooses which submitted questions will be asked, but you have the option to let his staff ask the question or to ask him the question yourself. You could always submit a question that you believe would be chosen and then ask the question you really wanted to ask, if chosen. If your question isn’t asked his staff will reply by email or mail, and possibly by phone. Congressman DeSaulnier also stays after the meeting talk with attendees and you could ask your question then. I will give Congressman DeSaulnier some credit for actually engaging with the public, he’s much better at this than the majority of other state and local office holders in our area.


Everyone who voted for him should be made to sit and listen to his worthless self aggrandizing platitudes.


You were a Republican for many years before switching parties and President Trump was a Democrat for a few years, which puts you in the unique position to actually be able to work with President Trump, instead of fearing him and trying to block his agenda, maybe you should actually try working with him so that you both can get something done on both of your agendas.


From those actions he shows he’s a opportunist and in politics for himself, just like many of the politicians in the country these days. We live in a democratic republic and representatives are supposed to represent their constituents not just the oligarchs and ideocrats in your district.


Hard dude to like. Maybe it’s just me.
And I haven’t even read the preceding 20 something comments. 😜


I know what Congressman DeSauliner can do to protect us.. RESIGN.


His replacement would be much worse.


Sorry about the misspelling, I didn’t catch the autocorrect.


Nobody who is any good wants to run for public office anymore. The opposition will dig up the least little thing to defame them. At this time the republic of the United States is finished. Good luck on the next 50 years!


Have we, ‘the voters’, asked him to do this? Did we tell him it’s a priority. OR did his party tell him to do this?


Congressman Mark DeSaulnier likely believes the 66.5% of vote he received in the 2024 election has given him the mandate to do this. Since first being elected to Congress in 2014, Mark DeSaulnier has won every general election with 67.3% (2014) to 78.9% (2022) of the vote, except for 2024, where he dropped to his lowest percentage win of 66.5% of the vote.


We are a Constitutional Republic PERIOD his protections for a democracy is absolute garbage B.S. And psychobabble not to mention he’s a far to long incumbent tool! he sells in the name of a false protector of a so called democracy!!! We have installed a one party rule of democracy in California, we are a state with one party rule!… a (democracy) allows the inmates to run the asylum!!! Proof and point democracy allows a one party rule as in the current Sh!tho*le that the dems have created in this state an absolute ruin of a once beautiful state and the commie fh0les that have driven this state into a bastion of crime taxes, homeless, unaffordablilty and a million other points of destruction and an unrealistic return to a Republic EVER!!!! The destruction led by our greasehead dictator Newscum is at a point of no return!! This state is done over FO’d thanks to dems I.E. Commies lenninist , marxist, moaist, Trotsky and so on! f all Newscum and every dem is the perfect POS soulless divisional sh!tb@g leader they ever could have dreamed of!!!!
Due your due diligence and vote with your brain not with your emotions and lack of intelligence!!!!


Now who could argue with that?


Doing what he should have done when Obama and his puppet were Presidents.

I really truly hope California goes to war with Trump and I hope California fails miserably.


Update On His Efforts To “Protect Our Personal Freedoms And Democracy”if this statement wasn’t so sad it would be funny. Mark, where have you been for the last four year. Biden has done everything he could to take our freedom and Democracy. If you really cared about Freedom and Democray
you would have stop Biden attempt to destroy our country


He needs a padded cell,then he and everyone is safe from his crosseyed stare.
He is fluff to keep the weirdo party afloat


I hope trump cuts funding to cities that won’t work with ICE. If you invite these people you can pay for them. Newscum is complaining about all the homeless while he is supporting all the illegals coming in. You can’t fix the homeless problem by bringing more homeless in.


Is Mark Trump-proofing his area?


No dice – Mark…you were all about trampling on my civil liberties for four (4) years. Now you have to deal with actual freedom. You won’t like it, you won’t agree with everything your dissenters say…but you gotta deal with it.



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