Home » Willow Pass Road Construction Ramps Up In Concord

Willow Pass Road Construction Ramps Up In Concord


Construction activities for two projects on Willow Pass Road have resumed following a holiday break. Work for these two projects will occur on Willow Pass Road between East Street and Landana Drive. This work is being coordinated to ensure that work areas do not overlap or become within close proximity of each other to avoid traffic control conflicts.

The Willow Pass Repaving Safe Route to Transit (SR2T) Improvement Project (Project No. 2449) will be constructing concrete sidewalk, curb, and gutter and curb ramps throughout the next few months on Willow Pass Road from Port Chicago Highway to Landana Drive. Additionally, for the next couple of weeks shoulder-widening work will take place adjacent to the Contra Costa Canal with paving work anticipated to begin in June.

The Willow Pass and Landana Sewer Capacity Improvements Project (Project No. 2702/2704) will be performing sewer main line replacement with a pipe-bursting method on Willow Pass Road between East Street and Landana Drive. There will be various lane closure alignments which will include shifting all traffic to one side of Willow Pass Road with one-way traffic in each direction. There will also be various side street closures and left-turn lane closures. Detours will be set up to guide motorists around these closures.

The lane closure hours for weekday work will be 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.


Starting on Saturday, January 18, the Saturday lane closures hours will be 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. every Saturday until the completion of work which is anticipated for mid-May, weather permitting.

When possible, please avoid using Willow Pass Road during the aforementioned work hours to minimize traffic delays. Please observe all construction and detour signage for the safety of yourself and others.

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What was the reason behind the construction taking a “holiday break”? This occurred all over Concord. I would think that construction would have continued during this time since traffic would have been less due to families going out of town and schools being closed for winter break.


Construction workers are people who celebrate the holidays just like the rest of us. Get a grip.


Correct; however, the majority of business don’t shut down completely during this time. The work was stopped for around a month



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