The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
QUESTION: If you were in charge of fixing the roads in central Contra Costa County, what road would you start with, and why?
Talk about it….
Pine Hollow and YV
YVR especially from Oak Grove Rd east to the WC border – both west and eastbound…. Clayton Rd northbound from YVR to about Ayers … broken pavement, terribly rutted and chattered, they’re unsafe especially YVR at the speed limit
I don’t know about the entire central county because I don’t drive all over, but at least
they’re repairing some of the streets in Concord. The street I would have started with
has recently been repaired, and that was Meadow Ln. They also repaired Monument
Blvd. Keep up the good work until they are all repaired, and I will be happy.
The answer is Cowell Rd. It is awful. It has no bike lanes, sporadic shoulders and is in rough shape throughout. It needs to be widened. It is a major thoroughfare but is still designed like a 1950s country road.
Clayton Rd from Treat to YVR especially the outbound side. Lots of water damage & rutting.
It gets worse with each rain.