Home » Claycord – Talk About Whatever – Jan.10, 2025

Claycord – Talk About Whatever – Jan.10, 2025


Happy Friday to all the wonderful citizens in the City of Claycord.

This is a post with no subject, you can talk about whatever you want. If breaking news happens (such as a shooting, earthquake, etc.), or you hear about something newsworthy, feel free to post it here.

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Cowellian’s first.
Ten days into the new year, and we have our first snowfall.


Anybody know why PGE is out along kirker pass?
Also where can I listen to police scanner

Look at the Claycord header where it says “Quick links”


Dr Frankenstein entered a body-building contest. Upon arrival, he realized he misunderstood the objective.


Not local of course but how about posting names and pictures of those arrested for looting in SoCal during these fires – posted all over the state.

Prelim 2.9 The Alameda and 6th.

correction 3.9 prelim

Anyone feel that 3.9 quake? A bit of a jolt.

Well this Sunday morning starts out with 3.9 earthquake right over in Concord probably around Buchanan field. This one rolled for a few seconds. Did you feel it? That was strong enough that there will probably be an article devoted to it.

The City is looking to approve low income housing at the Kmart and Clayton Faire (bowling alley) locations through an AFHH requirement by the State. The 8 acre Kmart will be rezoned for 471 units which means up to a 6 story complex. The 4 acre Clayron Faire site could have 248 units. The city only had to notify residents within 1000 feet. This will cause extreme traffic congestion in the area as there are morning and evening commutes as well as the arrival of students at 3 schools in the immediate area. Go to the City of Concord website and search AFHH.


The Concord City Council is NOT “looking to approve low income housing at the K-Mart and Clayton Faire” properties, as no plans for housing on these sites have been submitted yet. The City of Concord is considering, and will likely approve, the rezoning of these properties, which will significantly increase the number of housing units which could be built on these properties from the number currently zoned for these properties. Clayton Valley Bowl, In-Shape fitness, and Centre Concord won’t be part of the Clayton Faire rezoning according to Concord City Councilmember Laura Hoffmeister. The rezoning is currently for high-density housing, not low income housing, but should the owners of these properties choose to build they could build low income, affordable, market rate, luxury, or some combination of these types of housing for these properties. Should housing for these properties be approved they will not only increase traffic in the area, but they’ll also create parking problems in the area, as the State of California keeps reducing the number of parking spaces that developers are required to provide in order to reduce costs for developers to encourage development of housing.

There’s a lot of retail news, today. Macy’s and Kohls are closing even more stores, including a bunch in California.

But I find it fascinating that JC Penney’s is merging with Sparc group. Sparc has bought a lot of bankrupt retailers, including Forever 21, Lucky Brand, Eddie Bauer, Nautica and Aeropostale. The newly formed Catalyst Brand is hoping to put new life in aging malls.

We shall see.

U.S.Bank, on Clayton Rd, is closed again, due to an “emergency”, and the ATM is in direct sunlight, making the screen unreadable. And, in other news, next door, the former 99 cent store offers nothing but junk(crap), including row upon row of chips and other junk food, while the refrigerated section is mostly empty. Time for my nap.


The Goat Report. I’ve subscribed to worse. ✊

Led Zeppelin song you’ve never heard. Bonham and Page go off:

Yup, I never heard this before. Thanks for posting. 🙂



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