The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
The U.S. surgeon general has issued an advisory calling for a warning about the risk of cancer to be included on alcoholic beverages.
QUESTION: Do you think all alcohol should have a warning labels similar to the labels on cigarettes?
Talk about it….
Caution ! !
Excessive use may cause damage to vehicles, doors,
walls, home furnishings, marriages . . .
No, alcohol is not generally addictive like nicotine. Also moderate drinking does not show any significant cancer risk like heavy drinking. Where do we stop, every candy bar, French fry, and soda with a label? While we are at it why don’t we take the cancer warnings off every building and parking garage in California.
Ridiculous, why not label fruits and vegetables while they’re at it? The pesticides are
much worse than alcohol. Strawberries, kale, and spinach are among the highest in
pesticides. Then we have tuna and other seafoods tainted with mercury, and cereal
with added stuff like BHT (whatever that is.) Hot dogs, bacon, ham, and sausages have sodium nitrites. Not everybody drinks booze, but everybody has to eat.
Smokers are gonna smoke, and drunks are gonna drink, and no amount of warning will
make a difference.
They already do and there are already a lot of regulations around what the labels can and cannot say, even how they have to be displayed, including things like font sizes.
Most are probably familiar with this one: (https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-27/chapter-I/subchapter-A/part-16)
“GOVERNMENT WARNING: (1) According to the Surgeon General, women should not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects.
(2) Consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery, and may cause health problems.”
I think what is being proposed will be just like all those Prop 65 warnings that everything the light touches can cause cancer.
Sure. Let add the cancer warning to the birth defect warning
Another blowhard pontificating politician. This is silly, people still smoke, and they ignore the silly warning label. Booze will be the same thing.
I ordered a jacket one time from out of state, they wouldn’t ship it to California because it didn’t have the silly Prop 65 (or whatever prop) warning label on it. So shipped it to a relative in another state who then shipped it to me.
Who is trying to ruin alcohol sales? Stop trying to dictate to people what is good and what is bad.
104 year old will tell you it helps on many levels.
First things first!
I want to see a “Danger of suffocation” warning on every bag of marshmallows…. well, just the big ones anyway.
Warning labels on Merlot only!
Thank you, Miles
I think all politicians should have warning labels on them. Booze and cigs I can deal with, politicians you can’t get them to shut up or get them out of your lives like the other two before mention items which can easily be discarded.
Yes there should be a cancer warning….still I would rather have a bottle in front of me,than a frontal Lobotomy!
There should not be any label warning on cigarettes either, to be honest. Do you really think somebody will a) notice the warning, and b) come to some epiphany that this warning means they should throw away the cigarettes and not smoke? My sister smoked for 30 years, and there were labeled warnings on every pack she smoked. She finally stopped, and it had nothing to do with the label.
Maybe a warning sign in the middle of the steering wheel / on the dash of every fossil fuel burning car. WARNING: Using the vehicle impacts climate change, causes cancer, increases air pollution, causes asthma and other issues known to be detrimental to the health of humans and the planet. 🙂