The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
QUESTION: We all drive on freeways in California. Are they maintained as well as they should be, or do you think the State of California could do better?
Talk about it….
Not very well maintained at all, weeds and litter up and down the freeways are a common
sight. The quality of our freeways is among the worst in the country, with uneven surfaces,
and potholes. There are a few sections that are well maintained, but overall, the majority of
our roads are in poor condition. We have the highest gas tax in the country at 68.1 cents a gallon, and high tolls and DMV fees. What are they spending the money on?
Take a drive through any nearby western state, and there is a noticeable difference. The
road surface is smooth and even, and the drive is more scenic.
There are a couple of jokes about Caltrans, what’s orange and sleeps four? A Caltrans truck.
How many Caltrans workers does it take to sweep up a small mess? Four. One to push the broom, one to hold the dustpan, one to supervise, and one to smoke a cigarette.
The roads SUCK!
Freeways, streets, etc. are all in need of repair and maintenance….. the gas tax has been siphoned off to other pet projects of Newscum’s and his cronies for years….. and no – another bond for repairs, etc. is not the right thing to do … somebody somehow needs to hold these “leaders” accountable
I tried to take a road less traveled but Google Maps said Nope, better luck next time.
Oh they are just PERFECT!
Could not be BETTER!
They give our money for roads to the “Newcomers”.
All roads in Nevada are better than even our newly built roads here in California. They could do better but dont care to.
Drove to the Oakland airport last Friday morning about 1am.
It was raining.
Hwy 24 sure could use updated striping. The lane stripes were very hard to see.
Also, coming out of the tunnel on the Oakland side the lane striping was also very faded. I had to make SURE I wasn’t, all of a sudden, heading for Berkeley. (the off ramp).
I did NOT feel comfortable.
I really think the maintenance money is going toward building more toll lanes.
And of course we all know the hwy 24 continues to sink in the Lafayette area. Gee, I wonder if CalTrans knows that too?
For anyone who’s ever been to another state … They will have witnessed first hand at how clean the freeways/streets are in those states. They also do it for a fraction of the cost.
I was coming out of the San Jose airport a few months back .. getting on the 101 …. For an area that has that much wealth … the freeways look like something from a third world country …. Yes, they really are that bad….
Some day …. perhaps someone will have the strength and backing to perform a full audit on where exactly all the money is going.
Until then, expect more of the same … Sorry CA, it’s a great state .. the people running the show .. not so much.
Saying that the state could do a better job maintaining our roads(that we pay alot of money for) is an understatement
The freeways i tend to do testing on seem to be fine for well over the speed limit. I’m sure there are quite a few that are terrible maintenance wise but I don’t travel those and if I did I’d go a different way after that if they were that bad. Also it’s been 6 months or more the last time I saw a CHP or Sheriff car on any freeway which I like.
I love humor.
California roads are in good shape – that could be an opening line for a comedy show!
I have driven through Canada, Alaska, Hawaii, and most of the continental US, California has some of the worst roads available.
Have you ever travelled from California to Nevada on highway 80? I can tell you the split second I cross into Nevada because the road noise goes silent. Without fail every year, any time of year.
No answer is required. Just drive over the border from CA into NV on I-80 and see for yourself. You can tell exactly where the border line is just by the condition of the highway.
The roads are in horribly bad condition? Don’t worry. The California state Democrat politicians promised that the 12 cent per gallon gas tax they imposed on us would get our roads fixed.