The Concord City Council announced recruitments for openings on City boards and commissions listed below. Applications are due to the City Clerk by Friday, January 10 at 5 p.m.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee – the Commission is seeking three (3) individuals to serve four-year terms ending February 28, 2029.
Concord Pavilion Community Outreach Committee – the Commission is seeking two (2) individuals to serve four-year terms ending February 28, 2029.
Design Review Board – the Committee is seeking two (2) design professionals to serve four-year terms ending February 28, 2029.
Planning Commission – the Commission is seeking three (3) individuals to serve four-year terms ending February 28, 2029.
More Information:
The role of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) is to review transportation capital projects including roadway, pedestrian and bicycle improvements and provide input to staff on Complete Streets features and for conformity with the City’s Bicycle, Pedestrian and Safe Routes to Transit Plan, adopted in September 2016 (Plan); review related grant applications; annually review the City’s progress on Plan implementation; and, review and provide input on programs or policies related to implementation of the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Safe Routes to Transit Plan as requested by staff or the City Council.
The Concord Pavilion Community Outreach Committee (Committee) shall provide guidance to the Pavilion General Manager on outreach efforts to attract applications from local schools, cultural organizations and the community to bring additional community events to the Pavilion which will expand the use of the venue beyond the concert season. The Committee will assist the Pavilion General Manager in identifying potential community events, but will not have authority to approve or disapprove of event applications.
The Design Review Board is composed of five members: three (3) design professionals may be nonresidents of Concord, e.g., architects, landscape architects, urban designers, building designers, at least one of whom shall be a professional licensed architect, and one (1) public member, each serving a four-year term, and one (1) member of the city Planning Commission. The public member shall be a resident of Concord with previous experience or training in design concepts. Examples of duties would include; reviewing the design of each improvement for which a building permit, certificate or other approval is required and any matter referred to the Board by the City Council, Planning Commission, Zoning Administrator, or Planning Manager, and/or staff.
The Planning Commission is made up of five (5) members serving four (4) year terms. Members must be residents of Concord who hold no other municipal office in the City of Concord. The Planning Commission develops and maintains the General Plan of the Concord Planning Area; develops specific plans as may be necessary; makes recommendations to the City Council regarding proposed General Plan amendments and municipal code modifications, reviews planned district developments, tentative subdivision maps, and use permit applications.
Are they looking for “yes” people to validate their decisions that were already made? That way they can check off the box that says it has citizen input? That’s been my experience with these “committees”.
Exactly. It’s time for DOGE on the local scale
I’m curious, how would you do it? Have a public vote for every single design application submitted to the City?