The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
For the past several weeks, dozens of unidentified drones have been flying over New Jersey. Nobody knows where they’re coming from, and even the FBI doesn’t have answers.
QUESTION: Do you think the U.S. should shoot them down, or take other action to find out what they’re doing, and who’s controlling them?
Talk about it….
I see big drones flying over here for the last year or two late at night around here also. I question,,,,?
Mid-day, last week…I watched a “something” the size of a VW bug…. barely made a humming noise. Moved very slowly across North Concord toward the delta area. I say “something” because my sight could not make out if there were drone ‘legs’ or not…but it definitely was not a helicopter.
No, I don’t think the US should shoot them down, especially over populated areas.
But as usual, the Feds are lying when they say they don’t know who they belong to,
or where they came from. I especially do not believe one word that comes out of
the mouths of Christopher Wray, Alejandro Mayorkas, Pete Buttigieg, or John Kirby.
New Jersey’s governor suggested a ban on the use of drones in New Jersey until
they get the answers they’re looking for. There have been some reports that the
drones are from an Iranian ship off the East Coast. A 700 ft ship cannot be hidden,
so if this is true, our government must know about it.
This has gone on for way too long.
Shoot the darn things down and give us answers.
They fly all the time over Concord. As long as they don’t hover over your backyard it’s no different than small planes flying into Buchanan. No need to get my undies in a bundle.
so much war nerves. It is east to see if they are legal drones or not as anything over .55lbs (250 grams) has to be registered with the FAA and have remote ID so other planes and the tower know when they fly. I am a certified UAV pilot and these are the rules. If they are not registered and not pinging the tower the local law enforcement when notified of the flight from the FAA will be able to track to source and fine the operator. If the local enforcement is not responding then there is no perceived threat from the FAA to commercial or metro flights and likely licensed drone operators. You can see this as the dumb a$$ flying over Vanderberg was instantly noticed and located and will escorted to the hotel with bars. Anything on the ground can be filmed by aircraft of any kind although it seems attention is only on drones. Shooting one down is a federal offense and carries the same consequence as shooting at a 747 so just remember the last picture the thing takes is likely you shooting at it and exactly where you did it from.
just flew a pro drone around concord at 4:15 (all lights on) … let’s see how many people get tweaked…. We are better than this….
If one hovers over my property, I’d like to shoot it down with the shotgun. I would probably then see who comes and gets it…have police nearby.
Highly illegal you will do time if you try
We need to take them out – inspect them and be transparent about it…. the feds have to know something … wonder if any “private” group would be willing to get a sample or two? hmmmmmm
SF Gate has story today.. Arrested at SFO~~”Chinese national and permanent U.S. resident from Brentwood….” More than one Brentwood in Ca. So…..… uh oh~ I’m tellin’ ya… you cannot trust anyone. Maybe your own mother… maybe.
Arrested for what?
I heard today that there were several following a Coast Guard cruiser, sounds like on more than one occasion. These should be shot down and retrieved. If we are unable to stop drones, we as a nation are in trouble. I suspect it is China testing the boundaries. I would like to think we are acting this way because we want them to try something, to show them we are much more powerful, but our current weakness at the top makes me think we’ll have a lot of catching up to do.
When Trump takes office, he will be shoot it down. If there is a foreign vessel being used as a
home base, he will sink it. Biden probably doesn’t even know about it at this point.
If they are spying why do they have navigation lights?
I blame Obama. 😜
Usa military drones obviously. Create problem, create solution, relieve proles of their rights. Already legislation has been proposed to crack down on civilian drones as a result. All of this leads without fail to more power for government and less for citizenry.
I fail to see any necessity for civilians to be able to fly drones over military installations.