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I am looking forward to the direction this country takes. I just hope the establishment trolls (mcconnell, murkowski, etc.) act to the benefit of the nation, and not themselves. Shame thune is SML, second worst choice of those running (at least not cornyn). On another note, I see cortez is running to head oversight committee. I do believe she is not in it for herself, but rather in that simple hollow coconut she thinks she would be “protecting” everybody. She has grown a bit in her savviness, unfortunately, there is no intellect to build a foundation upon. She is just not bright.
Condolences to Democrats
Newscum is pronouncing his proactive “protection” of Cali from the Trump administration – what if we don’t want his kind of “protection”? I’ve sent his office an email expressing my concerns over his overreach of Cali “protection” to me as a citizen of the USA.
Yes, protection for illegal aliens, criminals, wokesters, those that want the government to be their mommy and provider, liberal whack jobs, those that support and enable corrupt government…..
‘HIDDEN DYNAMITE’: Attorney warns Biden family is about to have a ‘bad day’
We’re still doing the “Trump dance!”.. and boy is he impressing with what he’s already getting done before he’s even in office! I think the American public has seen through the smear job that the media has been doing against him in the past and won’t stand for it now. I see a better country and a better world! The democrats are looking like fools now.
The truth is that the Democrats and legacy media are looking worse and worse by the day. They brought it all on themselves, and they deserve what they are getting. But I am sure that there are many people in the party both in politics and outside of it that really would like it if their “representatives” (and left leaning media) would stop doubling down on bad policy, bad presentation and false narratives….and get back to some form of normalcy. BUT they have a real difficult time acknowledging that they were wrong and facing the fact that their “witch-hunt” failed….it is over.
Why doesn’t Joe (“The Big Guy”) just pardon all Democrats past, present and future for all possible crimes they may commit forever?
“We maintain the peace through our strength;
weakness only invites aggression.”
–Ronald Reagan
Many don’t know of iran hostage crisis during jimmy THE WIMP carter administration. Americans held 444 days. President Reagan sworn in, iran releases hostages.
Trump wins election,’…Hamas Prepares for Hostage Deal After Trump Victory, Threat’
The world before and after trump election
COVID WAS A HOAX. They canceled anyone who questioned it. They fantasized about you dying for not complying with mask and vaccine passports. They were all in on it. No amount of pardons covers genocide
Came across this on Reddit,
Click on to enlarge,
Did some searching,
‘FINAL REPORT: COVID Select Concludes 2-Year Investigation, Issues 500+ Page Final Report on Lessons Learned and the Path Forward’ Summary
To download 557 page report.
Released 04 December 2024
Who is the smarmiest, Newsom or Schiff?
Slimey, scheming, political rat f%#I<ers
Forget about Christmas, the Biden Syndicate wants you to celebrate Pansexual and Panromantic Pride Day!
Take a roto-plooker to lunch………..
‘Syria’s sudden uprising is a stark reminder of Obama’s failed foreign policy’
Why world laughed at US foreign policy from obama biden and biden harris regimes.
Back peddling without mirrors,
Will world be less dangerous after 20 January 2025 ? ? ?
Rapist Jay-Z and Kamala Harris are good friends as they use to run around in the same circle decades ago. I’m interested in what kind of drugs Harris did. She already admitted to marijuana. Her dad is still mad at that. Did Harris do coke with Jay Z in the 80’s? Possibly crack and ludes too? Extasy? Maybe with Motell Williams when she was a “side chick”? When she talks it sounds like she is suffering the after effects of being high, like so many ex-stoners that I know. It’s as if they act and look high, but really aren’t. Like they have brain damage.
More important news for Liberals…
Who is running the country? Serious question!
Joe is MIA or falling asleep on the world stage.
Kamala is MIA since losing the election.
Nobody is saying anything to anyone about anything. It makes me nervous that the inept have become the invisible.
Gettiing paid for nothing.