Happy Friday to all the wonderful citizens in the City of Claycord.
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Cowellian’s first.
I hope y’all had a great Thanksgiving!
Seemed to have woken up in foggy old London this morning or at least it looks that way. Couldn’t even see across the street.
another week, another guy dressed up in bar/tavern apparel trying to sell me on solar (I find it ironic today was a day of fog, when the sun was nowhere to be seen). Worst part is, when I say I am not interested in solar, they ask me why. No, you cannot ask why. Well, you can ask, but all I’ll say is no and close the door.
Had a guy show up wanting to patch cracks in driveway, level out, patch cracks then skin coat with epoxy mix.
Asked for business card. Doesn’t have one on him
Gives quote of $600
Lowers quote to $500
Offers to patch crack in walkway.
All of a sudden it’s $250 for driveway and $250 for walkway.
Told him to mail business card to address with Contractors License number on it.
IF it’s too good to be true . . . . . . . . . NOT expecting any mail from him.
Beware of the traveling Gypsies.
Don’t think anywhere near as fast as I used to, should have gotten license plate and called Clayton PD so they could come and check him out. At very least might scare him out of Clayton area.
Hmmm . . . . .
Don’t quite know how to take, what my eldest Grandson happened to mention a couple weeks ago.
Seems he and his brother have already decided which of my American large engine full size mid 90s vehicles they’re getting when I pass on . . . . . . .
You can sit on your porch and when the time comes, give to the Hmong kid next door.
For those who enjoy jigsaw puzzles,
Tsunami warning over cell phone,
M 7.0 – 62 mi WSW of Ferndale, California.
Ocean bouys