The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
QUESTION: How close do you think we are to going to war with Russia? And are you worried about the possibility?
Talk about it….
Farther away then we were on Nov 4th when Harris was still a possiblity.
But, with her and Biden still in power, they still have a chance to light that fuse.
Yeah thankfully Trump is friends with Putin so he knows Zelensky’s days are numbered. They will almost certainly come to a deal early 2025 and just cede some territory. That’s what Putin wanted in the beginning anyway before Britain and friends told Ukraine to reject the deal fight them with our support instead.
No, I’m not worried. I was just a little kid, but I remember very vividly
the Cuban missile crisis, when JFK had nuclear missiles installed in
Turkey, aimed at the USSR, and Khrushchev retaliated by installing
missiles in Cuba aimed at the USA. JFK gets spooked and decides
to surround Cuba with Naval war ships to prevent Soviet supplies
from entering Cuba. JFK was just another typical Democrat,
cleaning up a mess he created. Then he creates another
mess in Vietnam, (but that’s a story for another day.)
Americans have been indoctrinated by the media to believe the
Russians are evil and are our enemy. But, are they really our enemy?
What have they ever done to us? Nothing. In fact, they were our
ally during WWII, and we could not have won the war with
Germany without their help. We even partnered with them in the
space program. Ever since the end of WWII, we’ve been
provoking and antagonizing them, and putting our nose into
their business. We don’t agree with their politics, and they
don’t agree with ours, they are an adversary, but they are not our
enemy. I do not believe Putin wants to go to war with us, but we
should keep our nose out of their business. If we minded our own
business, the Korean and Vietnam wars could have been prevented.
Trump will soon be in office, and we will be seeing a big change.
Dawg I agree with you 100% we have been programed to hate Russians and none of us know why. We were allies in the fight of WW2 and then crap. We do not have to agree with their politics as long as they don’t throw rocks at us. If we had a civil war how would we like for someone like China to pick the victor? I remember as a child the duck and cover drills (later moved to earthquake then to active shooter “my children’s generation”) living on McCarthyism “kinda like the jerks when you were not vaccinated,wow”. If we go to war with Russia there is nothing we can do about it anyway as the ones that make that decision we have no control over. I am so pleased Cheetos is the returning commander in chief so maybe this conversation will be purely academic.
… there was a period about 20 yrs ago with Yeltsin in Russia – that didn’t last long – when Russia, China, and the US were actually on very good terms (relatively speaking) …. we had large numbers of Russians traveling and moving here.
agreed but only islands in the sea of sharks. Boris is a interesting politician as he propped up the “ideological conformity that was expected within the authoritarian state” yet disagreed with Gorbachev on how the states were run but both set out to end the USSR. “kind of like the Muskrat (Musk)” good men doing the right thing. Unfortunately we still see “Russia Russia Russia” as played out in current politics. Please do not get me wrong I think it is all stupid
I remember the Cuban Missile Crisis when the high school girls were all crying because they really thought that the end was near. I was stoic and didn’t feel anything about it. I would suspect that cooler heads will prevail. But the money junkies see too much profit in the debt that another big war would create, that is if there is anything left afterward to spend that profit on. And then there is that they may not be able to climb out of their bunkers after the cement trucks have paved them over. 😀
Americans and Russians don’t inherently hate each other. The problems arise from the person in charge in Russian. Stalin and Kruschev were autocrats who weren’t satisfied with ruling Russia, they had the Soviet Union. In the early 1990s, The Berlin wall was taken down and East Germany collapsed. The Soviet Union soon fell apart, something that soon led to significant cooperation between Russia, Western Europe, the U.S. along with the newly freed countries of Eastern Europe. Cooperation with Russia grew under Gorbachev, but then Vladimir Putin took over with the goal of recreating the Soviet Union. For Putin, Ukraine is just the start. I don’t think it’s in our interest to ignore what’s coming in Europe.
Trump will surrender Ukraine to Russia and Putin’s footprints will be all over Trump.
Some people never get tired of being wrong.
utterly foolish remark. Yes their will be concessions but people will stop dying and Ukraine will live on.
I wasn’t aware the Ukraine belonged to the US.
How can you possibly surrender that which was never yours to begin with?!?
Doh – provide proof.
You’re still crying because the GOP has the presidency, the Senate and the House – all with a conservative SCOTUS.
Since you’re so unhappy here, why don’t you move to some third-world $hithole country where you’ll be “happy.”
We already at war with Russia with Ukraine as a proxy.
Not too close…. lots of blowing bellicose …. a skirmish of proxies as it has been ….. NKorea doesn’t dare take US too far, same as Iran right now with Israel knocking down doors on their border …. a bif IF …if Russia, China, Iran or NKorea would be dumb enough to come at the US directly – I hope our current (or future) leadership would have the gumption (was thinking of another word but want to keep it clean) to retaliate strongly and not show our underbelly as we’ve been doing
The Russian military is a midget with one giant arm. It’s conventional military is weak and relies too much on it’s Officer Corps for it’s day to day operations, but it’s nuclear capability has to be respected.
Putin has no interest in anything but proxy war(s) and to be frank, neither does the US. M.A.D. (Mutual assured destruction) is still a realistic war outcome with a near-peer adversary.
In a conventional war, Russia does not have enough advantage to risk even a limited war with the US as their war of attrition with the Ukraine clearly demonstrates.
In a total war scenario, what would the point be with M.A.D. hanging over everyone’s head like the Sword of Damocles?!?
So long as moderation is watch word, I envision another Soviet invasion of Afghanistan result for Putin.
About as close as we were in 43,44,53,60,61,62,65,68,79,86,97 shall I go on. Nothing will ever change we will always be close to war with Russia.
I don’t lose sleep over iit now.
The world caught on fire under the weakness of the Biden Harris Administration.
It would have never happened under Trump.
I also know it’s going to resolve itself with Trump back in office. So much for our try with liberalism.. It didn’t work at home nor for the world. We would have had World War 3 had Harris neen elected. (Or been taken over)
“History teaches that war begins when
governments believe the price of aggression is cheap.”
–Ronald Reagan
“We maintain the peace through our strength;
weakness only invites aggression.”
–Ronald Reagan
When this counter reaches zero, threat of war will be reduced.
When Joe Biden was elected everybody knew he had the worst foreign policy in American history no one should be surprised that we are on the verge of nuclear war with Russia which would trigger an all out destruction of our planet I’m sure the tree huggers are freaking out right now I wouldn’t worry about carbon dioxide right now
No worries…its all hype to keep the media folks employed. We’ll be fine and the sun will rise and set as usual.
Unless biden wants to do something as a final “forget u” move and start acting belligerently (historically, he has only acted belligerently to American citizens and non-dinosaur politicians) toward Russia, we are not close. putin will flex to intimidate NATO because he knows how weak biden is and always was, and also he knows his time for this is limited. He may be power hungry, and wants a return to ussr of old, but he also knows (unless his mind is going the way biden’s unfortunately is/has) starting an actual war with the US would be a losing proposition. I don’t think he is confident that China would step in to help, at least post-January 20, 2025.