The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
QUESTION: Would you support a school voucher program in California?
(School vouchers give parents the freedom to choose a private school for their children, using all or part of the public funding set aside for their child’s education.)
Talk about it….
Yes. Let the parents decide where to send their kids. There would be an insetive for keeping good teachers and weed out the bad ones.
Absolutely. Force the schools to compete for my dollars rather than being guaranteed taxpayer funds regardless of their effectiveness. Might help the schools move a little back toward education and away from indoctrination.
Schools already have to compete for your dollars. The state funds public schools based on attendance. If a student attends private school, the public school will not receive funding for that student.
Absolutely not. No public funds to religious institutions (99% of private schools)
Absolutely would support.
School vouchers means schools and teachers have to step up their game.
Also support abolishing jimmy THE WIMP carter’s department of education. Kids need to be educated not taught how to pass a government test.
How many teachers, administrators and members of state legislature
could pass this 8 th grade test.
Public funds should not be used to pay for private or religious schools.
There are alternatives, parents can home school their children,
send them to a public school, or don’t have children if they cannot afford them.
However, when I was younger, community colleges were tuition-free,
and I do believe community colleges should go back to being tuition-free.
I agree
Absolutely yes!
Absolutely yes ….. CA public schools are so bad anything has to be better…. the unions are supported by the governor – the governor in turn gives in to the union for anything they want … CA used to be in the top 5 of the country academically, now the bottom 5 and the teachers and staff are among the highest paid in the country (recently in EB Times the salary range was between $74K – $115K for 9 months work and how many “Teacher” days?) … the $$ funding / per student in CA is among the top in the country – what is the public school system doing with the $$ ? Auditors can’t even figure it out….
Do you only pay rent 9 months out of the year?
I would support lowering my property taxes when my childen finish MDUSD!
Yes. If you use the voucher to send your child to a private school, it reduces the costs of the public school by what should be a like amount. It should force the public schools to be managed better (or they will just try to get taxes raised like they always seem to do).
Yes, on general.
Schools need to accredited thru objective educational & academic standards to be eligible to collect vouchers.
It’ll never happen in CA because teacher unions control Dem politicians.
Yes absolutely best thing for the kids I think the teachers cartel will fight that tooth and nail they want to make sure every child is indoctrinated
No. This takes funding from public schools. If parents prefer alternatives, let them pay for it.
Only an idiot thinks vouchers are a solution – basically you’d be paying rich parents who send their kids to private schools already or pay for home school supplies for home schoolers like a computers and Bibles. If you want a voucher program to actually help kids, limit it to districts in the bottom 10% of income below $40k …
School Vouchers Were Supposed to Save Taxpayer Money. Instead They Blew a Massive Hole in Arizona’s Budget.