The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
QUESTION: We’re bringing back our “Best of Claycord” feature, but we want to know, what categories would you like to see? (example: Best Local Restaurant, Best Local Mexican Food, Best Local Park, Best Auto Repair Shop, etc., etc.)
Talk about it….
Best Indian Food restaurant.
Best “bang for your buck” takeout.
Best all you can eat buffet.
Best Italian food restaurant.
Best Chinese food restaurant.
Best Mediterranean food restaurant.
Best Steak House.
Best Sports bar.
Best burger joint.
Best hardware store.
Best barber shop.
Any category that will allow us to insert ‘Olive Garden’ as an answer. 🤪
2 you mentioned… best Mexican food and auto repair shop… also add best auto parts store & breakfast restaurant
Best live music
Best Parking
Restaurants with Best Parking
Best (smoothest) Roads
Best (shortest) Traffic Lights
Best Local Government (Sorry, it’s difficult to laugh and type simultaneously)
Best potential Olive Garden site