The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
QUESTION: Do you still get door-to-door solicitors, or do you mainly get sales calls on the phone?
Talk about it….
Cell phone not in my name and is normally turned off, barely use it for internet because of all the ads. Have stopped youtube because of ads. Four minutes of ad garbage to get to a one minute video NOT HAPPENING. No wonder TikTok is popular.
Have sign by front door,
” If you are pushing a service, product, politician or religion,
and I did not call you TURN AROUND AND LEAVE ”
If they lack attention span or comprehension to understand and they summon me, they leave with clear understanding to pass by next time.
Quick story, had a boss who was bored one day and invited in couple of folks to talk about religion. He complained they kept coming back. He moved, problem solved??? They showed up at his new house. Former neighbors told them where to find him.
I had a friend who slept during the day because she was a night shift nurse at a hospital. She was getting woken up by Jeholvas Witnesses knocking on her door and wanting to push their religion. She went to her church one day and grabbed a bunch of pamplets. The next time they came & knocked, they tried to speak and then she gave them her pamplets and then slammed the door in their face. She was never woken up again!
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You can find it on Google and download it for free.
Get both…. ignore phone calls – tell door to door sales people not interested, period.
I have not one, but two no soliciting signs just to make things as clear as possible and they still knock and ring the bell. There was even one pesky solicitor that kept rolling up day after day on a hoverboard of all things. When you point out the signs and say you are still not interested they get attitude. I also had one time a solicitor yelling over my side yard gate to get my attention! It’s 2024. No one needs to be lurking around your property or calling you on your phone for things you did not inquire about.
Neither. I can’t remember the last time a salesperson came to my door,
and I don’t get sales calls because they don’t have my number.
Why don’t they have my number? Because I don’t freely give it out.
Ignore them all.
When I hear/see the phone call/number and don’t know it , … just pass on it.
Don’t need to worry about cell phone, since we don’t use the one, we have.
T-Mobile blocks most Spam calls to my cell phone, and I block the rest,
When someone calls my home phone, I remind them that they are in violation of Tennessee’s no-spam law and can be fined $2000 per occurrence.
When someone comes to my door, the hounds convince them that they are not wanted here.
Mostly sales calls even though I’m on the National Do Not Call List. They don’t care!
Door to door, which I cannot stand. I don’t answer the phone, so I cannot say I get those types.
What if their breaking into your car.. better have that same energy
What about registering your phone number on ‘Do not call’ registry?
Another Democrat government total fail.
I have a video doorbell so I know without getting up and seeing who is at the door. There are even canned responses and my door bell ring is ominous which friends get a kick out of. Phone calls go to my old landline number which is on a smartphone for now but those are few and finally the mass texts from the political parties are over for now. By next election we need to get legislation passed where they need to get permission to text us. There are many older folks who have low cost carrier plans where they get billed more if it exceeds too many text message.