The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
QUESTION: It’s 1994, but you wake up, and it’s suddenly 2024. What would surprise you first? (besides the 30 year jump in time)
Talk about it….
That Bill Clinton was just a nobody now!! Whoopee!!
All the latest technology.
Small shoe box sized cars after being used to FULL SIZED American cars.
They did away with Chevy Impala wagons and Buick Roadmasters.
Californians were stupid enough to reelect Pat Brown’s idiot kid, moonbeam.
AOL frisbee CDs no longer show up in mail box.
Damage done to America by obama, biden and deranged WOKE.
Not surprised by,
validation of Moore’s Law and how many of Arthur C Clarke’s predictions happened.
Many cars were down sized before the 1990’s. 1980’s was huge influx of small foreign cars!
Why is everyone looking at this little box in there hand? Like obsessed with it.
How people have decided that doing what is nice is righteous and doing what’s right is somehow cold and heartless.
The stupidity!
I am surprised that a small city like Concord, whose motto was,
“Concord, Where Families Come First,” has made a complete
change of direction and spiraled downward by allowing illegal
invaders and the homeless to turn the Monument and Oak Grove
neighborhood into an ugly site. Illegals are loitering in front of
businesses, and the homeless have created a health hazard.
This is especially true in front of Walgreen’s where the sidewalk
is stained from human poop, pee, and vomit.
Wow. This is actually so true! Going from Concord in 1994 and coming up here now would seem like a horror episode of The Twilight Zone!
That’s Edi Birsan for you! His district, he lives a stone’s throw away from that mess.
The biggest and most important change has been the worldwide availability of the internet. I was able to get dial-up internet in mid-1994. While it was interesting, it wasn’t until I discovered the Mosaic web browser that I knew that a massive change was underway.
#1. Why all the people are stuck staring at the “communication devices” …. #2. How all the people (especially kids) have no respect for others, are rude, no perception of responsibility, the “me first” mentality * & the entitlement culture so common now
In 1994 I already had a cellphone, a little perk I bought around Christmas after I bought one for my sister and brother-in-law, strangely after they had bought ones for their kids but not one for themselves. I would scratch my head now in how obsessed with these things and how much they do.
Digital TV? Well, Zappa’s “200 Motels” was shot on video with a system for doing movies and that was in the early 1970s. Flat panels? Read an article probably in the 1960s about a cathode ray color flat panel that had been developed.
And finally what happened to society between 1994 and 2024 that it has become so screwed up!
where can i return my blockbuster video? I forgot to rewind it though.
I cannot say because I slept for 30 years my bladder is too full !!!!!
We all survived Y2K.
Men can menstruate? And what’s the deal with all of the women with beards?
First thing to surprise me would be either a) the difficulty my knees would have lifting me to a standing position, or b) that wrinkly face with now white hair staring back at me from the mirror. I mean, I still look at that reflection and wonder when that change happened, and I haven’t been in a 30 year slumber.
Almost everything in the Jetsons is now a reality
How corrupt and dishonest the news media has become and what a fascist dictatorship we are living in
That we had young children then and now have 15 grandchildren……so far.
How dumb the gen z and x generations are!!
That I should’ve hung onto that Apple stock.
Gawd! I thought what Bill Clinton did with the young employee of the White House Office of Legislative Affairs was bad. Now they’ve got a guy coming back for a second term who cheated on several wives; lied about a global pandemic; exposed thousands of people to a deadly virus by holding huge rallies; misused a charitable fund; stiffed contractors; bankrupted a casino (who bankrupts a casino?!?); ran a fake university; instigated an insurrection against the United States; was the subject of two impeachments; has thirty-four felony convictions; has charges of fraud, election subversion, and obstruction; has told so many lies the counters stopped counting, and who knows what else. Geesh!
We could have had the wife of a cheater – remember the babysitter.
We could have had someone who lied about her bosses mental capacity.
We could have had someone who wants to take away our guns – you know what the constitution allows us to have?
We could have had someone who does not have a plan for our economy.
We could have had someone who would not have changed anything that her boss had done over the last four years – how much better off are you?
We could have had someone, though assigned to look at our borders, failed to do that so that we have massive amounts of illegal immigrants crossing our borders.
We could have had someone who could not do it on her own, hence why she was dropped in at the last minute and had to be propped up by everyone.
We could have had a VP who lied about his military record and rank – stolen valor?
We could have had a VP who struggled to load a shotgun – but he is an avid gun owner.
I mean, not like she got blown out of the water .. was it ~85 electoral votes she lost by … It was only 3 million popular votes, but umm … she got 10 MILLION less votes then the senile old man she reported too.
But Geesh …
I took BART home from work yesterday. What happened to it?