The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Governor Gavin Newsom said California’s Prop.36 (which passed) “takes us back to the 1980s, mass incarceration.”
Prop.36, the Homelessness, Drug Addiction and Theft Reduction Act, will undo portions of Proposition 47 by increasing penalties for some crimes.
QUESTION: Why do you think Gavin Newsom is so against locking up criminals for the crimes they commit?
Talk about it….
Because he’s a POS and wants the money for other things. Not fixing the roads though or cleaning up the homeless. He wants criminals on the streets to terrorize people. Communists don’t care about citizens. It’s all about controlling you.
Because he’s a soft on crime liberal wimp who doesn’t believe in holding criminals accountable for their crimes. If he doesn’t believe in mass incarceration, then criminals need to quit committing crimes. Problem solved.
He is against because he does not want to lock up his family, donators and voters.
Donors. Not donators.
Gavin Newsom – Friend and enabler to criminals, and supporter & promoter of crime.
In answer to question, ABSOLUTELY
Locking up convicted felons is expensive. Funny thing happened state prison inmates filed federal lawsuit on prison overcrowding. little known ploy, if politicians want something to happen which would cost them votes, they encourage a lawsuit. When Court issues verdict they wanted all along, they say look the Judge forced us to do this.
Enter AB-109 which shoved democrat’s prison overcrowding down onto all 58 California counties.
Is short democrat super majority state legislature passed a law that made prison overcrowding NOT THEIR PROBLEM. Prop 47 was their knee jerk fix to Jail overcrowding.
My problem with Prop 36 is it leaves the $950 threshold unchanged, but did add language for repeat offenders to be charged with a felony.
As is misdemeanor criminals have to escalate their level of violence to to be charged with a FELONY, until that happens they will continue to cycle thru revolving doors of county jails and will continue to be predacious upon society.
Rest assured democrat super majority state legislature and His Imperial Majesty Emperor newsom will continue to do whatever they want. Their utopian woke fantasy is important to them. Do some research into how many times Courts have struck down newsom’s actions.
Best description, a shallow knee jerk thinker, photo Op politician who should be barred from politics for number of times Courts have ruled his decisions were not legal or flat unconstitutional.
Until democrats begin being voted out of office expect little to change in California. After all if they keep getting elected why should they care about WE THE PEOPLE.
Newscum is closing prisons, jails, etc. even turning San Quentin into a “help” center ….. once we get more arrests, prosecutions, etc. everyone will say “why did we let him close all of the jails, prisons, etc.?) … it will be poor reflection on him
Introspection is always retrospection. Applies in my opinion to Gavin Newsom.
No one cares what that greasy pile of cr^p thinks. I am kinda surprised he does not simply wipe it away like he did the death penalty after we voted on it. These turds always scream about people being dictators and “the end of democracy” but all that stuff is simply projection as they practice the roles of dictator until perfect and deflect by pointing fingers.
To add insult to injury here the greasy pile of cr^p came out last night and first thing out of his mouth was “We need to develop a strategy to fight the president” when any reasonable leader would say “we will need to work with this new administration”. “They want to talk treason?” that is right on the border of it.
What qualifies as treason?
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. among other things
Your next Newscum, your blueness is on the verge of being redded out.
Go ahead and call your emergency legislation meetings your on the chopping block and ain’t no way to stop it.
Gavin is against it “Surprise, Suprise, Surprise”
He knows what it’s like to be a criminal.
He is ruining California with his wishes. He is not allowed to override the President of the United States.
I have lived In California way longer than this pansy and used to enjoy living here, until he cane along.
Weird people were in San Francisco on Polk St and the Castro and the Mission. but not everywhere you look. I moved to the suburbs to get away from it and now look around you, they are everywhere in California.. Newsom only cares about Hollywood and his image in the news. Buh Bye!
If Newsom wants to cancel Prop 36, he’ll need to act fast. He’s about to enter his final two years as governor and can’t run again. If he were to succeed at canceling it, it would likely be considered to be a black mark on his record when he runs for president.
The passage of Prop 36 will add more police officers, and Newsom
wants to defund the police. Prop 36 also takes funds away from
Newsom’s mental health and substance abuse programs.
The problem with that is, not every thief is mentally ill, or have
a drug problem. But it shouldn’t matter, because they still know
right from wrong, they just choose wrong, and they belong in jail.
What we need now is DA’s and judges that will put them behind bars.
gavvy gets to play this way for a couple more years, then will have to veer to the right, the normal thinking side, as he prepares to run for prez (God help us). With harris out, he’ll be in the number 1 spot.
Because he thinks criminals casually stealing from Targets and Safeway are Target’s and Safeway’s problem, not California’s.
Gavin a greasy ghoul with vampiric appetites, he feeds on the flesh of the innocent, his crimes unnoticed in the chaos he has created. Much like Jack the Ripper who did his works amongst the impoverished immigrants in the Whitechapel slums.
Gavin said he supports Prop 47 and was against Prop 36 because it unfairly targets people of color. The majority of the people who I’ve seen in the media stealing are people of color. Perhaps its unfair for the media to report incidences of theft in Gavin’s eyes.
Went to my bookmarked page and video had been disappeared but wen archive still had it.
This an older video, ‘Responsi-Damn-bility’
Previous post it’s, web archive, great resource.
CC DA Diana Becton was also against it.
Bring back tar and feathering……..
Newsom is so Arrogant that he likely still does Not get It… Trump Won… Prop 36 passed… The Oakland Mayor was Recalled… The Alameda Co. DA was Recalled… The Los Angeles DA Lost… The SF Mayor Lost… Br glad when He is Gone..