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Home » The Water Cooler – Are You Surprised By The Presidential Election Results?

The Water Cooler – Are You Surprised By The Presidential Election Results?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Be honest, are you surprised by the Presidential Election results?

Talk about it….

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Yes I am, it is the same as it was in 2016 Against Hiliary Clinton So, now this is the Hiliary 2.0 It did not take long for Trump to win the presidency and I am sure he will never leave office before his term ends.

I cannot imagine what this going to be like for the next four years.


Much like it was between 2016-2020 wayyyyyyy better but just pull your panties out & take a deep breathe it will all be ok


how was it better?

so…. 2020, Biden 81,283,501 and Trump 74,223,975 compared to Carmela “yes I said it” at 66,985,924 and Cheetos 71,790,131….. an additional 18 million votes different between dems 2020 to 2024 and you don’t think 2020 was rigged? That’s delusion and Hillary is a cold vindictive trash bag that the country dodged a bullet not to have commander-in-chief, we all stood in lines we have never stood in before to vote. Trump will do what is necessary to insure the republic and then in 4 years will hand the baton to the next champion.


Angry American,
According to the California Secretary of State, voter turnout in 2020 was 80.67%, while it’s only at 47.50% for 2024, as of end of business today, but will increase as vote counting will continue thru December 03, 2024 for president and vice president and thru December 06, 2024 for all other races. It was 75.27% in 2016. California has 5,473,423 more votes to count.

Why would any POTUS leave off before his term ends?

I get it…hard to imagine the direction gavvy and the other nutjobs voted into office in this state, how much more astray will they take us. It is tough to think how gavvy thinks, you’d have to excise your soul. As for the rest of the nation, try to imagine what affordable energy prices, restoration of various liberties, representation at a federal level (after years of growth of the centralized government). I understand such liberty is scary to some.

Why would former President and President-elect Trump leave office before his term ends?

No, I’m not. I don’t think it was as close as the liberal media wanted us to believe it was.


And the far left pollsters who lied to their constituents should be out of business.


100% agree, I have always said that polls are meaningless. They poll 1500
people, and that is supposed to represent the population? It doesn’t as far
as I’m concerned. People also lie, some will say they are registered voters
when they are not, they will also lie about whom they support just to throw
off the polls. Liberals are the biggest cheaters and liars in the country.
I read some of their comments, and yesterday when we were asked if we
will accept the election results, the liberals that answered yes, are
commenting on today’s Water Cooler, whining about it.


While the polling of “likely voters” tends to be the most accurate, they will also poll “registered voters,” “voters” which includes likely, registered, sporadic voters, and low propensity voters, “citizens” whiich includes non-voters, and “adults” which includes non-citizens. While many polls fell within the margin of error, it was the interpretation of those poll results and outright lies by American corporate “news” media anchors, analysts, contributors, and guests who knowingly misled the public.
We only need to look at the two Iowa poll results which came out days before the election. One poll showed Vice President Kamala Harris leading by 3.5% which was covered extensively by the media and the other poll showed former President Donald Trump leading by 6% which was largely ignored by the media. Both polls were off from the actual results, the Trump +6 poll was off by 7.2% and Harris +3.5 was off by 16.7%. The Harris +3.5 pollster should be forced out of the polling business with poll results that are off by almost 17%.
We also have Professor Alan Lichtman and his 13 Keys who predicted a win by Vice President Kamala Harris. He wasn’t off because he misread his 13 Keys, he was off because he allowed his biased and negative views of former President Donald Trump to influence his interpretation of his 13 Keys. He was going on TV news media programs speaking about his 13 Keys and later his 2024 prediction, while doing so he espoused his negative personal opinions of former President Donald Trump. He allowed his biased views to cloud his judgment and interpretations.

No, I told my wife a few days ago that I thought that Trump would win big based on the way things seemed to be turning in his favor. I also felt deep down that enough Americans would vote for Trump to make certain that the most incompetent person to ever run for President would not be elected.


Not at al surprised, what does surprise me is number of votes a clearly under qualified harris got. She would have been ab absolute disaster on foreign policy.
Guess that’s what happens when a party strives to increase number of government employees, those dependent on government.
Wanna have some fun ? ? ?

Watch media propaganda wing of democrat party and count what they’re blaming for giggles not wining.
Something democrat talking heads have raised to an art form is blaming others.

An don’t forget the mega wealthy and foreign entities expecting a LARGE return from making campaign contributions.
‘Why Did Gov. Gavin Newsom Make Hurried $1 Billion Deal With China’s BYD for Masks?’
“New details are emerging about Gov. Gavin Newsom’s $1.4 Billion deal for masks with BYD, a Chinese electric bus maker that is now manufacturing N95 masks.”
‘Newsom refuses to divulge secret deal for coronavirus masks – Los Angeles Times’
‘Little Scrutiny Two Years After Gov. Newsom’s Odious $1B China BYD Mask Deal’…

“Two years after Gov. Gavin Newsom’s shady no-bid $1 billion N-95 mask deal with newly formed BYD Mask company, there are still many questions surrounding the deals.”
‘Kamala Harris Under Fire for Accepting Campaign Cash from Chinese Auto Exec with Ties to Chinese Communist Party’….

…”“BYD Americas was selected in late 2022 to receive $395,000 under the administration’s Clean School Bus program, which was spearheaded by Harris and EPA administrator Michael Regan, EPA documents show,”



I really felt that Harris messed this up for herself when said that she would not change a thing from Biden.
She passed over Shapiro for Walz?
What was her plan?

She was given this opportunity and she worked hard to lose


Sort of…. given his legal problems, pending trials, inflammatory rhetoric especially of late ….. just hope he doesn’t hand Ukraine to Putin which will embolden Putin to rebuild the USSR by invading other countries too.


Just like he did back in 2016 right?


Was his inflammatory rhetoric worse than that of the Democrats and their media allies? Did Trump or his proxies ever directly attack Harris supporters like the Harris campaign did?


Domo… you’ve been totally brainwashed by MSNBC or CNN. They are the fake news. They were telling us for the last 2 years that Biden was top mental shape with any viewer knew different. We were better off 4 years ago with trump. The country the economy and the world had no Wars. I expect the same now thank goodness


I watch Fox news …. but do a lot of independent thinking and research …. hope you’re right & I’m wrong


The federal cases against former President and President-elect Donald Trump are being shut down because of DOJ policy that forbids the prosecution of a sitting president. His New York case looks as though it’ll be tossed out on appeal. The case in Fulton County, Georgia appears to be the only legal case to possibly move forward, but it’ll probably be delayed until 2029, if it’s not tossed out of court before then. How is it that you think he’s going to hand Ukraine over to Putin/Russia? The Europeans have the option to fund and supply Ukraine with more money and weapons should the US no longer fund and supply Ukraine with money and weapons.


More like Content than Surprised.


No, when I heard the President calling millions of Americans garbage, I knew
Trump will win the election. When I heard Kamala call Trump a fascist, and a Nazi,
I knew Trump will win the election. When I saw how condescending Michelle and
Barack Obama were towards Blacks, I knew Trump will win the election. When
I heard all the lies Kamala was saying during her rallies about Trump, I knew
Trump will win the election. People lacking in knowledge and critical thinking
skills, believed the lies the Dems and the liberal press were spreading about
Trump. The smart ones, watched Trump speak, and heard his message. They
understand he is empathetic, and wants what is best for our country, and
people. He probably has more empathy for Americans than any other politician.


No not at all the fact that Trump won in a complete landslide is a clear indication that people in general are sick of the BS & the lying media.


I am surprised it was that close. After the constant attacks and turmoil for the last 4 years and the constant lies and flip flops from her campaign it is hard for me to believe anyone could look at her and feel like she has their best of interests at hand. The constant projection of fear placed on the population (all projection) and endless lies “Hitler, dictator, fascist, racist, put in camps/cages, etc…” constant spewing hate with no ground to stand on never once telling what she is going to do for them just simply “Donald Donald,Donald”. (Russia,Russia,Russia, Marcia,Marcia,Marcia) so stupid.


Angry American,
The majority of those who voted for Vice President Kamala Harris didn’t “look at her and feel like she has their best of interests at hand,” they mearly looked at the “D” next to her name, which gave them the confidence to believe that their best interests were at hand.


blue no matter who I guess.


Angry American,
To be fair, the Democrat and Republican candidates will each garner a minimum of 42% of the vote just because a “D” or an “R” is next to the name of a candidate. The rare exception is when we have an exceptionally strong and popular third party candidate, such as Ross Perot in 1992 and 1996, or a true landslide election such as 1984, 1980, 1972, and 1964.

I was sure the DEMONcrats would steal it again.


Surprised, yes to how much lopsided it is.

Really surprised at how the ‘journalists’ at the Chronicle are crying and whining while CNN is backstepping on their hatred.

Surprised at the gloom and doom being portrayed by those inflicted with DTS

Not surprised CA “leadership’ is already prepping legal briefs to challenge Trump, seriously … that is how our public figures spend our hard earned money?


No, I predicted Trump would win. Media does not understand the public. Pollsters go too technical and get it wrong. But Harris compared to Trump was just a very weak candidate as if the “dems” wanted to lose.




Surprised by the result? No. The margin of victory? Absolutely.

No.Trump had a clear Policy Agenda, and I’m sure will execute those duties. It’s about timing and true love for our Country. He is very intelligent and DOES understand the Constitution, it’s Scope and Theory, World Wide Influence, all with a sincere basic premise “i.e”. Love for his Country and the American People.

Kamala Harris did well with her speech to the people and her voters as well. Time for Unity and Reflection.


I’ll just say it must be such an embarrassment for all those Hollywood elites, entertainers, musicians, Ophra, print media, and other news outlets that injected their biases and deceitful reporting to have woken up to see President Trump in the victory box. Many Americans saw right through that B.S. Godspeed President Trump.


Apparently killing your unborn children and grandchildren is not as high a priority for Americans as democrats thought. What a shame


Nope. Worst cult ever. But I’m not much of a joiner.
There used to be a curse, can’t remember what culture.
’ May you live in interesting times’
Damn is s**t about to get interesting. 🧐


Sooo!!?? Who is going to be leaving the country this time!!??
Before leaving though, make sure to leave your house, investments, income, savings, and everything else.
Write back and let us know where you moved to and an update of how better it is not living under Trump’s presidency.


Best Indie pollster – Richard Baris of People’s Pundit was highly accurate. As an independent contractor he gets paid for accuracy, not for pushing an agenda.

Also the betting markets, like Predictit were very accurate. Which is why the Dems wanted to ban political betting. Pretty hard to sell their fake narrative when millions of dollars are betting the other way.

I’m surprised that bimbo got the left coast, just shows you how screwed up the voters are here.


She only won in states that don’t require ID to vote.


No amount of Trump hatred could make Harris a qualified candidate. She was unable to articulate her positions on a number of policies, and the American voters were troubled by this.


Also, Kamala’s friends on “The View” provided a valuable assist in her defeat by asking that one simple question. This will be discussed in political science classes for decades as an example of how to torpedo your own campaign.
It was just like a lame answer on Family Feud only the big red X didn’t appear until voting day.

I am not surprised, as I had figured it could go either way. I had a sense there were more President Trump supporters out there, quiet, than the media tried to let on. In our area, many positive comments when out and about with a Trump/Vance shirt on. I was not surprised, but HIGHLY relieved, though, once I saw American citizens won.

Democrats are puzzled about why they lost?….. here’s a few reasons.
Dem leaders disenfranchised voters by forcing their duly elected candidate off the ballot.
No 4 AM van deliveries full of bogus ballots.
No kicking out poll watchers who would report cheating (tho they did try).
None of the same ballots being counted over and over thanks to surveillance video.
No massive dumping of ballots to drop boxes (again thanks to surveillance video).
Voter rolls were cleaned up in most states removing non citizens & dead people.
Trump voter turnout made it “Too big to rig”
In any case, nobody can blame the biased mainstream media, they did all they could do to misinform the nation.


Thank god Trump is president, Kamala is not fit to speak in front of an audience let alone run a country!


Not really, the billionaire technocrats, headed by Elon basically buying votes, choose their easily influenced man. The rich get richer and the poor get children, whether they like it or not. It seems the world is preparing for a major conflict and the powers that be decided a man would be better war president than a woman. Either way the next four years are going to be a wild rollercoaster ride. So hang on tight America.


Yes, all those rich celebrities who were paid to show up for Kamala are no doubt going to just keep getting richer under Trump, whether they like it or not.

and little miss billionaire Swift did not try to use her goods to buy votes?

Both sides had tycoons, money, politicans, celebrities etc on their side. So what’s your point about Musk? Yep, he has more money … he earned it by creating stuff for the world. Yeah, some not so good, some is being worked on and some is actually good. And little Swiftie, she sells music.

Sorry Inmotion, Harris lost not because Musk ‘bought’ votes, she lost becuase she could not articulate a response, had no solid plan and when handed softball questions on a tee, still swung and missed.

No. Commons sense dictates that eventually people will get tired of rampant inflation, historically high gas and energy prices, runaway crime, coddling of criminals, government war on law enforcement and police officers, wide open borders that allow any and every criminal terrorist drug smuggler child molester and worse into the country, a government that gives millions and billions of tax dollars to countries that hate us and want to destroy us….
Gee, who woulda figured!?!

now watch all the people with harris bumper stickers take them off in embarrassment hahaha


The inept, feckless, out of touch, clueless, bunch of liars, socialist, blaming, haughty and corrupt democrat politicians handed the presidency to Donald Trump on a silver plater.




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