The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Will you accept the election results if your candidate loses the Presidential election?
Talk about it….
If my candidate doesn’t win, …. guess I’ll be putting up with things as they are now.
Not looking forward to 4 more years of, if it happens.
Only if Joe Biden wins.
Some people can’t recognize humor . . . . .
I really don’t have any say in the matter, and I certainly won’t let an election result
ruin my day. Whatever happens, happens. Life goes on.
Given myriad of news reports of irregularities will be skeptical.
Funny thing about democrat party,
The End, justifies any means
Incessant negative inflammatory rhetoric by democrat politicians, their sycophants and
mediapropaganda wing of the party has had an effect on their weak minded supporters..
‘Unhinged Kamala Harris supporter who told conservative influencer ‘she deserved to be raped’ is an Oscar-nominated film producer’
‘Trump voter in a MAGA hat has teeth smashed out by New York author in random supermarket attack’
“The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small,
but their power of forgetting is enormous.
In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to
a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member
of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan”
2017 ‘Congress baseball gunman was a Trump-hating ‘angry little man’ …’
Rabid liberal mental defective fired 62 rounds of 7.62x39mm before being shot. Democrat rhetoric in pursuit of one goal power over America.
The End, justifies any means
‘MSNBC’s TDS-Riddled Joy Reid Goes OFF in Hysterical Rant’
Missed it, then again it’s just another propagandist reinforcing democrat rants.
Article makes for some fun reading . . . . .
2017 shooter said, The Rachel Maddow Show as his favorite thing on TV.
“All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself
to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach”
Never, I learned from democrats how to deny election results and I ain’t going back
Doesn’t really matter if I accept them or not. I know one of the candidates has to win by a huge margin to overcome some of the “weighting” designed to benefit the other.
Blame it on the ‘hanging chad’!
Yes, I believe in America and democracy.
Either way, I plan on paying off my mortgage and making the best of my life.
Yes, I will. I have lived long enough and under different president to agree with what financial guru Dave Ramsey (he is a conservative and voted for Trump) said, how your life is has more to do with what goes on in your house than the White House.
Don’t really care which way it all goes ain’t gonna matter much to us how we live, where we go or how we spend. We pretty much ignore politics and all that goes on. I guess all the circuses throughout the United States will be put on hold because all the clowns are running for office.
Assuming nothing more than the usual shenanigans that bureaucrats have labeled as “insignificant”, yes. If all voters were required to present picture ID OR request a mail in ballot after verifying their identity and eligibility to vote, absolutely yes.
Yes…. might not like it but we are resilient “not like the other side, so much anger” and we will fight again. I truly hope Cheetos wins but not going to be an animal and destroy the place if not.
have to – nothing we say or do will change anything …. as I’ve been saying for many months in this forum … wish one of our Claycordians was running
I doubt many will accept the result. But I will. Even if the felon wins, it is democracy.
Democracy in our country works; sometimes the people don’t function and work that well.
Whoever wins, I will trust the results.
Voting should be one day. On paper ballots. With signature matches. Until that happens the process will be suspect.
Only if the winner is neither trump or Harris
We will see who really trusts the results once we have a winner. I haven’t forgot most of you trusted the science and look where that got you.
Always best to see the Earth from Mars for a perspective. Then you can laugh your … off about how silly this place is including it’s elections. Nothing is real, and nothing to get hung about.
“Living is easy with eyes closed…”
When you get down to it, it’s the democrats that have not accepted election results. They just could not accept that Trump won in 2016, that they then had to make up the whole Russian collusion story and then try to impeach impeach impeach. They even announced on his inauguration day that they were going to try to impeach him before he had even taken office. That was totally unfair and the Democrats lost my respect at that point. I’m now a Republican… but the Dems tried always blame Trump for January 6th riot at the Capitol. Trump offered National Guard but Nancy Pelosi and Mary of Washington turned it down. They did that so they could get a lot of mileage out of the riot. I’m sorry to say but the Democrat Party has become evil, full of wackos who no longer resemble the average American.
The Democrat Party has not become evil, they have always been evil. They were the party of slavery, segregation, the KKK, and lynch mobs.
That’s the funny thing about results, they exist despite belief one way or the other. I still maintain that no matter how apart we get divided, when it matters, when it counts, America not only rises to the occasion, but exceeds all expectations.
That is American exceptionalism and it’s real and it’s been driving world history for 248 years and counting. ❤️🇺🇸
I thought the left said Trump was Hitler & he would destroy Democracy then take all our freedoms away.
But now it’s OK and they will accept the results?
Kinda makes me believe all their claims were just pure lies and they damn well knew it!
Probably said to inspire a couple assassination attempts.