Home » Important Mail Ballot Deadlines – Elections Officials Encourage Voters To Vote Early

Important Mail Ballot Deadlines – Elections Officials Encourage Voters To Vote Early


Elections officials across the Bay Area have a deadline of October 29 to mail out last requests for replacement Vote by Mail ballots. Bay Area Elections Officials encourage you to use that as your guide in making your plan to vote!

To return your Vote-By-Mail ballot:

By mail: The last recommended day to mail your ballot is October 29. Ballots postmarked on or before Election Day and received by November 12 will be accepted. Mailbox pick up times vary so please check the mailbox pick up before you drop your ballot in.

At a Drop Box: To any official drop box by 8 pm on Election Day.


In person: To any voting location or elections office by 8 pm on Election Day, November 5.

Don’t forget to sign your envelope!

“With more ways and more days to vote, it is more important than ever before to make sure voters stay informed of varying deadlines” said Gina Martinez, Monterey County Registrar of Voters. “October 29th is the last day Bay Area Election Officials can mail a ballot to a voter. Voters should use this as a last recommended day to return their ballot in the mail.

Voters can track their Vote-By-Mail (“VBM”) ballot to know when it is mailed, received, and processed by their county’s elections office. Sign up at See the attached graphic to understand the steps of processing VBM ballots.


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Vote early, vote often.
Your vote is important.
Computer programmers will determine the outcome of the race.
Might as well have a little fun.


Signatures can change over time, I know mine did.
If the signature on your ballot doesn’t match the
signature you signed when you registered to vote,
your vote will not be counted. I kept my voter
registration receipt with my signature, that way,
I can look at it and sign the same as I did when
I registered so may years ago.


HP inkjet printers used to have a convenient envelope printing slot. I used that for years to print signatures on ballot envelopes. The elections department never complained that the signature never varied at all from election to election. Sadly, HP got rid of the slot. Modern printers want the the paper to bend like limbo dancers and envelopes are not that flexible.

The media is saying to match the signature on your drivers license…. but even that can change

I didn’t request an absentee ballot, so I won’t be using it. I’ll vote in person at my designated polling place on election day after providing my picture ID, just as elections were designed. I have no problem with absentee ballots for those who cannot vote in person, but I do not trust the verification process, and there are already people f’ing around with ballots and drop boxes.
If people had to jump through as many hoops to exercise their right to vote as they do to exercise their second amendment rights, very few would.


I drop mine ballot at a county office nearby that has a ballot box. No worries about something happen at a mailbox. I used to drop it off downtown at the country election building with a ballot box in front but then I was downtown usually once a week and could walk over to it.


Encouraged to vote early, allows the counters to alter the vote to match the desired outcome. When the mail in ballots are returned too close tot the election date, they don’t have enough time to make the required changes


Voting for 4 the clowns running for top spots in this election and all the little clowns below them, and let’s not forget all the circus act propositions going on its a joke.


The large population of CA will take a few weeks after election day. Accurate and secure voting is important to yield an accurate result. Patience is the key for proper selection.


You don’t have to vote, there’s a form and they won’t send you a ballot. It’s liberating. Like wearing boxers. 😁



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