Home » The Water Cooler – California’s Prop.36 – Are You Voting Yes Or No?

The Water Cooler – California’s Prop.36 – Are You Voting Yes Or No?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we will ask you a question or provide a topic, and you will talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


California’s Proposition 36 allows felony charges and increases sentences for certain drug and theft crimes.

Proposition 36 makes several key changes related to punishments for theft and drug crimes. First, it increases punishment for some of these crimes. Second, it creates a new treatment-focused court process for some drug possession crimes. Third, it requires courts to warn people convicted of selling or providing illegal drugs to others that they can be charged with murder if they keep doing so and someone dies.

QUESTION: Do you plan to vote yes or no on prop.36?

Talk about it….


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If you vote no, please include your address so we can send the thieves to your house. Don’t worry, they’ll only steal $949 worth of your things….per visit.

I can’t believe this is a legitimate question. YES on 36


Voting YES, as he pulls out the soap box . . . . . . . .
It’s a start at fixing the disaster shallow thinker democrat’s running this state created.
Prior to 2011 any convicted Felon sentenced to over 366 days automatically served their sentence in a state prison. AB-109 changed that so that Felons with multi year sentences can serve their time in county jails. An whata ya think that did ?
Slight problem counties lacked the capacity to handle the change. Can’t let Felons out early, so what to do to eliminate jail overcrowding? Let out convicted misdemeanor criminals, in some cases those sentenced to multi month sentences were released after serving anywhere from a few weeks to mere hours.
Shallow thinker knee jerk democrats came up with Prop 47 to get jail populations down, 47 made it harder for Felony charges for crimes to be made. You remember $950?
So only way criminals can catch a Felony charge is to escalate their level of violence. An misdemeanor property crime criminals stay on our streets longer.
AB-109 took away a time tested way for Judges to force people to get clean n sober.
Upon felony conviction Judge would impose a lengthy state prison term, which was immediately stayed and defendant was put on probation, 3-5 years. Random drug testing, they had to get and hold a job and not commit any new crimes. Violation of probation could result in implementation of state prison term. A very large incentive to get and stay clean and sober.
Then to add insult to injury Prop 47 makes drug possession for personal use a misdemeanor, how wonderful. So to chemically alter their reality they stay on our streets attempting to get money to feed their habit.
democrats is such smart people,
but, you keep electing them.

WHY ? ? ? ?
puts soap box away.


hard to say it better


The dim shallow thinking one’s(and the supporters of criminals and promoters of crime) believed the big democrat government lie: ‘The safe neighborhoods and schools act’.


Most certainly….book ’em Danno!


I already voted no.


On was on the fence, but based on your recommendation Paul, not I’m not (sarcasm intended).

YES on Proposition 36!


We expected you to, Paul.


I already voted “Yes”


Aww mr freebee no likee

The problem is more likely the outdated justice system which can’t keep up with cases given old rules. It needs revision which would be a tough trick because the public would be concerned of it becoming a police state, guilty until proven innocent.


I’m genuinely interested.

Please expound on how you think the system isn’t keeping up.

What would your proposals be to change the system so it would be capable of “keeping up”? If you’re concerned the public will perceive your changes to be the beginning of an Orwellian Oceania type state they must be … shall we say markedly different then how the American Jurisprudence currently operates?

LOL! I couldn’t be more anti-Orwellian society. I hate fascism being right or left style. Do you know what it was that got George Orwell to write “1984”? If not find the movie “Mr. Jones” and find out. It’s a true story.

My posts may just be tests to see what the psychological climate of the area is. Too bad Claycord.com doesn’t work as well as it used to. :/


Prop 36,
“California Proposition 36, Drug and Theft Crime Penalties and Treatment-Mandated Felonies Initiative (2024)”
Prop 47
‘California Proposition 47, Reduced Penalties for Some Crimes Initiative (2014)’
Scroll down to “What did the measure do?” and read !
Amount spent conning voters into passing Prop 47 was $10,306,082

What started this whole MESS,

AB-109 passed 2011, then state senator DeSaulnier voted in favor of the bill.
Bill — ‘AB-109 Criminal justice alignment.’ That started this mess


Remember, proposition 47 was named “the safe neighborhood and schools act” on the ballot – by none other but then Kamala Harris, California AG at the time. That was false advertisement and those that don’t read their ballot measures were duped in voting yes for it. No one imagined it would turn all the criminals loose!



I voted NO Prop 47, but people voted yes to reduce prison population. As much as I hate 47, it’s saved California nearly a billion dollars. It had nothing to do with safe schools, and everything to do with saving the taxpayers.


The ballot explanations this year are exceptionally long and some are written to confuse. See the bi-partisan League of Women Voters website for helpful information: https://my.lwv.org/california/diablo-valley


I was just in New Hampshire and the sign on the store said “City of Salem has a $1,000 mandatory shop lifting fine. WE PROSECUTE. Why can’t California adopt that policy. We don’t have to worry about over populating jails. Prop 36 is a bandage for what we did earlier. I believe the courts won’t see any cases so nothing will change


Voted yes but as long as the soft on crime DA’s refuse to prosecute the clowns, what good will it do?


Prop 47 was voted in by the voters, not all Dems voted for it. The people voted for that useless Prop.
It failed, so let’s vote for Prop 36. Hopefully it will deter the looters if it passes.


Voters were tricked into voting for proposition 47 because his named “The Safe Neighborhood and Schools Act”.
Total false advertising!


That’s why I ignore TV ads, mailers and endorsements. Talk about brain washing. I read the text of the prop and make my own decision. BTW, I’m a firm Hell Yes! on this one. Next, bring back the three strike you’re out policy.


“The Safe Neighborhoods And Schools Act”
Was brought to you by the Democrats and the ACLU.
With a title like that of course all the dimwits voted for it, and none of them ever bother to read beyond that.
I suppose expecting some basic honesty from politicians is unreasonable,


“An honest politician is one who,
when he is bought,
will stay bought”
–Simon Cameron 1860


The writings on the wall. Even Greasy Gavin is talking about being tougher on crime. This one is going to pass. And I’m glad. But the prison profiteering and slave labor – of which Kamala was a big part of during her tenure as DA – has got to stop.


I’m good with indentured servitude in the prison system. I’d even vote to go back to rock breaking with small hammers as a deterrent.

Prison isn’t meant to be anywhere you want to go.


The problem with slave labor, is that it gives the state or corporations running the prisons a monetary incentive to put them in and keep them in.

We need law and order, but there shouldn’t be a prison industry where institutions are getting richer the longer they keep a person behind bars.


Sounds like fascism don’t it? Or is the only kind of good fascism done by democrats?


It would be hard to believe anyone would vote no for this but Ca is so full of liberal snowflakes it’ll probably be defeated.


Sadly it is heavily favored to pass. The failed 1980s “war on drugs” is back, in the meantime, we have the largest incarcerated population in the world. Yes, in the entire world.


The incarcerated are in prison for a reason, and we need more and bigger prisons to house even more, bring back death penalties in every state and actually kill people on death row!
We need to have a yearly purge for 24 hours. Exterminate the vermin of society.


So what if we have the most criminals in prison. If they didn’t commit crimes, they wouldn’t be there. Using the illogical statement “the largest incarcerated population in the world “means nothing. We need to build more prisons and fill them up. Take criminals out of our peaceful society. The safety and security of our children and families shouldn’t have a price. Only criminals will be voting no.

Spoken like a true supporter of criminals and promoter of crime.

If you vote or not. It’s still the same bs

I voted no because the passage of such will cost our state millions! Of our tax dollars! It costs California over $134,000 to incarcerate a felon today. Is this how we want to stop smash and grab? We can do better…how about jobs that pay a living wage, and affordable housing?


The only real way to stop smash n grabs while caught red-headed in the act is just exterminate right then and their, there’re like cockroaches.

Make the criminals pay for their law breaking criminal lifestyles. Put them to work. Fix roads. Clean highways. Weed abatement. Pick up garbage. However, that will never happen here in Democrat California. In this state criminals have more rights, protections and government support than honest responsible law abiding citizens.

I’m inclined to vote ‘yes’, but I first have to read the entire proposition before making my final decision.


Here something to ‘read’, Concord Guy: Look out your front door and see what’s going on in our communities, crime wise.

Yes!!! Anyone that looks around and thinks that things are getting better are either delusional or blind. When there are no repercussions or accountability society is headed out of control.


Diana Becton recommends a “No” vote. Check her endorsements.


Sure she does; along with thieves, rapists, murderers, muggers, shop lifters, identity thieves, fraudsters, con artists…..



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