Home » The Water Cooler – Besides Health & Dental, What Insurance Has Helped You The Most?

The Water Cooler – Besides Health & Dental, What Insurance Has Helped You The Most?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we will ask you a question or provide a topic, and you will talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Besides Health & Dental, what insurance has helped you the most? Life, Renters, Homeowners, Vehicle, etc.?

Talk about it….

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Vehicle insurance. Not mine, because I have
never been in an accident that was my fault.
I was rear ended and that person’s insurance
paid for the repairs. It wasn’t easy dealing with
the insurance company, because they didn’t
want to pay as much as I wanted, but when
I threatened to sue their client, they paid up.
Years ago, my homeowners insurance covered
some items that were stolen, that claim was easy,
they didn’t argue with me and didn’t demand any


Probably Auto. I have been hit a few times and their insurance has fixed my car.

Unemployment insurance.


Had Life Insurance on us while our daughter was young, but now she will get a nice inheritance if we don’t outlive it, … health wise. Otherwise, no really big claims with the others. Dental Insurance is a joke, … doesn’t cover much.


Vision…. .auto insurance is over priced and will nickel & dime you if you need a repair even if you’ve been with them 30 yrs with no claim


Car inusrance

Uninsured motorist and Hit & Run drivers. Two yers ago, over 20 grand in damage to my vehicle as it was parked on the street and the person who hit it took off.

Having raised two teenage boys, definitely auto insurance!

Car insurance, don’t remember if I had any claims on my homeowners insurance, if I did it was pretty minor or I would remember. I did collect unemployment insurance a couple of times for a short times, totally legit, I was laid off and collected until I found another job. Actually Long Term Care Insurance helped me the most, because for a number of years I made a good living selling it, and also received renewals.


Probably vision insurance, as everyone in my family requires assistance with seeing clearly, meaning contacts/glasses every year for each of us. Having lousy eyesight is not an inexpensive malady, between eye exams, specialized lenses, frames are insanely expensive and insurance has undoubtedly helped alleviate some of those costs.

Using the words insurance and help in the same sentence is an oxymoron.

Insurance companies are designed to extract huge profits from the people they insure.

They pay the insured only what is necessary to satisfy laws.


You might have a point, however without insurance many of us would be in financial dire straits. Insurance is designed to make your whole again after a disaster. You want insurance companies to be financially stable, so they have money to pay claims. Having said that even as an insurance agent I admit that often they make you jump through hoops before they pay claims.

Uninsured motorist!
I have made more money with this insurance, enough to buy a first house long ago, many other claims paid as well best insurance investment we’ve ever had in this day and time is just a gift that keeps on giving.
Oh, I was insured in every single one of these accident claims with broken bones but claims paid out easily and tax free.


Uninsured/under-insured motorist. saved me after the worst accident in my life. The other man had gotten his license back 6 months earlier and was in the assigned risk pool with minimal coverage. He was ticketed for going through a red light and speeding estimated at 45-65 in the Financial Destruct (late at night). The assigned risk coverage is $5,000-/$1,500-. That is the same as it was in the sixties and the same as it is today. This needs to be increased!



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