Home » The Water Cooler – Have You Ever Seen Someone Steal Something From A Business?

The Water Cooler – Have You Ever Seen Someone Steal Something From A Business?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we will ask you a question or provide a topic, and you will talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Have you ever seen someone steal something from a business? If so – where was it?

Talk about it….

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Of course! Anyone every seen me at the self check out in Safeway!


Was in CVS and saw someone walk in take some cold drinks and walk out the door. The lady at the register said to just let it go. About 8 months ago.

fire dept bulldozer at a stoplight.
the person stole a fire extinguisher

Yes! Numerous times! Especially since voters passed proposition 47- “the safe neighborhood and schools act” ( so named by Kamala Harris ) which basically allows stealing under $950 value. Actually, once I was so angered by it I stood at the exit to the store where a homeless man was going to walk out with a baskey full of items. I told him to put them back- I must have had fire in my eyes and voice because he thought about it then just ran out of the store witout the goods. I said that I had to pay for my items and I wasn’t going to stsnd by and let him steal his! I had had just enough at that point. Because who do you think ends up paying for all that’s lost merchandise? We do!


Many times – and reporting to managers or employees was a complete waste of time…. me calling the person(s) out usually resulted in giving me the bird or the usual FY

Yes. I saw many people steal from Downtown Walnut Creek while the police also just stood there and watched. Remember?- wasn’t that long ago. How can I forget all those videos!?!


Yep at Lucky awhile back, some POS filled up an entire shopping cart with alcohol & was sprinting up to the now closed exit. He almost ran my wife over and then proceeded to put a female worker in the hospital. So tired of criminal behavior I can’t wait to move somewhere sane just holding out for my 93 year old mom’s sake…

yes and so many times. The lastest one was at the Martinez Walmart; the thief used a long screwdriver to push a few iPhones to a gap in the merchandise cage. He got away with 3 iPhones. I didn’t want to get stab with the screwdriver so I just mind my own business.

Safeway on Contra Costa BLVD. I literally saw a Mercedes park in the handicap. Four teens walk right through the front door. Wont disclose race. use your imagination!!!They split, met back together at the front with bags of chips, candy, and cokes. Walked right the “F” out!!!! Without a care in the world and drove off. No one said or did a thing. Yes, I know they can’t but it’s a disgrace and disgusting. I wanted so badly to tell or ask them just what in the F do you think you’re doing here. G’dam hoodlums!!!! So sick of this. If you go to this Safeway, you only need be there 5 minutes and someone will steal or walk in and grab a cart full of stuff and walk out. ZERO REPRECUSSIONS. Thanks Gavy!!!!!

Every quarter,,the Franchise tax board!!!

Only sustained gunfire can get my attention at this point.

Yes, at Costco.
At Ross- a white woman
At TJMaxx, a white woman
At Big Lots, about 2 months ago, an Asian woman with her 10-12 year old daughter. One of the many reasons that company is going under.


I don’t care what other people are doing unless they verbally or physically direct a threat at me or my family, at that point the cops are usually called after I direct my attention to physically impairing their ability to stand.

  • Stealing go ahead if the cops weren’t held back by woke bosses they would beat the living crap out of them also.

I was at Clayton Safeway picking up a donut. I was behind a family of four, who I saw all grab a donut. I picked one up after them. As we headed to the front of the store, I went to the checkout, they all simply walked out the exit. It’s a low cost crime, but it made me wonder about the family, if they were struggling.

Another time and friend and I were walking into CVS. A kid ran out past us, dropping bottles of liquor. Apparently he grabbed as much as he could and made a run for it. A CVS employee did run after him, but they couldn’t catch up.

One of my friends was at Taco Bell and placed his cell phone on the table while eating. Another kid grabbed his phone and took off. A bunch of people went after him, chasing after him into oncoming traffic, but he got away.



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