Home » Reminder: Walnut Creek To Collect Parking Data On Saturday

Reminder: Walnut Creek To Collect Parking Data On Saturday


The City of Walnut Creek will be collecting parking data this upcoming Saturday as part of a study to better understand parking in and around Downtown Walnut Creek.

On these dates, you may see vehicles equipped with license plate readers or drones. The data collected on these days will ONLY be used for the parking study and will NOT be used for any parking enforcement.

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Yeah right it’ll be used for anything they want it to be, I wouldn’t trust them weather going to use the information for.


Did you provide your SSN to get the loan to buy the car that you Registered, to get the License Plate?
No really, I said don’t worry! 😸


worst parking in WC is in the Orchards. Never a place to park and then fall in the huge planter boxes getting in and out of vehicle.
Whoever designed it should be fired.


Classic Walnut Creek: Form over Function.
There are a lot of seniors in that area, and several times I have seen cars crashed down in those ditches. It’s a terrible sight, front or rear wheels in the air, and an embarrassed looking person standing there waiting for the tow truck.
And then they opened a school next to the brewery……..revenue, revenue, revenue……


… I won’t go there anymore… or Encina too bad they’re just driving more business away


And the end of the study. We need to raise parking fees exponentially to house the un-housable


hmmmm… the imagination runs amok……… If they needed a parking study, they’d count cars. Maybe how many big cars, little cars, trucks or vans… OK.
License Plate readers give them: registered owner and boom! – they’ve got your age; address; plus more. From this they can extrapolate a lot. With data systems being what they are today…they have access to actually view owner’s driver license; verify your insurance; know your police record; assume your race; ethnicity; names of other people living at your address — even if you’ve shown DL ID to adopt a pet in the County. I could go on.
Of course any policeman can pull most of that same info IF you are a suspect or being stopped for an infraction…

But ~~~for a City to Canvass and Collect such info on “El Grande” scale? hmmm… Maybe it really is intended as an absolutely innocent “car count” (But still… it’s Information that could live a life of its own while quietly residing FOREVER in their data base ) Don’t worry. I’m sure their data base has never been hacked.
So ~~~ 😸


We made a mistake when we allowed government agencies the use of license plate reading cameras to be used to collect mass surveillance data on the public the way they’re currently collecting, using, and saving this data. We made an even bigger mistake when we allowed private businesses to use mass surveillance license plate reading cameras to collect, use, and save data collected on the public. We should’ve insisted that government ban private businesses from using this technology and we should’ve insisted on much more restricted use of this technology by government. I haven’t yet seen local government using drones on too many occasions, but the last time that I was in southern California I was shocked at how often police department drones were out surveilling the public where police actions occurred. Crime still occurs with or without cameras being everywhere. This idea or theory that cameras make us safe is a fallacy. I stand in opposition to government sanctioned mass surveillance.


Absolutely correct Black Knight. I haven’t been able to actually see police-drone activity in my neighborhood… but sometimes I hear something — I wonder if they patrol some very quiet neighborhoods late at night with drones.



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