The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we will ask you a question or provide a topic, and you will talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you watch the morning news or any of the other morning/afternoon shows like “Today,” “Good Morning America,” “The View,” “Dr. Phil,” etc.?
Talk about it….
I record NBC nightly news and NBC local news at 7 pm. Then watch around 7:30 while using the peloton.
Stock market and financial shows in morning, rest of the time Netflicks.
Depending on the time I get up:
Fox & Friends First at 2 am to 3 am.
Fox & Friends 3 am to 6 am.
Then get Hubby up at 6:30 am so he can have coffee before 7 am walk.
Also: The Five at 2 pm and Gutfeld at 7 pm.
Bed time, … most times at 8:30pm.
Oh, sometimes catch a movie, … 🙂
Fox & Friends
Out numbered
The Five
my must see/hear
Of the two – and if the occasion – late afternoon
No to all of the above. I don’t turn on the TV until 5 pm,
sometimes later. I’m interested in what our government
is up to, so I usually check out C-SPAN to see if there’s
anything I might be interested in, if nothing interests me,
I’ll look for something else, and if there’s
absolutely nothing on that catches my fancy,
I can always resort to Forensic Files.
Or, I can turn off the TV and find something else to do.
I’m not a fan of talk shows, they are poison to my brain.
I don’t watch TV in the traditional sense. It’s all streaming now and most of it on the computer except stuff I do watch on my large screen set in the evening and don’t “veg out” there. And “watch” is a broad term because I am often researching something like a price or a certain product whether it exists or not. Reading articles and getting a sense of the trends is also all done online. I do almost no real time watching of content.
I record everything I want to watch to skip through commercials. If I had to watch commercials or Kamala…I would have shot the TV or smashed my head through the screen.
Jesse Waters prime time
The Five
Always on as background, I do not really pay much attention. I have Fox Business on mute in the morning (to watch the stock ticker, mostly) until 10:00, when I unmute, unless I have meetings at work, then it is off. I keep it on FBN most of the day (until 4:00). At night, as background, I usually put on Everybody Loves Raymond. Once the holiday baking shows start, those I do watch, such as Halloween Baking Championship, which started last week. This will then go into the various Christmas related contests, which I also enjoy.
We are too busy to watch TV during the day, and the TV rarely goes on until after 7PM, unless it’s the weekend and I have the time to watch Formula 1 (Forza Ferrari!), IMSA sports cars, IndyCar or the 49ers. I also watch a few Warriors games, but never baseball (it’s about as boring to me as watching golf or paint drying). I record almost everything so I don’t have to watch the commercials. We regularly watch Hannity and the Fox late news with Trace Gallagher (at 8PM). We always watch Mark Levin on Saturday and Sunday evenings and often watch the 10 O’clock news on KTVU. We also watch some travel programs, mostly Rick Steves, as we love to travel.
watching tv with my dadWe were watching the commercials and I said these commercials are brainwashing us, our brains are like hard drives and they store all this information, then my dad said “when you get old your brain turns into a soft drive”
SpongeBob SquarePants!!!
We live under a mossy rock and have not watched TV in many decades. On the Internet in the evenings my wife likes Dave Ramsey and I lean to Hickok45 for easy listening.
No. YouTube all day. Way better shows. A documentary on literally anything. Music and true crime. And if you pony up $13.99 a month absolutely no annoying life sucking commercials. TV movies and video games have all gone to s***
This up and down weather had put my sleep off a bit. But always up 5 or 6 am first all emails, then desk, then morning news with Fox and Friends or local news. Tend to avoid the 5 lately, gets too loud for me. Love Gutfeld at night and Trump when he speaks. Anytime I hear Harris, I have no I idea what she’s saying, so I turn it off.
No T.V. ever! It is garbage in all regards. A television is nothing more than a propaganda tool to mesmerize the masses thus control them. Edward Bernays on steroids!
You people watching cable should cut the cord.
The prices are exorbitant and the amount of time spent wasted watching ads is truly a tragedy. You are much better off paying for a small array of streaming services or better yet sharing streaming services with friends and family so you all get access to many for a very low bottom line amounting to perhaps a dozen dollars per month instead of the $150-$300 many are paying for cable.
You can make youtube adfree by installing adblocker browser extensions (90 second task) and never watch another ad there.
Stop wasting your mortal life watching ads. Stop watching mainstream media which is all owned by the same tiny number of corporations.
I would rather have access to a small number of free, ad supported streaming aps like Tubi than have a basic TV cable package, and that is before taking in consideration that the free streaming is, well, FREE – and still has roughly 1/2 the ad time that paid cable does!