Home » The Water Cooler – Today Is The Last MLB Baseball Game In Oakland

The Water Cooler – Today Is The Last MLB Baseball Game In Oakland


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we will ask you a question or provide a topic, and you will talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Today is the last Major League Baseball game in Oakland. Who do you blame for the A’s leaving? The A’s, or the City of Oakland?

Talk about it….

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The owner, John Fisher. The cheap SOB traded away the talent because he was too cheap to pay them. He’s blaming A’s fans. Screw him.


Unfortunately Oakland has become a pit.
Bart is just as dangerous as ever.
there is no relief in sight.
I remember going to Saturday afternoon barbecue in the parking lot with my dad. I loved those days.

My choice Oakland democrat politicians.
What WOKE politics did to Oakland..’Billionaire George Soros Pours Money Into Alameda County District Attorney’s Race’
‘Is this the most dangerous square mile in America? Crime hotspot in Oakland where gas stations and In-N-Out are hit by brazen car thieves dozens of times EVERY DAY – but cops say they are powerless to stop it’
‘Denny’s closes Oakland restaurant that’s been open for 54 YEARS because California city is now so dangerous, weeks after In-N-Out shuttered nearby location over soaring crime’
2021 ‘Furious Oakland police chief blasts city for cutting his department’s budget by $18.5M as crime spirals out of control and homicides spike 90%’


Neither. The move is purely business. Loyalty doesn’t matter. I hope the team make more money at the new market, wherever it maybe.


I’m a lifelong Giants fan. Losing the A’s, however, is a travesty. John Fisher has been a bad faith actor in the entire process leading up to this day, enabled by Rob Manfred and Dave Kaval.


Id say 75% of the blame is on the City of Oakland.

They saw the A’s as a golden goose and attempted to require, as conditions of approval, way more than reasonable.

Developers are required to fund what their development requires like traffic improvements, infrastructure, and dedication of land set aside for housing or other “public good”. But Oakland is waaay woke and tried to extort way more than acceptable.


John Fisher is a d’bag.


Truer words have never been typed.

I am not an A’s fan but I am sorry to see them leave. I blame Oakland and how dirty that area is. I took BART to an A’s game a few months back and did not feel safe.

Bye bye..bout time y’all got the hell out of Oakland!

You can only go up from this point to better playing surroundings.


They took my Raiders, now the A’s are going, too, soon the be an “attraction” rather than a locally supported sports team. It’s all about the dollars. Oakland pretty much said later. It is a city in devolution.

There’s one funny story comes to mind among this mass of politics, when baseball was baseball. 1970’s.
Dad and I would go almost every game. He knew all the guys, the pitchers, the coaches. Told me I should have been a boy. lol.

Mom would never go. But this one time she went, packed a lunch for us all. Of course, she was a nervous wreck couldn’t handle crowds. Everything was off. Got there early. And away we go. At least an hour before the game our regular seats and two others. She pulls out tuna sandwiches. Classy lady in front of us is leaning forward and mom dropped tuna in the back of her jeans ( truth) man next to her didn’t see. She leans back and screams. Mom, “I’m so sorry”. Geese…I played dumb.

Then my brother wants the largest drink there is. (All before the game starts) he kicks it over, now both people in front of us start lifting their knees. Dad and I are further to the left not directly behind them. The man turns to my mother and says, ” ARE YOU GOING TO SPILL ANYTHING ELSE?” My dad and I played it smart and continued focusing on the players.

Needless to say, she and my brother in his youth, never went to an A’s game again


I went there last Sunday.
$30 for Parking…. $15 for a beer or hot dog & a coke same price.
Men’s room ….. I should have worn rain boots.
I’m not surprised the crowd was pretty thin these past few years.



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