Home » The Water Cooler – Should Prisoners Be Able To Get Sex Reassignment Surgery While They’re Locked Up?

The Water Cooler – Should Prisoners Be Able To Get Sex Reassignment Surgery While They’re Locked Up?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we will ask you a question or provide a topic, and you will talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:

A federal judge has ruled that it would be unconstitutional for an Indiana prison to deny a transgender inmate sex reassignment surgery following the inmate’s lawsuit against the facility, according to Fox News.


The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) sued the Indiana Department of Corrections last year on behalf of a transgender inmate, Jonathan C. Richardson, also known as Autumn Cordellionè, who was convicted of strangling his 11-month-old stepdaughter to death in 2001, Fox News reported.

Indiana law, however, prohibits the Department of Corrections from using taxpayer dollars to fund sex reassignment surgeries for inmates. However, the ACLU argues in the lawsuit, filed on Aug. 28, 2023, that the law is a violation of the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition of “cruel and unusual punishment.”

QUESTION: Do you think prisoners should be able to get sex reassignment surgery, or do you think they should have to wait until they get out of prison and pay for it themselves?

Talk about it….


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Just a waste of taxpayer’s money


What a time to be alive. Cosmetic surgeries being deemed medically necessary. Inmates that kill should NOT be allowed to do anything related to their well being, LOL. I feel sorry for the 11-month old girl he killed!


Heck NO! We pay for housing, food, needed medical. All for free to them. That’s enough!


As long as the California taxpayer doesn’t get involved, then OK. Of course the spendy G Newsom
will give it away and raise taxes/fees/tolls/regristration et. al to pay for it.Then, NO,NO,NO


On their dime if they have the insurance or cash … on the state out of our tax dollars!? heXX no!


I’m sure some advocacy groups are lining up to fund the surgery to be ‘progressive’.


They should be reassigned to no sex at all… cut everything off.
They should also be provided with enough rope to hang themselves should they decide to do so.


Give them rope with soap attached and let them become a receiver. No medical procedure needed


Not with our tax dollars…..


You are in prison! You are being punished, not living a normal life. This is the problem with our society, people don’t understand the severity of the crime so they continue to do it. There is no real punishment.

Ask people in a 3rd world country this question. See how weird we really are.


Hell no! They are prisoners and have no rights to do that.


How is it in violation of the Eighth Amendment? The eighth Amendment
was written, so federal and state governments couldn’t create their own
punishment, or impose excessive bail and fines.
It’s cruel and unusual punishment to make the taxpayer pay for it.


Lol no. Why is this even a legitimate question in 2024. Oh yeah liberal mind sickness. Y’all have lost it. Enough with the LGBT sh*+ in our face. Oh wow you’re a gay non binary trans wow you deserve a whole month of partying and recognition you are so stunning and brave. We’re over it. We are annoyed. Keep your weird ways to yourself and definitely stop promoting it to the kids you disgusting sickos.


Oh Heck NO! It’s our tax dollars being used.
Plus, they are in prison and for punishment of doing wrong.

Spay and Neuter… absolutely!


Even just asking this question, hints on what’s wrong with our world today.


They say a New Earth is coming…where do I sign up?


Is this some kind of joke???

I’m waiting for the doors to open up and all the clowns jump out!!


Sure they can do it, but not on tax payer dime, that would be on their own personal insurance or out of pocket.

Not a peep from the ACLU when they were trying to force jabs on everyone. But now suddenly a prisoner has a right to sex changes? What a joke the judicial system and ACLU have become


Only if they pay for it.

If it is a medical necessity and they ( everyone who is legally in this country and otherwise) cannot pay for it then the government should pay for the operation. We got the money 💰!


A sex change is NEVER medically necessary. Full stop.


Okay. With respect to gender dysphoria, you sure know more than the medical professionals and judges. Thus your expertise be used as guidance!


Okay Paul. When is a sex change medically necessary? You are such an expert, please enlighten us.

It is comments like this one from you that make us all believce you are just trying troll us, but in today’s mixed up world – it is possible that you are quite serious.

I don’t know about Paul, but when I get tired of the same old Gal & her routine is always the same…. it’s time for a sex change.

And what, pray tell, is a medical judge?

This should not even be brought up for consideration in any circumstance. Whether the individual this case is about should be provided oxygen is more appropriate, with no being the correct response.


Fine. But as soon as he/she heals, back into general population. Good luck honey, remember, you insisted. 😝


Sure! As long as we can supply the dull spoon and they do the operation themselves.

it AIN’T medically necessary to have a sex change, so no way, no how, should this be allowed – forget even being considered, it just is a flat out no where we laugh the ACLU out of the courtrooms. We should then turn around and sue the ACLU for wasting court and tax payer resources/money for brining such a stupid argument to the courts.

Have you ever seen what is actually involved in this surgery?
It might change a few minds.

Only in an alternate universe.

Make it mandatory for all and watch the crime rate plummet.

I had the son of a long time client tell me that he had a heart transplant. After he wrote a bad check to me for $6k, I contacted his sister. She confirmed that he did get the transplant…in prison. Even she felt that someone more deserving should have received that heart. We never did catch him. Last we heard, he had run off to Reno.

If anything it seems to me Jonathan C. Richardson is making a “cruel and unusual” request…..this has nothing to do with his punishment. Applying the eighth amendment to this is highly debatable, and most assuredly is problematic…..and trying to make such a case, the ACLU needs to be re-assessed …….. Their attorney’s are losing their senses,not to mention their credibility …of late as far as i can tell, they seem to be just wanting to create headlines….these are probably the 3 year lawyers that have lobbied to have the “american bar association” to drop the requirements to 2 years . This i agree with…why spend 3 years learning nothing ….you can do that in 2 years.

It’s too bad we can’t just do brain transplant surgery with a normal brain, then we could just set them free.



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