Home » Clayton Valley Charter High School Executive Director Dispels Rumors Circulation On Social Media About Incident At Friday Night’s Football Game

Clayton Valley Charter High School Executive Director Dispels Rumors Circulation On Social Media About Incident At Friday Night’s Football Game


The following letter is from Clayton Valley Charter High School Executive Director Bill Morones:

Dear CVCHS Parents, Students, and Staff,

I want to address an unfortunate incident that occurred at last night’s varsity football game to clarify and dispel the rumors circulating on social media.

An altercation occurred involving two CVCHS students, a CVCHS parent, and an individual not affiliated with our school. Fortunately, Concord Police Department officers were present at the game and quickly responded, controlling the situation. Our staff worked cooperatively with the police officers to ensure the safety of our fans, visiting spectators, players, and coaches.


The Concord Police Department has confirmed that no weapons were involved and that no one was charged.

As Executive Director, my top priority is the safety and well-being of our school community. While CVCHS has robust safety protocols for all stadium and gym events, our administrative team will thoroughly review last night’s incident to determine how we can strengthen our measures further. Additionally, anyone who violated our school’s policies and procedures could be barred from future school events, suspended, and possibly expelled.

From now on, all home games at CVCHS will be restricted to CVCHS students, visiting team students, and their families. On-site staff will check student identification at the gate before stadium entry.

Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our parents, students, and staff for your responsible conduct during last night’s game and for embodying the spirit of “Ugly Eagle” sportsmanship.


If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us. We greatly appreciate your cooperation.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.


Bill Morones
Executive Director

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This is a lie. A gun WAS branished. Onsite security did nothing!


That is awful to hear, but I am not surprised that a public school (even a charter) would downplay this. They all lie all the time.


Any proof or are we supposed to just believe any rando online?

Given the track record of these places, I believe a rando over an official.

Thanks for the info … but more detail on the altercation? Involved a parent? Parent got physically involved in a fight? Non-student a minor? etc etc.

Now I wanna know what rumors. How bad could this altercation have been?


nobody was arrested so we can say this never happened…….


Awfully extreme measures being taken going forward if it was nothing more than an altercation. Altercations happen at every football game.


I never remember altercations like these happening in the past, or when I was in HS.


I was trying to drive down Alberta last night around 9:25. There was a large police presence. They were slowing traffic in both directions.. it was obvious something was going on.


This is so sad. I went to an all-girls Catholic school. On Friday nights, we went to pre-game parties, games, and post-game dances at the coed Catholic high school. In fact, in 8th grade at a basketball game at the coed high school, I met the boy I would later marry. This new rule at CVHS means that a student from NGHS who is dating a CVHS student cannot go on a date to a football game, that a sister at Carondolet can’t watch a brother play sports at CVHS, that … I hope they find a better way to handle whatever caused the altercation.


What about CVHS/CVCHS Alumni?

I am sure they can if they would weed out the bad apples. But, let’s face it. There are more bad apples than ever before and the public schools are so desperate for public monies (because the unions extort us), that they NEVER kick someone out, even if that kid has come to school with a weapon.


They need to have the cheerleader that beat up the bully a few years ago provide security,


She would whoop them & not drop her phone!

CPD doesn’t get near enough credit. Expensive as heck, but dedicated and effective.

This seems to be completely downplaying what happened!! My daughter goes to the school and her and her friends were at the game. She said there was definitely shots fired. I sat her down and had her tell me everything because I am not getting any of this information from the Concord PD or the school. Sounds like CPD and the school didn’t want a media storm and they didn’t find the shooter or the gun and because no one was hurt, it “never happened”. I’m calling BS!! if nothing happened then why are you changing your policy on who can attend the games?

There are videos some of the students posted…… seems like we’re getting a part of the actual story. It’s not fair at all to restrict games for people if ” nothing happened “

Football is irreversibly damaging the brains of the young men playing. It is unethical to support this sport. Parents who allow their children to play it should be absolutely ashamed – they are dooming their kids to a reduced mental capacity in their later life.

 Every additional year playing football was associated with 15% increased odds of a CTE diagnosis and, for those with CTE, 14% increased odds of severe CTE.”



A little scuffle in the stands is nothing compared to the damage being done to those children’s brains.

So because of a single incident in which three of the four involved in the fight were students/parents of CVCHS their solution for preventing this from happening again is to ban all non-students/family from attending home games? Seriously!?!

And just HOW will they enforce the “families only?”

Whose taxes go to CVCHS?



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