Home » Claycord – Talk About Politics – Sep.20, 2024

Claycord – Talk About Politics – Sep.20, 2024


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Remember this in November ! ! !
’35 California House Democrats Voted Against Deporting Illegal Immigrants Convicted of Sex Crimes’
“The House of Representatives passed on Wednesday H.R. 7909 (266 – 158), the Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act, which will “amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide that aliens who have been convicted of or who have committed sex offenses or domestic violence are inadmissible and deportable.”
That is the exact language of the bill.
Here’s more, which includes:
SEX OFFENSES—Any alien who has been convicted of, who admits having committed, or who admits committing acts which constitute the essential elements of a sex offense;
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, STALKING, CHILD ABUSE, OR VIOLATION OF PROTECTION ORDER.—Any alien who has been convicted of, who admits having committed, or who admits committing acts which constitute the essential elements of:

  • domestic violence
  • stalking
  • child abuse, child neglect, or child abandonment
  • violating the portion of a protection order (as such term is defined in section 237(a)(2)(E)) that involves protection against credible threats of violence, repeated harassment, or bodily injury to the person or persons for whom the protection order was issued

However, 158 Democrats voted against Rep. Nancy Mace’s bill to deport illegal immigrants convicted of sex offenses, stalking, child abuse, harassment, et al.
Every Republican present voted for the bill, as did 51 Democrats, Newsweek reported.”
One of those democrats voted NO on deporting illegal aliens committing sex crimes, stalking, child abuse, harassment was Mark DeSaulnier, California
Remember this in November ! ! !


Obviously there are people who support and who voted for DeSourair that think that sexual abuse of children is a good thing.


I know ABC News adamantly denies that Kamala Harris had an advanced peek at the questions at the presidential debate. But I really wonder. Kamala can never answer any question right away but always has to think and then she hims and haws before giving a tangled answer.. Always. But during the debate she answered questions instantly which really makes me think that she didn’t know the questions in advance. We were better off under Trump than we are now. She and Biden are the reason that the country’s not doing so well and that the world is on fire.
Why give her more time to make it even worse.


ABC Trump haters would “never” lie. ~~~~~~~~ The peek at the questions more likely went to whomever was feeding her the answers into her earpiece. Why do you think she can only say 3 or 4 words, pause, 3 words, pause, 3 more words, pause. Oh wait, maybe that’s just her style? LOL


Kamala Harris did NOT have advance questions nor did she have an earpiece. This is an absurd conspiracy theory by those who are seeking to downplay her strong debate performance and to distract from Trump’s poor debate performance.


Concord Guy can repeat that lie as often as he wants, but it’s still a lie.


If they are just “conspiracy theory” why was her cadence, tone, and actually answering questions different in the debate so different than anyother appearance she has done?


what could you gain defending such a zero?


Tougher for Oprah’s audience last night. Ouch!


It you did not understand the word “cringe” before the Oprah Fest, you do now!


Did anyone notice the wierd facial look and head angle of Oprah talking to Kamel?Its as if she spent all her money on trying to look like she is actually listening while looking like she getting ready to start whilstling.She wanted people to see this because the next time you see he all that will have melted.Its an attempt to make her look happy and content and that everythings ok in a giant liberal mind &uck..She look frantic to convince anyone watching that she’s got it together and that the wheels arent falling off her empty head of a giggle party.


Indeed, Kamulu’s handlers are limiting her appearances. Each interview reveals how deranged and vacuous she is.

Meanwhile Trump is going non-stop despite being shot.


Such garbage. Kamala knew the answers because she actually practiced for the debate unlike Donald. In a debate like this its pretty easy to figure out what questions might come up. You question Kamalas mental acuity but ignore Donalds mindless rants and the big one yesterday when he said to Guttfield “the audience was absolutely – they went crazy and and the real — I thought it was — I walked off I said, that was a great debate. I loved it.” Gibberish, yes. But the scary part is he actually thinks there was a crowd cheering him on in the empty studio. Seriously, this man should not be anywhere the nuclear codes.


Kamala was in cahoots with the news network – her friend being an exec and the moderator being a sorority sister.

Clearly they had watched Trump’s recent speeches and were familiar with his talking points. That’s why they had already prepared a “fact check” from a city manager about cats being eaten in Ohio. Fact check aside, it looks like this rumor has more meat to it than the city manager would like to admit. And the moment became so meme-able that it actually helped Trump.

Independents that were polled post debate said they were more likely to win the debate. So despite the 3 against 1 format, Don actually won. Why do you think another assassination attempt followed?


get a hug


So how do you practice making a word salad?
and I would love to know how she practiced pushing Trump’s buttons? Or I she naturally a bully?

The really scary part is that people believe the word salad coming out of her mouth.


A tough week for MAGA is a tough week for cats.


His Imperial Majesty Emperor newsom would have you believe refiners of crude oil are gouging consumers.

‘Gov. Newsom’s ‘Economic Illiteracy’ Will Further Harm California’s Oil & Gas Industry’

An why is it gasoline and diesel are always higher than rest of the country?
What are the sources of California’s crude oil?
60% of crude oil refined in CA is from FOREIGN sources
brought here by sea going tankers.
Breakdown of Foreign Sources of Crude Oil Imports to California 2023

California has been described as an “oil island,” having no pipelines linking the state to other crude oil production. An that is by design, so that crude is transported by rail tank cars. Keystone oil still makes it to Texas refineries by tail tank cars and doesn’t a very rich democrat campaign contributor own a railroad transporting that oil ?
Quarterly Petroleum
Supply and Pricing Report
April 2024 Through June 2024



It’s been awhile since Mr. Mayor mentioned,
Hope it helps


That was because links weren’t wrapping and spilling into the side panels. The form now wraps. I don’t know if Tinyurl can work on links with site tracking.

Stuffed that long URL into Tinyurl
and got this back https://tinyurl.com/22wtwcjd

Instead of google I use https://www.startpage.com/ for searches


ABC whistleblower is alive & well & just filed a complaint with the SEC.




Democrat Senator John Fetterman actually thinks things are looking great for Trump.

“I also want people to understand, you know, and it’s not science, but there is, there’s energy and there are kinds of anger on the ground in Pennsylvania — and people are very committed and strong,” Fetterman said Thursday. “And I joked that his signs became like the state flower – and you see that everywhere.”


“To lodge all power in one party and keep it there
is to insure bad government
and the sure and gradual deterioration of the public morals”
 —Mark Twain
California democrat party super majority control of state legislature and office of governor is a living PROOF Mark Twain was spot on.
California’s tax laws and prohibitive regulations are the leading causes of the massive corporate exodus.”


“What kind of a state, already choking on laws and regulations pursuant to those laws, needs to pass nearly 1,000 more, year after year?”…
“To begin with, by the time of the February 16 deadline for this year, a staggering 2,124 bills had been introduced by state legislators. That’s typical. Last year, more than 2,600 bills were introduced, and 1,046 were passed and sent to Governor Newsom for his approval. He ended up signing 890 of them. What kind of a state, already choking on laws and regulations pursuant to those laws, needs to pass nearly 1,000 more, year after year?”

January 2024 ‘California Business Exodus For Friendlier States Continues'”53 Headquarters businesses left San Francisco”

‘Every Company Leaving California: 2020-2024’

The Texas Legislature meets in regular session on the second Tuesday in January of each odd-numbered year. The Texas Constitution limits the regular session to 140 calendar days.
California should do as Texas does, just enough time to get important stuff done and very little time for nonsense legislation.


A kid learns morals, ethics, empathy from parents, church and from school an education so that they may become productive members of society.
IF kids are deprived of character building, and education, often they adapt to survive by learning skills of the street, becoming predacious upon society and after a time they end up with zero empathy for their victims.
“To educate a man in mind and not in morals
is to educate a menace to society.”
–Theodore Roosevelt
Chicago for example, democrats, have run Chicago for past 90 years.
You’d think by now they might have figured what to do . . . . .
Seems like liberals running California believe in extra chances, putting criminals back on our streets and that prisons are both expensive and embarrassing to them.
moonbeam’s Farther Pat Brown 32nd Governor of California 1959 – 1967 had the right idea, the best possible education for every CA child. He realized educated and prepared individuals were able to make a living independent of government aid programs.
I submit that level of education or lack there of has an effect on prison populations.
He understood educated citizens are more likely to become productive members of society.
Historically CA prisons were where educational failures ended up.
Again city of Chicago, ‘Not a single child tested proficient in math in 67 Illinois schools. For reading, it’s 32 schools’
‘Chicago Teachers Told to Pass Every Migrant Student Even If They Know Nothing’…”Chicago has a $9.9 billion budget. Its teachers’ unions, who control the city and have one of their own in the mayor’s office, get everything from free abortions to weight loss surgeries, to $145,000 salaries even though their students know absolutely nothing.”

Chicago crime stats, https://heyjackass.com/


“Trump is selling “Trump Coins” featuring his face for $100″
Trump has sold several products while running for president, including Bibles. tee shirts, sneakers, trading cards and fake money. Grifting while he can.


More power to him.
That’s legit compared to the bribes(political contributions) of the money grubbing extorting soulless career politicians.


He lost 1 billion dollars last time he was president and worked for free,child.


Here ya go DOH…. nice of you to remind folks about Trump collectables, but here’s a real list of items available.


$100 for a coin that cost $30 to make? Biden’s inflation is getting out of hand!

But I won’t be surprised that the people who complain the high cost of groceries buy the coin.


What about marketing costs,but any voice of reason you wont understand.
Get some rest…..


‘Biden Harris Inflation Continues Crushing Middle Class…’ ….
“The root causes of inflation are two-fold, monetary policy and energy policy. However, when combined they represent a predictable outcome. Specifically predictable, when it comes to highly consumable goods that require a lot of industrial effort, labor, distribution and warehousing processes. Thus, food inflation was/is worst.

Within all of the sectors most vulnerable to upward price pressure as a result of policy (monetary and energy), the main industry impacted by immediate and severe inflation is food, farming and agriculture. Food, a highly consumable product with a thin supply chain, sees the results of inflation first and fastest.”

Media (propaganda) wing of democrat party and biden harris regime along with democrat politicians want the masses to believe it is companies that are price gouging.

“…all effective propaganda must be limited to
a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member
of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan”
Regime’s energy policies increase growers costs for fertilizer and fuel, cost of transportation increased. Cumulative costs increase cost to end customers.
“… ask yourself, are you better off than you were 4 years ago?

 Is it easier for you to go and buy things in the stores than it was 4 years ago?

Is there more or less unemployment in the country than there was 4 years ago?”

Is America as respected throughout the world as it was?

Do you feel that our security is as safe, that we’re as strong as we were 4 years ago?

–Ronald Reagan 28 October 1980 Presidential debate.


Four years ago you were in your home wondering if you should wash off your produce before you brought it into the house.

Memory issues?


how convenient, perfectly timed,,are you really this slow?


Not an issue, we have a medium sized greenhouse and a large garden.
Home grown produce year round.


How could anyone forget all the lies that dr.’s fauci and birx spread, including the one you just mentioned? Remember later when fauci said they just threw things out there off the tops of their heads, like the 6 ft rule that didn’t mean anything? Memory issues? Not hardly!


Yet AGAIN city of antioch makes world wide news.

“…chief of law enforcement at the California Department of Cannabis Control, told CNN the illicit weed operation in Antioch is largely run by ‘the Chinese criminal syndicate‘.
In fact, the operation is so extensive that law enforcement believes there are more Chinese nationals within the illegal marijuana trade than gang members from Mexican cartels.”…
“Despite the high number of busts in Antioch over the past two years, only two people have been arrested and charged – and both got away with misdemeanors, thanks to California’s lax laws.”

Prop 64 (2016) California Marijuana Legalization Initiative supporters spent $31,013,416.87 conning voters into passing it.
Promised was reduction in illegal pot, extravagant forecast of revenues to state from fees and taxation and reduction of law enforcement costs.
What is actually happening, illegal growing and sales of POT skyrocketed, law enforcement costs just for POT enforcement are off the charts.
Just a few of antioch grow busts,

‘Cannabis Operations in Antioch and Brentwood Valued at $3.1 Million’
‘$2.2 million in Cannabis Product Seized in Antioch’
12/2022 $14.8 million of illegal marijuana seized during Wednesday raid in Antioch
9/2022 Antioch operation seizes over $7 million of illegal marijuana from multiple grow houses
So far this year antioch has 11 murders.


Nobody cares,they care about going broke or being murdered by a liberal


No comments about a Gov from a state that is 3,500 or so miles from CA? Maybe its because nobody gives a crap about the Gov of NC unless they are a deflecting troll who is attempting to stir up s**t.

I swear that every time I read one of JWB’s posts, I hear Charlie Brown’s teacher’s voice.

“Wha wa whah wa!”

Post about things that matter.


We will have to let the N.Carolina voters decide who is telling the truth & who is just smearing political opponents as usual (Russia, Russia, Russia) .
Everyone here who cares… please pound sand.


Well at least the Democrats don’t have to worry about accepting any more donations or rally events sponsored by P. Diddy anymore…. guilt by association !


How come lefty links never work?


its just another manic Monday…la la la la la……


biden harris regime sent additional fighter jets and naval assets to Mideast in August of this year. Which gives one pause, what did US intelligence resources know and when did they know it about October 7th attack ? ? ?
Fast forward,

“The U.S. is sending troops to the Middle East in response to the surge in violence between Israel and Hezbollah and as the region teeters on the edge of an all-out war.
The Pentagon announced on Monday that ‘additional’ service members would be deployed to join the 40,000 already stationed in the region along with a dozen warships and fighter jet squadrons.”

Given demonstrated record of democrat administrations
and Afghanistan CUT-N-RUN think it would be
difficult for any allies to trust the U.S.
Most qualified was President George H. W. Bush (NOT the useless son)
As for giggles, resume wise, she is the least qualified
presidential candidate in modern history.


Trump crushes Pennsylvania,wiping Kamel away like an annoying dingleberry.
Her giveaways would destroy the housing market and the country.


Happened again,
“Nearly one third of the population of the United States appears to have had its private information leaked in a security lapse by a large background check company.
The firm, MC2 Data, left approximately 2.2 terabytes of information easily accessible on the open web without so much as password protection, according to the cybersecurity researchers who uncovered the breach.”

Your personal data is completely safe, up until stupidest employee with login credentials, at a data storage company screws up.


Data storage hires the same kind of people as states do when poll workers are needed.


Ain’t it grand when liberals decide on some not thought thru knee jerk idea like digitizing medical records.

Lacking In Basic Education, Reason And Logic … liberal


Overseas news can at times present true facts, unfortunately there are a few with a liberal bent. Then search for key words being specifically vague. Looking over results it’s easy to spot sites parroting an obvious press release. Then look at entity providing supportive information for a politician or piece of legislation, often put supplier of into a search engine within quotation marks then in another set of quotation marks goes soros, results are often enlightening..


The news today is calling Antioch the new Oakland.And why not?half of them moved there trying to run from their own people and behavior only to completely wreck an already destroyed city.
And they want to run the country the same way.DJT is an existential threat to their way of life alright,but they dont have any involvement with democracy.They are democrats IE anti democracy.and couldnt tell the truth if their dew rag was on fire.


I lived in Antioch from ’96-’08. It was a nice town at first, until they started knocking down orchards and throwing up tract homes. The problem was not the change of landscape, the problems were the ease of obtaining a mortgage to buy a second, third, fourth, etc house to rent out via unchecked section 8 housing. Antioch was importing Richmond and the issues of Richmond followed the migration.


If you have high school aged kids, when was last time you checked up on what books or handouts are being used and what is actually being taught ? ? ? ?
‘North Carolina girl, 15 says she was forced to read ‘incest porn’ in her English class’https://tinyurl.com/y5x8kb7h
This kid and her parents made correct choice in outing what was going on and daily mail is to be commended for giving what happened worldwide coverage. Would you as parents do the same thing ?


Learning curve for democrat super majority in state legislature and unelected minions is dang near flat. Disastrous knee jerk decisions with little to no thought as to long term consequences. The save trees by using plastic bags for example, creating more problems than solved.
‘California’s plastic bag ban made waste worse. A new bill aims to ban plastic bags entirely’
Hmm, wonder if campaign contributions effected their judgement ?
Then all of a sudden stores are mandated to charge no less than 10 cents per bag, hand out to grocery stores ?
And now THIS,

“California Gov. Gavin Newson has officially banned the use of all types of plastic bags in grocery checkouts to create a ‘pollution-free environment’.”…

Then there’s the reusable grocery bags that are used to avoid paying for a bag.
“Oregon public health officials have traced a nasty outbreak of norovirus infections in a group of soccer players to an unlikely source: a reusable grocery bag contaminated with what some experts are calling “the perfect pathogens.”

‘Could your reusable grocery bag be making your family sick?’
“A researcher at Loma Linda University Health found that almost all reusable grocery bags carry bacteria in them.”

“The best minds are not in government. If any were,
business would steal them away.”
— Ronald Reagan


Over $2 Billion lost forever due to the FTX Ponzi scheme, and co-engineer Caroline Ellison receives a two year sentence. Two years.
Could this have anything to do with the significant FTX political contributions made to a rather narrow and select group of like-minded politicians?
And they wonder why so many Americans have completely lost faith.


So if we’re not going to tax tips & overtime do we still need the additional 87,000 IRS agents?


The 2025 proposed federal spending bill includes $104 billion for the IRS–eight times their current annual budget. This week, Kamal was endorsed by the IRS’s union. They are a huge voting block.


The Communist Party USA Mantra
“We’re not going back . . . Forward Together!”


It was priceless when Walz said on camera “We cant go thru 4 more years of this” then got a real stupid look on his face and realized,he had just told the truth and had thrown his party under the bus.
He tried to go scriptless and all he could mumble was the truth..its hard to remember lies…because you’re referring to something that never happened


Some good video here for the Kamala campaign.


FBI whistleblower gives advice


“As of July 21, 2024, nearly 650,000 criminal illegal aliens were currently on ICE’s Non-Detained Docket (NDD) and roaming free in communities throughout the United States. This figure includes roughly 15,000 individuals convicted of or charged with murder, more than 20,000 of sexual assault, and more than 105,000 of assault.”



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