The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we will ask you a question or provide a topic, and you will talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Why do you think California is so soft on crime, and what benefits come from giving someone a light sentence for a felony?
Talk about it….
Democrate super majority control. Period.
Because we are being ran by morons.
The original idea was to reduce the amount of people who were incarcerated for minor crimes. After all even conservatives were calling for less of their tax money spent on jails. It’s gotten out of hand and being used for political objectives to control the public. That won’t work either.
Remember everyone, that it was Kamala Harris that named proposition 47 the ‘Safe Neighborhood and Schools Act’ , to trick voters into passing it. Since a lot of California voters are gullible, it did pass. We’re now suffering the results and the democrat super majority ,DAs and judges will do nothing about it.
Harris named it? Honestly I can’t remember much of anything she did. I thought she was pretty much a nothing burger.
If there is no threat of substantial incarceration,
there is no deterrence to criminal behavior
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Liberals . . . . .
Lacking In Basic Education, Reason And Logic
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“To educate a man in mind and not in morals
is to educate a menace to society.”
–Theodore Roosevelt
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Something rational people do understand, there are straight up predatory individuals, with ZERO empathy for their victims who lack impulse control and in many cases rational thought processes, who DO NOT belong on our streets. California state legislature democrats evidently are incapable of grasping that fact, OR is it they flat out really DON’T CARE how many Californians will injured or killed by convicted Felons they release.
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We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken,
society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker.
It is time to restore the American precept that each individual
is accountable for his actions”
–Ronald Reagan
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Keep in mind what His Imperial Majesty Emperor newsom said when questioned by a reporter about covid restrictions, . .
“Newsom was asked during the news conference if he saw “potential” to use the coronavirus “crisis” to push for the implementation of a “new progressive era.” After talking for a couple of minutes while trying to qualify his response, Newsom said, “forgive me for being long-winded, but absolutely we see this as an opportunity to reshape the way we do business and how we govern.”
If you scare people enough,
they will demand removal of freedom”
—Elon Musk
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Which of your rights would you willing to surrender in return
for democrat politician’s hollow promise of safety ???
California used to be tough on crime until progressives took over. When it comes to crime the state has gone to hell. Bring back three strikes and get tough on crime again.
Brainwashing from progressives. Over the years they’ve been soft, promoting no hurt feelings and everyone gets a trophy. The only benefit is a criminal can continue their malicious acts. It’s been like that for the past four years.
One word…. Democrats…. Anybody that argues with my answer is a fool living in
a life of denial. The state is run by Democrats, complete with liberal judges, and liberal
prosecutors. Our governor and lieutenant governor are Democrats, and that is where
the buck stops, smack, dab, on their desk.
I have absolutely no idea why the Dems are running the state into the ground, I can
only speculate. Gavin Newsom, in my opinion, is a mad man, and has all the signs
of a narcissistic psychopath.
Lack of empathy
Lacking remorse
Reckless in behavior and thought
I sincerely hope the rest of the country can be made aware of Newsom’s madness, because if he ever runs for president, I have a feeling he will be elected.
so you aren’t voting for Trump then?
because of those signs point to him too.
I’m not sure which more frightening: President Harris or President Newsom. They are both wrong on virtually everything, will say anything to get elected, one is as dumb as a box of rocks, while the other is a conniving scumbag.
Disrespectful of rocks!
Yes – 3 strikes , you’re gone, bring back the death penalty that voters voted for, Newscum on his own took it off the table, stop making prisons rehab centers, (San quentin) they don’t work,, oh I could go on like others… libs and Dems went limp to get votes and keep them in office
Justice since factors are considered when handling out punishment. On the other hand, that being tough on the criminals doesn’t deter crimes; and it may even harden the criminals.
That’s BS. Criminals deserve a relevant punishment not a free pass.
Liberals & Democrats.
They vote with their emotions rather logic & reasoning.
They want to be politically correct so no feelings get hurt.
They believe in rehabilitation and ignore or downplay pure evil.
because it is simply easier…… too stupid to see the long term problems as all we do is live in the moment.
It’s a colossal disaster.
Liberalism at its worst.
Good question! I can’t understand how *anyone* would be ok with how things have gone so downhil in CA but sadly, many do not seem to see any issue. There was an opportunity to elect a new DA and that didn’t happen.The voter turnout for that was abysmal. Maybe people are just out of hope at this point and don’t even bother to vote. Like I’ve said before in CA we lock up the detergent and toothpaste and not the criminals while the rest of us suffer for it.
More crime means more government. Soft on crimes ensures that there will always be crime. High crime is the justification for increasingly militarized police and Big Brother level spying. It also keeps the prisons full. Though their doors are revolving its contractors stay fat on tax dollars.
Outsourcing. Contracted NGO Alternative to Gov’t Management…is still taxpayer funded government. You said it yoyohop!
Just read a news article about Newsom signing a bill that is supposed to invoke harsher penalties for smash and grab robberies but I laughed when I read what he said. “California already has some of the strictest retail and property crime laws in the nation — and we have made them even stronger with our recent legislation,” Newsom said in a statement. “We can be tough on crime while also being smart on crime — we don’t need to go back to broken policies of the last century.” I guess he thinks we all have the IQ of a houseplant.
It really simply comes down to one simple thing. The Dems know that if they make things easier for the lowlifes of society, then the lowlifes and their loved ones will vote for them. More votes=more time in office living the plush life. Thats all they care about.
The “lowlifes” have still been effected by inflation. Many people are angry about that. There was no good reason for it other than engaging in conflicts the US can’t afford. So their might be a surprise coming up regardless of what the “demons” may do.
Democrats love criminals. Harris proved that authoring Prop-47.
Our state is ran by weak politicians, who are voted in by a weak society!!
Because the average Californian is a brainwashed, coddled, trust fund baby who is insulated from the real world.
Diversity lovers should move to a third world country and try to start a business or share their children’s experiences in school.