Home » Claycord Online Museum – Contra Costa County’s Nuclear Fallout Plan In The 1960s

Claycord Online Museum – Contra Costa County’s Nuclear Fallout Plan In The 1960s



Have a nuclear plan? Contra Costa County did in the 1960s. This “Community Emergency Plan” was sent out to all Contra Costa County residents in the mid-1960s, it shows what you should do in case of a nuclear attack, and where to go for proper shelter. You can click on any one of the five pictures to see a larger view.

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Six months ago this Nuclear Fallout Plan would have been viewed as quaint. Reading it today, it is downright chilling.


Yes …. Thanks to Joe Biden!
(60% of Americans in a recent poll said they though the Russia would not be flexing its muscles if Trump was still president)


The illusion of safety.

Considering that the magazine at Port Chicago would have been a direct target, as would Mare Island, the best action would have been to just go outside, face North to get it over with quickly.


PH-Dad….. plus all 4 or 5 major refineries.


I’m sure there’s a house or two in Claycord that still has a bomb shelter.

Reading the list some cities were more prepared than others.

Just wondering if the Online Museum searchable? or only by listing order?


… may be timely for the cities around to to update this whole plan the way things are going – ie – nobody seemingly willing to stop Putin (Hitler II)

China is more like Hitler. If you’re not condemning China for the Muslims than you’re a hypocrite.

TC ..+1 …both

I remember a trip to Goodman Lumber in SF with family back in the 60’s and we toured a “Bomb Shelter” that you could buy and bury in your backyard. My thought was how could my parents and 4 sibs live in that for months!? I don’t think too many are buried in the Sunset District!


“I’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is we are buried alive under the sanitary district building. The bad news is the tanks are leaking.”

There was a siren VERY near our home, and it made us feel afraid of going deaf, if nothing else. What was test day?…… 1st Wednesday of every month?….. can’t remember.

Each family was supposed to have emergency, food, and drink supplies for yourselves and pets for x amount of time. We were advised to get under a heavy table or into an interior bathroom if the sirens gave a certain number of blasts at certain intervals. Fact: If/when our roof fell in and crushed everything except where all five of us (plus 4 Brittany’s) were hiding under the 10’x4’ table, there was NO WAY we could have accessed our emergency supplies (which would have been hot with radiation anyway).

But look at the shelter list….. seriously, the entire town of Concord was supposed to boogie on down to the Episcopal Church??!!??

@Antler….Check the line under “Clyde-Concord” and you’ll see the 94520 zip code with more Concord shelters. There was an article in a newspaper from the 80s or 90s that had pictures of the prepared Fall Out Shelter under Rhodes. Unfortunately I can’t find that picture now. I do remember a Civil Defense sign on the front of Rhodes next to the front doors. I was the Curtain Monitor at Meadow Homes then so the “flash wouldn’t blind us”, nevermind the flying glass shards flying through the heavy canvas curtains and shredding everyone. Just bend over and kiss your ass “Good bye” at your desk, nevermind the “Duck and Cover” crap.

My Mom had food, water, radio with batteries and first aid kit hidden away under the house. Years went by and she finally threw away all the expired food. Knowing what we know now I will be sitting out front. No sense in hiding.

The declassified reports from peak Cold War-era put our “full nuclear strike” scenario at nine figure casualties INITIALLY. Most of Europe, and about two-third of populated Asia were expected to become uninhabitable.

Now imagine the damage potentially to be incurred here.

I love the “sunset mausoleum in Kensington” … makes me all warm and fuzzy.
We did these drills in the 70″s and then they turned int earthquake drills now “active shooter?????” we might be past saving, hope not.

I actually do rememberthose insane boy in the Concord in the late sixties. Who knows maybe we’ll need them again if Harris/ Walz win.. and the international scene continues to crumble as it has in the last three and a half years.

I remember running the curtains shut & diving under my desk…. fun drill for a kid.
I liked the occasional “sonic booms” from the old fighter jets too.
I felt guarded from above.



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