The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
QUESTION: Do you think California should execute inmates on death row, or do you think Gov. Newsom did the right thing by placing a moratorium on the death penalty?
Talk about it….
Only if we all get to watch!
yes, they willfully took someone else’s rights without regard for human life, “why should they have more than what they took” nothing but money wasting.
What about the wrongfully convicted? Look at all the people exonerated after spending decades behind bars – even on death row! No doubt the United States has executed innocent people.
CA never got rid of it Newson did. The State voted for it multiple times but our politicians have gone against us!
From a practical standpoint, it’s proven time and again that it’s much less expensive for the state to keep prisoners in prison for life than to execute them.
And as my Republican father always says: How can you be sure? DNA evidence has proven more than 200 people sentenced to death were innocent.
Better to lock them away forever.
The expense is a function of the endless appeals permitted. When it’s carried out as designed it is far less expensive. As for your father, Republicans have a lot of bad opinions too.
Except prison for life doesn’t apply in California
You’re just parroting anti-death penalty lines. Use your brain that God gave you and tell me how it costs more to house and feed an inmate for 50 years that it does to put a bullet in his head?
How is less expensive to keep someone alive, in jail, with three squares a day, clothed, medical treatment etc …. As compared to a 5.56, 7,62, 9mm etc. I understand we don’t use the firing squad any more, so compare it to the drug cocktail provided for lethal injection. I cannot see how the lethal injection is more expensive than 40 years in jail.
Now to answer the question posted, ABSOlUTELY YES!
It costs more because of the necessary legal fees involved with the appeals process. People can wish it were otherwise but it isn’t.
And why do we allow so many appeals for so many years. Sorry, it should not take decades to terminate a life. Automatic appeals are a waste of time.
Like there would be no appeals anyway, no matter what the penalty would be! Bullbleep!
All those appeals happen anyway – We could have been rid of Scott Peterson and Richard Allen Davis long ago, when their appeals ran out.
Overwhelming, absolutely no doubt whatsoever of their guilt, 100%.
That level of certainty demands the death penalty be carried out.
I’m sure there would be no shortage of volunteers to do ’em in.
Sell lottery tickets for executioner and give the proceeds to the victim’s immediate family.
“People can wish it were otherwise but it isn’t”.
Correct, and that is a function of dips**t politicians and the dolts who vote for them.
As a prosecutor Kamala famously laughed at a man that she had just condemned to death. He was later exonerated and won a large settlement from the state.
‘We locked eyes this one time, and she laughed,’ he said. ‘She literally just, like, kind of busted out laughing.” said the man wrongly sentenced to die.
Can you imagine trusting the highest office in the country to such a person?
Just do it by firing range a lot cheaper. Bullets don’t cost much.
@ Steve – when was the last time you bought ammo?
Anyway….I say bring back hanging, we can reuse the rope and punishment should hurt.
ill donate a few hundred rounds to the cause. Have a few boxes on 38 special, 9mm and 7.62 not being used currerntly.
Yes. There need to be consequences for your actions.
The voters of CA voted yes for this & our dictator newsom took it away because HE does not believe in it.
We had voted yes to bring it back awhile ago. But going against all that voted yes Newsom killed it saying him and his family disagreed with it. So much for voting actually meaning something with him and the democrats
Newsom has never done anything right in his life. One of the reasons for the moratorium was because of the lethal injection controversy. We are all going to die, the death penalty only hastens it a little. In my opinion, death is an easy way out for some of the most evil people on the planet. A life sentence in solitary confinement is an agonizing and harrowing experience. Years and years of living in a tiny cell without any sunlight and social interaction is detrimental to a person’s mental well-being, and may induce mental deterioration. I think that would be an appropriate sentence for the evil that inflict harm on innocent people.
Maybe the next governor will reinstate the death penalty. Firing squad is too quick, too bad they can’t feed them to the lions.
Agreed – they used nitrogen to kill some scum bag in Arkansas or some place – just like how they kill cages full of pitbulls.
Please don’t they may make the cats sick! LOL
Yes, it’s unfair for a criminal to think they can do anything, then live in prison for the rest of their life. They talk about the end of democracy, democracy is under threat. Newsom doesn’t care about it, after we voted multiple times to keep the penalty and then he took it away. Democracy?
Absolutely. Everyday and twice on Sunday.
No! for thou shall not kill.
Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord.
So all we need to do is arrange the meeting.
Start with Newscum!
They need to bring back MENTAL iNSTITUTIONS. Everyone is going berserk since the lockdown. Doing drugs and marijuanna and hiding behind their phones or smashing and grabbibg and shooting due to anger and revenge. Four years with Kamala and her open borders and we are all toast.
Yes – voters said yes years ago…. Newscum played God again and said even though its voters wished he’s going to veto it…. this is what voters wanted in a second election and voting against the recall…. I’ll never understand what people were thinking in keeping him in office ….. and he has eyes on the WH ….. heaven help us 🙁
No. The death penalty is the only thing I have changed my mind on in 61years. There have been people exonerated after years on death row. Once you execute someone there’s no bringing them back. Life without parole is fine.
Would you be open to requiring more strict legal criteria before a judge or jury can impose a death sentence upon conviction?
Only if they are going to enforce it. Can’t even remember the last time they flushed the garbage.
Perhaps before running, we should learn to crawl again. Maybe prosecute and jail petty criminals for appropriate lengths of time to deter entry into the criminal world. You know, keep felons who are found with weapons on them in prison for a while rather than just bouncing them back onto the streets. We could, I don’t know, prosecute shoplifting so that Facebook Market isn’t loaded with stolen merchandise that all the authorities ignore.
Once we get some of that going, we can start up the wood chipper.
If we can’t execute them, then we should use them like guinea pigs to find out what makes them so evil.
YES and make it more painful for the peds
Newsom should be the next one to sit in the chair
California ALREADY has the Death Penalty, nothing to “Bring Back”… California voters upheld the Death Penalty, vetoed prop 62 (2016). The Governor has chosen to Ignore the Voters, ignore the Law, and suspended carrying out the Death Sentence… A personal choice, that makes HIM feel Nobel..
I find it hypocritical an atheist would quote the Bible.
Never should have gotten rid of it to begin with!
No. Government should not have power to take a life. Even one wrongly convicted person’s death is too many. And anyone who thinks the death penalty wouldn’t be used politically at this time is foolish.
“Even one wrongly convicted person’s death is too many.”
Fair enough. Do you apply the same criteria to the death of someone murdered by an illegal alien, which is also 100% preventable?
we should shoot them in pods towards the sun to completely erase their presence from this planet furthermore
Nothing is working.
Not unless we first change our laws of due process and our backed up court system. I don’t want to pay for 10 years of lawyers and appeals, costing up to 10 times the cost of life in prison. Maybe it shouldn’t be that way, but it is in every state.
Yes. California is years behind. To catch up they will need electric bleachers.
And since he wants the San Quentin real estate, Newsom should be all for it.
No, even though many people do deserve it.
1) In the real world, CA is not going to do this efficiently and effectively, so you would just have more expensive life sentences while endless appeals drag out for decades.
2) I don’t trust the government very much, and taking an innocent life by execution is about the worst thing one can do. Why think *this* government is going to get it right every time? It’s a good principle to take the CA govt out of the most profound business: deciding when it is just to take a life. (Just remind yourself that it would be people like Kamala Harris making the call whether to pursue the death penalty.)
I don’t trust the government either, but in a death penalty trial, it’s the jury that decides.
Well here is my answer . . . .
Texas Death Penalty
Why vote if one person (Newsom) can over turn the will of the people? Too much concentrated power in this state run by the wrong people. If I was 20 years younger I’d be out of here.