The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you think the truth will eventually come out about UFOs, and whether or not there is life on other planets?
Talk about it.
There is life out there. There are too many stars, and too many planets orbiting them, for there not to be life. It is extremely arrogant for us to think otherwise. While it is possible that we are the most intelligent species in the universe, someone has to be first, it is mathematically improbable.
Unless fast interstellar travel is impossible, there will be visitors. We make too much noise. When and where are the only questions.
Ask the Martians, there are UFO’s on their planet & we sent them there.
Is this question about any unidentified flying object, or unidentified flying alien spacecraft? For the sake of argument, I will assume we’re talking about the latter, so I will refer to them as alien UFOs
I’m not convinced that there are or have ever been any alien UFOs during my lifetime. Every picture I have seen is out of focus and blurred, especially military pictures. I would think the military has expensive equipment capable of taking very clear and sharp pictures. Cell phones, even a cheap disposable camera, takes better pictures than what I’ve seen. I’m sure people have seen objects in the sky that were mysterious and unidentifiable. Maybe some government agency has an explanation and is keeping it a secret. Area 51 is mysterious and well guarded, so there’s stuff going on that we don’t know about. Will we ever be told the truth? I doubt it.
Life on other planets. I think when some sort of life form is discovered and proven to be life, we will be told about it. Life such as microorganisms, fish, mammals, and human like beings will someday be discovered, but not in our lifetime. We haven’t even set foot on Mars yet, and we have astronauts stuck in space with no way to get back. I’d say we have a long way to go before any alien life is found on another planet. Possibly in a couple of hundred years, but most likely longer.
Space is huge and Earth is but a tiny spec of dust.
Yes – but it will be from private industry or some individual(s) bringing it out publicly in a way that military or government interests won’t be able to surpress it. I hope it’s sooner than later – that may be the only unifying thing that would bring all the warring countries together to be on the same page instead of in conflict.
They don’t have thousands of agencies spending millions of dolllars investigating something that doesnt exist.
They arent investigating ghosts.
So, 😞… You’re saying ghosts don’t really exist?
Or at least, ghosts do not seem to hold the same opportunity for power or profit that U.F.O’s present.
Do we think the truth will come out about Claycord? 😉
There was some chatter yesterday on ‘X’ that Mars soil is loaded with results/remnants of Nuclear war type stuff…a resurfacing of a NASA-Harvard thing from 2006-7: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2006AGUSM.P21B..04B/abstract
So…. maybe Earth was actually populated by Marslings escaping their war-torn, dying planet~~~ and WE are the Martians we’re looking for.
Why would they waste their time on such a violent, screwed up planet.
An for those who have tried,
how many hats in a 250 sq foot roll of aluminum foil ? ? ? ?
How many have you made?
I’m certain that there are forms of life on other planets.
I’m also certain that alien beings have not visited earth.
Why in the hell would any advanced civilization come here?? We are crazy…. food stocks I guess? I truly believe there is life out there “arrogant not to think so” but why would a civilization capable of travel want to come here other than for food? I believe they would simply put a fence out around our solar system to prevent this scourge from infecting the universe. sorry I love being us but even coke and pepsi can’t be sold in the same restaurant so how are we ever going to get along?
The truth is out about UFOs and has been for decades. The topic is very well documented and top government and military officials throughout the world have testified again and again. The truth (about almost anything) is out there if people care to look. Problem with UFOs, is it upsets the narrative of life. Every ancient civilization on the planet has one thing in common. They all looked to the stars.
I think we know the truth. The proof is Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris.
No Nancy is a droid,that blank stare ,the fake ear to ear smile,and the blather that is pure communist drivel,she is a programmed electronic device….the shape of her face and head.it doesnt even look real.
I hope not…. if my cover is blown they will probably make me leave and I kinda like it here.
They could be us, from the future or past, time traveling to the current time. No Aliens involved.
Of course they’re here….. to serve man.
Twilight Zone, yes
With a side of fava beans & a nice Chianti!
To answer that question, please see “Resident Alien” on Netflix.
The truth is right here. We aren’t alone on our own Earth. 👽