The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Most every homeless camp you see is full of trash on the ground. That trash then ends up in the local waterways. Do you think local cities should provide dumpsters and/or garbage cans for local homeless camps?
Talk about it.
No. Clear out the homeless camps once and for all, period. Garbage isn’t the worst thing that could be ending up in our waterways.
What’s next, provide clean porta potties, and an endless supply of toilet paper? How about feminine hygiene products? Oh yeah, let’s give them free condoms while we’re at it.
It should be provided strictly by charitable donations, and not on the taxpayers dime. Their problem should not be the taxpayer’s problem. The homeless I have seen have no shame whatsoever, so what makes the bleeding hearts think these shameless people will use a garbage can? A better idea would be to kick them out, and when they set up another camp, kick them out again. Keep it up, and make their lives so miserable that they will leave town on their own. They are making the lives of honest citizens miserable with their filth, vomit, and poop spread all over parking lots, the streets, and sidewalks. So tit-for-tat, make their lives miserable too.
Maybe they should use the old military housing and provide their services there. Instead of running all over trying to provide for them. Also, if they are out and about after 10 pm they should be picked up and brought there instead of behind our stores, on the streets and behind our yards.
Put them to work: Picking up garbage in the streets, cutting weeds to eliminate fire hazards, gardening at government facilities and parks, taking care of animals at the dog pound, and so on. Don’t reward them for being freeloading bums; make them actually work for the taxpayers dollars that they get.
The former U.S. Coast Guard, formerly U.S. Navy, housing off of East Olivera Road in Concord is privately owned property. The former U.S. Navy housing off of Port Chicago Highway was torn down by the U.S. Army.
A 10:00 p.m. curfew for homeless individuals is likely unconstitutional.
Interesting. There are signs at the entrance gates saying that it is government property. A crime to enter.
do you really think they’ll clean up their own area and use these dumpsters? No…these are mostly tweakers, they’re high on drugs and don’t care about anybody or anything, just their next fix. We keep assuming that these people want a house, a job, a haircut and a savings account….they don’t. They want drugs. Dumpsters will be used by the junk hauling scammers that charge people to take away their stuff and then just dump it on the side of the road.
Don’t underestimate the unintended consequences of trying to help the homeless people. The ONLY answer is to move them to another city, just like SF is doing to us. Free bus and BART tickets to anywhere but here. The issue cannot be fixed unless and until mental institutions and prisons are built to handle them.
You can thank the bleeding heart liberals and open borders for much of it.
The city eventually end up picking the trash. So why not put a dumpster/garbage for the homeless to clean up after themselves. Furthermore the city should give them a few bucks to entice the homeless to clean up theirs camps. And $100/week for those who stay sober. I am supporting a tax increase for helping the homeless.
Keep providing for them … they keep coming.
We pay enough in taxes to support these addicted and criminals.
You want more money, provide receipts for the 20+Billion that is already unaccounted for that ‘helped’ the criminals.
Paul, feel free to donate your own funds.
Name the taxpayer/user funded Bay Area Campground:
1)==Family campgrounds: $30 per night, plus $10 to drive in.
2)==$15/person entrance fee plus extra for parking and shuttle. NO camping allowed
3)==Secluded campsites, fire pits and charcoal grills. Camping fee is $30, and day use is $45.
4)== Campsite $15 per night plus $10 per car.
Trash receptacles are provided.
Alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
Enough said! Except……….
Homeless camps are the garbage dumps.
Bring out the scoops, problems solved.
Put the homeless into the garbage cans. That’s where they belong.
Claycord posters aren’t fans of public health initiatives, but these homeless camps are disease bombs waiting to happen. Providing dumpsters isn’t enabling; it is protecting the rest of us. Among other things, think rats.
Common sense I love it. Wish I could see more of it.
Common sense? How about bus tickets to Portland, they’d fit right in.
However Gavin would never go for it. The homeless, drug addicted, and mentally ill represent a substantial portion of his voting base.
for people to sleep in? or maybe burn…..what could possibly go wrong
No …. next will be showers and a warm bed …. they wouldn’t use them anyway!
Many of Concord’s homeless have gym memberships so that they can take showers.
Just because we provide dumpsters doesn’t mean the homeless will use them. It’d be better to first provide garbage cans, chained down to avoid theft, as a trial to see if they’re properly used, before incurring the costs of providing much more expensive dumpsters.
remember when the city and a bunch of do-gooders decided it was time to relocate the vagrants camping under the BART tracks by the skatepark?
They showed up one morning wearing their do-gooder vests bearing coffee and donuts, along with people to help them find work, find housing, get a haircut and organize their belongings. Do you remember what happened?
The vagrants flipped them off, cursed them out and refused any services. They gathered their junk and moved to another part of the city.
Again, once people get it through their head that these people are NOT the the “one paycheck away from homelessness” group, the quicker we can get them rounded up and institutionalized or incarcerated. In the meantime, the state loses track of 24 BILLION dollars…I’m sure it made it’s way into the accounts of many politicians, NGOs, “non profits”, and all the bureaucracy purposely built to bilk the taxpayers out of their money in the name of helping the drug addicts.
I’m sorry to say that the vast majority of these people made their choice, and in turn, they cannot choose the consequence.
Yes, LOL, provide them with something new they’ll tip over and then they’ll move in. Heck it’s probably fire, rain and hurricane proof!
Speaking of bogus taxes, everyone should vote NO on a new bond measure which would increase property taxes to fund a 50 million dollar affordable housing bond. Don’t fall for the old bait and switch. They want us to pay more yet again to subsidize others. This political socialism has to stop…