The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you, or does anyone you know have a problem with mice in their home right now?
Talk about it.
The mice just squeak past me because I have a cat, but I do have a mouse attached to my computer, does that count?
I have an Italian friend that uses fresh cheese in his mousetraps, because like he said with his Italian accent, “that’s a Gouda way to catcha the mouse.”
Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door.
Nope, no problem with rodents, but I did recently have a couple of uninvited house guests; 2 very juvenile possums. During our very hot weather, I left my patio door open in the evening hours, to allow cooler air to come in, and, without a screen, apparently these little critters decided to explore. Cute little guys, and very unafraid of human contact. I was able to corral them in a large shopping bag and evict them into the back yard. Guess I’d better get a screen door, to protect against future uninvited guests.
We have a possum that comes late at night and finishes whatever dry cat food the cats don’t finish. Cute little thing too! After it is done eating, he/she cleans its face with the cat water. Silly little thing!
Opossums are flea carriers. You may want to spray the floors and furniture (if this happened recently).
You must have alot flies,i wouldnt think of having a door or window open with no screen.
Luckily due to our two outdoor cats, we do not have a mice problem. I mean here and there they like to leave us presents or want to come inside the house with the mouse in the their mouth, but I don’t let them inside. If it weren’t for my cats we would have a huge problem. My family and I are moving out of the county this weekend so whoever buys the house will most likely have a mice problem, unless they have outdoor cats themselves.
I have a couple of hundred in my freezer does that count?
Geez SK….. 200 frozen mice?………how many snakes do you have?
Nope… not in the house.
Indirectly I have a lot of feral cats in the area that leave parts of mice, gophers & voles laying around on my driveway but I don’t mind that, they’re keeping the population down. Owls yak up the pellets of skin/bone & stuff on my deck railing sometimes…. I just hose it off, that’s about it.
I hate meeses to pieces.
No mice, a lot of gophers and voles.
If you do it is because you live near construction and they lost their home or youve had mice for years and dont care
On property i rent in Concord there is an open sewer pipe and when i find mice they are dead from this.Should i have the owner put in jail for this?He wont fix it.his home shield wont cover it and he only has $10 million abs 10 houses so he cant afford it. and told me if i make him fix it he will just sell the property and i will lose my business.
…. knock on wood – no …. tree squirrels chewing the heXX out of pine cones in my pine tree leaving a mess under the tree everyday. Tried deer antlers and bamboo sticks for alternatives for them to chew on per suggestions… anybody have any others? other than a .222 or 12 ga. 🙂
Mice and Voles Galore. We back up to open space in Clayton, so that doesn’t help, but between the Dog, the outdoor cats and electric traps, we have terminated over 60 voles and 15 Mice. It’s a bad Rodent year for sure.
Us too! 53 Vole drownings in our pool and still catching mice daily in the electric traps. The best traps on the market. I think when they did the control burn on the hill they came our way. I’m in Dana Hills.
I haven’t seen traces of any mice, but Concord’s rat and cockroach problem exploded about 2015 and hasn’t shown any signs of slowing down.
Cockroaches in the garage for the first time. Maybe the result of killing a black window, before she laid her egg sack, several years ago. Never saw a black window in the garage again. I probably just wiped out the ones this year including tiny ones stuck on a trap. Funny is one adult trying to escape me went under the SUV. The next day after going to the store and coming back noted it had chosen a bad place to hide: under a tire, so it was squashed.
Mice and rats have disappeared after the neighbor took pity on some feral cats and had them spayed. They like to hang out in my back yard.
I was going to make a joke about only having problems with the genus democ–rats, but then I thought…. nah… 😝
The footmen, drivers, and attendants were very nice until midnight. And then the squeaking began. Sincerely, Cinderella
Sorry, couldn’t resist!
Yes. After they did the fire break in Dana Hills 53 Vole drownings in our pool and still catching mice daily in the electric trap.
A bad problem during Winter, about 20 mice. The cat got a few Rats a few months ago. All is good now.
My cats keep bringing them in and dropping them off. Today I move the frig.
A few mice and rats but the cat next door does a pretty good job at her house and ours. But Spiders….they’re everywhere. Found a couple of black widows, but mostly just basic spiders….everywhere.
The only mouse we have problems with is Minnie Mouse, who our granddaughter wants on everything, from backpack to pjs, tops, leggings, you name it.
no issue with mice. But ANTS….that’s a different story. This summer seems much worse than previous ones with the seasonal ant invasion.