The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Should arson suspects who cause the death of a person (or multiple people) face the death penalty?
Talk about it.
As far I know, California already has a law in place. When a person dies during the commission of a crime, be it intentional, or unintentional, that person is guilty of murder. In other words, if a robbery victim has a heart attack and dies during a robbery, or even an attempted robbery, the robber is guilty of murder. The same with arson, if a person dies for whatever reason, the arsonist is guilty of murder and may be subjected to the death penalty. But His Lordship Newsom won’t allow it.
That’s how we convicted a man of “murder” when I was on a Jury in Mrtz many years ago. He was the driver of the get-away car and helped plan the robbery of an old man with 2 other guys. They smashed the old guy’s head in with a crow bar after entering his apartment. The man died. Defendant found guilty and sentenced to life.
Yes. Just one bullet on the head or guillotine. Don’t waste anymore tax payer’s money on life sentences.
…and the libs have had him out probably for yrs now unfortunately
Raymond Lee Oyler
Esperanza Fire
He killed 5 firefighters and found guilty on 42 of 45 counts including 5 counts of first degree murder.
He should be put to death
Would like to see a report detailing origin of each of this years fires including incarceration history, immigration status and if illegal country they came from. Of course such a report would never voluntarily be made public.
The Park Fire by this evening is likely to have burned 165,000 acres.
Was man caused, from press coverage by a twice convicted FELON.
“… sentenced to 20 years in prison after being convicted of sex crimes
against a child under 14 years old in 2001 and of robbery with great bodily injured.”
Arsonists need minimum 25 year sentences with no reduction of sentences allowed does full 25 years. Widely publicize each year in late spring and thru fire season number of convictions and years incarcerated they were sentenced to. With democrat super majority in state legislature don’t hold your breathe, they have already proven they are doing whatever they can to early release convicted FELONS back to our streets.
Incarceration costs reduce tax dollars available for their woke feel good projects that’ll get them reelected.
If there is no threat of substantial incarceration,
there is no deterrence to criminal behavior
The guy that started the Park fire, is probably so dumb that the death penalty would not deter him. Didn’t he know that pushing a car off a cliff in this hot dry weather would start a fire? Or does he have so little regard for life and property that he didn’t care. Again I don’t think thinking ahead and comtemplating the consequences is his strong suit. Whether someone dies in that fire or not, he should be locked up for life.
“The guy that started the Park fire, is probably so dumb that the death penalty would not deter him.”
I’m fairly certain his execution would deter him from doing it again.
Depends on the circumstances – but a minimum of life without a possibility of parole and stripped of all assets, current and future for partial restitution
While it is tempting to wish that on those 2 evil men Salcido, Allen Davis (and I remember both cases) in the end it does not really solve much and it brings us down to their level. However, neither should ever be set free.
Well…. it costs about $106,000 per year to keep an inmate in prison in California.
Carrying out the execution guarantees no repeat offenses & it will make a great many of us feel a lot better knowing these POS are doing time in hell where they belong.
As I recall California voters voted for the death penalty but Newsom refused to reinstate it.
Carrying out the sentence brings us down to their level? That’s BS.
I didn’t say say carrying out the death sentences brings us down to their level, I was replying to the comment that using the guillotine would be appropriate. I’m not for the death penalty, although I admit it is tempting, and keeping someone on death row cost more than putting them to death, due to the system we have, appeals etc. I know some will say that appeals shouldn’t be allowed, but that is the system we have and it is better and less barbaric than countries like Iran or Saudi Arabia. So while not perfect I think we still have the best system.
I think if you had a family member murdered, you might change your opinion of the death penalty. It would also be nice if “no chance of parole” meant what it’s supposed to.
Yes, they should face the death penalty.Why should the taxpayers pay to imprison them for life.
Try murderers, pedophiles, armed robberies, elder abuse, first.
Arsonists AND drunk drivers
Incarceration doesn’t deter ANYTHING with criminals or even first timers.
Sudden death by law enforcment on sight would deter in my book.
Your last sentence hit it! Newsom and all the liberal-lefties in California won’t allow any punishment to criminals. They favor the punishment, instead, of the hard-working average citizen and business owners at the hands of the criminals. I swear, the democrat party seems to hate the average true blue American.
In fact, bring back public executions.
Lethal injection is so… soft. Bring back the Guillotine!
Ramon Salcido should be first in line.
Second would be Richard Allen Davis.
… with MALICE.
yes..by fire
Our elected officials aren’t interested in the plight of victims.
They only care about abortion, climate change, and racism. Two fit here:
Perhaps charge arsonists with “existential systemic climate change violations with racism enhancements.”
Everyone knows climate change is driven by racism, just ask Gavin, and he knows a thing or two by gosh!
That ought to at least be good for J6 treatment, or death.
Oh shoot, I forgot “xenophobic”, that’s always supposed to accompany “existential” and “systemic”.
“Unburdened” should probably be in there somewhere also.
It’s a socialist thing.
“The future, Unburdened by what has been”
Guess Who!