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Home » The Water Cooler – Do You Think The Economy Will Get Worse Before It Gets Better?

The Water Cooler – Do You Think The Economy Will Get Worse Before It Gets Better?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Do you think the economy will get worse before it gets better?

Talk about it.

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The free money biden harris regime shoveled out will wind down.
Democrats always throw money at their problems, usually of their own making.
Until crude oil prices come down price of transporting goods will stay high.
People have more credit card debt than before 2008 recession.
Discretionary spending is way down and it’s hurting businesses.
Federal reserve has already screwed up on interest rate as they so often do.


It will continue to get worse! And if Kamala Harris and the Democrats win, we’re in for real trouble economically. Your average family out there is really having to cut back and sacrifice. We are worse off than we were four years ago! Things*were* better* under*Trump!


Harris in the White House would be Obama’s 4th term.


It would be even worse than anything Obama would have done.


Fight, Fight, Fight #TRUMPFOREVER


We’ve done just fine during the Biden/Harris administration, contrary to the mistruths spewed by the right wing propaganda networks.

Looking forward to Harris winning the election. Also looking forward to Trump finally facing justice in 2025.


If you mean covid relief dollars..Trump was the first to support and sign into law, a $2.2 trillion bill, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES).


If Trump wins in November, it will get better. Drilling for oil on American soil and becoming energy independent will definitely help improve the economy, and If the Republicans succeed in mass deportation, I predict we will see substantial economic growth.
If the Dems win, it will get worse. Depending on foreign oil, and allowing millions of illegal invaders into the United States, is a sure recipe for a disastrous economy. As always, the Dems will spin it and blame the GOP for their failures.


Democrats already took care of farm labor issue last Century when they decided to Help farm workers. Between state red tape, new regulations and pay, cost of human labor became more expensive than automation.
That’s the key, human labor more expensive than automation
Democrat politicians can not for some reason grasp that fact.
Worked with automation in a very large manufacturing facility for many years, have seen advances in machine vision, faster computer control and actuators. Fun stuff to build and install.
If humans are needed there number is few.

Autonomous machines with machine vision can work 24/7,
When His Imperial Majesty Emperor newsom and democrat super majority state legislature in their infantil wisdom decided minimum wage for fast food workers. Automation was being slowly adopted but since law was signed, conservative estimate is 10,000 workers became unemployed and restaurant automation plans were prioritized and sped up.
In short what democrats did to farm workers last Century is happening to fast food workers.
democrat politicians is such smart people – – – That’s a JOKE !


Your sorry attempt to defend illegal invaders by saying who will pick the veggies is old, and out of date. Try something new. There are over 30 million illegal invaders in the US, and they are all not working the fields. Most farming is done by robotic automation, and I don’t care if the price of veggies quadruple, DEPORT them all. The amount of taxes we are paying for free education, free food stamps, free welfare, and free health care is a lot more than what we will pay for veggies at the grocery store.


Then go after the people who keep hiring them.


We need slave labor like China uses!
Good point….. and while we’re at it we can use the “Newcomers” to work all kinds of other crappy jobs to keep labor costs down for big business and put legal citizens out of work altogether….
Keeping 20 million underclass citizens on hand will be a smart move because as soon as we give them permission to vote they will all vote for the party that promises them the most handouts and welfare …. The big “D”.
Just follow the Democrat plan.


Your link doesn’t work.


Depends on who wins the election.


Yes – it will get worse especially if Harris gets the WH … it will be spend spend spend on the domestic feel good give-aways


I’d like to be more optimistic than that, DOMO, but I just shopped for saltine crackers… Went looking for something cheaper than Walmart… but their Sam;s Club, In Bulk, 3.3 pounds, made at: Fujian xinxing food co., ltd. Mainland China… $13.99… marked down from @16.11
Flour and water and salt…..! God help us all if china ever decides to call in their loans.

It will never get better, it’s well past the point of no return and anyone who believes it will must be a crooked politician cian.


If Harris is elected, the US economy will be inflationary due to increased government spending and higher (pro-labor) labor costs. She has to leave her “legacy’, right?

When Trump is elected, good times are back with lower energy prices and trade agreements… “all boats will rise” because everyone will confidently participate in the economy.

The Fed seems to be well disciplined on monetary (M1,M2,M3) policy.


You’ve Been Lied to About Inflation

Your link doesn’t work. It looks like the video may have been removed.

The economy will continue to get worse.

If the Democrats continue to rule, the economy will only worsen.


Better. News today is that the nation’s economy accelerated last quarter at a strong 2.8% annual pace, with consumers and businesses helping drive growth despite the pressure of continually high interest rates.

Impressive. We can thank the Biden/Harris administration for the sound fiscal policy that has pulled us out of the morass that was the Trump administration.


Buying power is down, way down.
Consumers are simply financing their expenditures with credit card debt; they have no choice.
It’s good for the banks, but nobody else.
Further, the feds have literally purchased all the long bonds available to keep interest rates no worse than they already are. That’s a lot of risk on the Fed balance sheet.
The only thing impressive about the Biden Administration is their ability to ignore the irrefutable laws of economics. It’s an impressive amount of delusion.


How can Harris do worse than Trump’s $7.8 trillion to the national debt?
FYI, most of that figure was prior to Covid.


I am not a fan of either but also not a fan of liars. The bills passed by Trump for Covid had bi-partisan support and almost all senators voted for them. You know that democrats brought those bills to the floor and everyone needed support for vaccine, testing and medical equipment. What you fail to say is once vaccines were in hand and Biden was in office he passed 2 more trillion with only dem support.

In CA you were being paid 1400 a week to stay home and AFTER shots were available.

That started the super cycle of inflation but don’t forget it was TRANSITORY!


Trump never should have agreed to lock-downs. He never should have Warp Speeded the vaccines. I’m not sure that he realizes these were mistakes and that worries me about his future presidency.


The topic was the economy, not how many of each side supported what thing.
The links I posted explain that yes, Biden and congress enacted $2.2trillion in spending for Covid. They also illustrate that Trump and congress enacted $4.8 trillion in spending that had nothing to do with Covid. That has a whole lot more to do with our current inflation, and we would be dealing with it regardless of Covid. Anything done after (i.e. Biden’s spending) cannot truly be transitory because we owe for what Trump did.
I will add that with all of Trump’s spending none of it went to infrastructure. We also never got a health care plan. Biden racked up a grand total of $4.3 trillion in his term. Trump, on the other hand, racked up twice that amount with $8.4trillion.

You may simply prefer when it’s Trump spending. Cool. That’s your right. But his tax cuts for us have expired, but not for those a who afford to foot all this, the upper brackets.

I was not paid to stay home. I worked through the entire pandemic as did many others. And inflation cannot be transitory if the larger source of income has been cut.

Again, you don’t have to read a word I wrote. I am confident that my downvotes won’t either. I included actual sources, and since they don’t include one panel political cartoons, my hopes are reasonably low.


The national debt under President Trump increased by $7.8 trillion, while the debt incurred by the end of President Biden’s term has been estimated to be $7.9 trillion. Should Vice President Kamala Harris be elected president, then it’s likely that the debt incurred under her completed 4-year term will exceed the debt incurred by both President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden.


Those look like some trustworthy new sites.


About fuel prices in CA being so high, . . . . . WHY IS THAT ? ?
Majority of crude oil refined in CA comes from foreign sources. . . . . . WHY IS THAT ? ?
Because CA has no pipelines from continental US bringing crude into the state.
Some does come in via railroad tank cars driving up price due to transportation cost.
There are a few smaller pipelines exporting refined products.
‘Annual Oil Supply Sources To California Refineries’
‘Foreign Sources of Crude Oil Imports to California’
“We have created a regulatory environment in California where it is nearly impossible to dig, drill, develop, mine, log, graze grow, or manufacture anything”


Unfortunately I think it’s going to crash and burn because that is the only way out. Anything would be unsatisfactory. It’s beyond repair but we can hope for a soft landing.


Depends for whom.
The poor and middle got a good deal after WW2. The rising tide floated all boats. The very rich have been trying to reset things to pre-WW2 levels ever since. In those days, it was rather like Brazil today – a tiny nucleus of extremely rich, a small group of middle-class people to serve them (doctors, lawyers, architects, etc.) and a vast ocean of poor, both working and not. Even very skilled workers might be poor. The very rich have been trying to return us to this situation for decades, and they are accomplishing it bit by bit. So, the economy will get better for the wealthy, but worse for the rest of us.


Unfortunately if Trump wins “I am praying he will” We will see it fall…. All this crap we have wasted money on and printed money for will catch up to us…it usually takes two or three years. Everyone needs to hold their breath and be patient when it happens as it is the only way we will survive (financially). The blame will go everywhere but be focused at Trump and this is just how it is “smart people will know better” . I am going to stand up on my soapbox here and say what is happening now is not capitalism it is no different than the rum runners of the past or the smugglers of today. They get the “sugar rush” of instant gratification without care of the future. Capitalists want to make money but they want to see down the road on how that money and effort will continue to make money, of course I am using money here as the driver but it equates to everything. This includes education “making our kids better than us” generational wealth…providing for our children’s future “a leg up” making sure our community’s don’t spiral into trash….. I could go on and on here but I think some may feel the same. “off my soapbox now”


Biden is dead or in hospice. If that dawns on the national consciousness at the wrong time it could lead to an economic downturn


Economy is doing well but what no one is talking about, except on CNBC all day everyday is the that the debt markets are closing.

We are now spending 1trillion in deficit spending every 100 days. The interest on the debt is now 850B a year or more than national defense or more than SS and Medicare.

So guess what who gets elected does not matter, the reckoning is coming.

And no you mathematically cannot tax your way out of this. Watch Rick Santelli reporter on CNBC has worked covering the bond market for 30 years.


The economy will only get worse until the majority of Democrats are voted out of office.


The economy will get worse. The level of credit tight now is extraordinarily high, and is beginning to impact consumer behavior (spending, mostly), added with the inflation. While the rate of increase in inflation has slowed, it is still roughly 20% higher in 2024 than in 2020, and prices remain high. The prospect of harris, a pure socialist, as Pres is not comforting to producers/earners in this country. If she is declared winner, thus Pres, the US will be in a tremendous world of hurt. joe is weak, harris is much weaker, and presents that way. jinping must be salivating at the level of incompetence our nation is considering, but I digress. I just do not see the harris administration getting out of the way of business, thereby impeding any kind of economic growth, all the while taxing much more to achieve the socialist dream of equity (or as harris says, we all end up in the same space. Never mind if the space I want is nowhere near where ConcordGuy wants, or where Dawg wants, socialism takes that decision away). Think the economy is bad now, under joe, wait until harris gets through. Come November, things will tank even further (not that far to go) or, if it becomes morning again in America, things will perk up.


Americans are screwed if they keep expecting to be ‘saved’ by billionaires, every major crisis results in a huge wealth transfer from us to them. The billionaires are taking all our wealth and using it to trap us in a technocratic feudalist state.

Obviously most of these viewpoints are swayed by political preferences. Go to unbiased economic sources such as Morningstar, Kipling or professional economists. The economy was spiraling down precovid. The last few years it’s been booming. Record stock market growth, low unemployment, high discretionary spending (though the pace is slowing), wages up 22% since pre-covid and inflation rate (USIR) currently 2.97% (closing in on the feds goal of 2%). All these are slowing to a more normal pace, which economists say is good.
I travel internationally all the time for work and leisure, and believe me, we’re doing so much better than other countries, whom are struggling.
Now if we close loopholes and get large corporations and the very rich to actually pay their share of taxes, we’ll get the deficit down.
Use actual factual data to assess the economy rather than “everything is wonderful with my president and horrible with the other guy”.


What’s everyone talking about? High inflation? High gas prices? A border wide open problem? High crime rate?The Democrat politicians keep say that’s all under control, all false and basically a myth.
Meanwhile, they continually accuse Trump of lying.
p.s. And Trump will destroy the country, the Western Hemisphere, the World, the Stratosphere, the Universe,……. so they keep saying.

Trump has lied on numerous occasions.

Just like he lied about the economy being the greatest ever in American history during his term.
It wasn’t even close. During his 4 years the average GDP was 0.95% That’s the lowest average GDP by a President over the past 7 Presidents from Biden to Carter.


The second quarter GDP was announced on Thursday at +2.8%
That was far better than what the economists had forecast at +2.0%

When Trump was in office the annual GDP was +2.3%, +3.0%, +2.2%, and -3.7%
It was not the greatest economy in American history.
Not even close.

Just the Facts.

Biden’s results are skewed by the feds buying every bond they can get a hold of knowing a majority of that new money supply will go to the financial markets.
Presto chango, the economy looks better than it is.

Here’s what the average GDP growth rates have been under the last 6 Presidents:

Carter: 3.25%
Reagan: 3.48%
HW Bush: 2.25%
Clinton: 3.88%
George Bush: 2.2%
Obama: 1.62%
Trump: 0.95%



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