The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Did you watch former President Trump’s speech last night? What was your opinion?
Talk about it.
Yes I watched it.
I don’t want biden to drop out. I want him to get his a** kicked in November.
100%. Hopefully Biden can see how much he has ruined our country.
The media (msm) is saying it went too long. I’m glad he called out all of the shenanigans that the current administration has done that IS NOT HELPING AMERICANS!
Also glad he called out the Unnecessary hiring of 87,000 IRS agents.
It’s just Bizarre that this current administration cares about everybody elses borders Except Our Own!!!
NO, because I’m now a RINO. I served in Vietnam and voted for Nixon, but loathe Trump and am saddened by the direction of the GOP. The John is morally corrupt (cheats on his wives and is a sexual predator), a pathological liar (over 20,000 verified falsehoods during his administration), a business failure, (7 bankruptcies) a criminal (34 felonies in NY), a traitor (stole top secret documents and shared them with civilians) , a coward (avoided military service with a bogus medical condition) and worst of all, he despises and belittles veterans. I recognize the issues we face, but feel the party had better options. Liz Cheney is a true, law abiding conservative and would have been a great nominee; even Adam Kinsinger, although somewhat moderate, would have been a better candidate. If the Democrats get the Old Guy to step aside and run a younger, vibrant candidate, the GOP will lose, Trump will again refuse to accept the election results and the country could slip into a shooting civil war.
Whenever someone throws a tantrum about politics, it’s always about Trump. Seems to say more about to speak to their mentality more than Trump’s
John Pope, You are brave to come here and admit to being a rhino. I lean more left, not as much as many here want to believe, however I there are several republicans I can respect. I like your comment very much, what you say is true. Unfortunately the Trump supporters will never believe it. No one is so blind as those who will not see.
Hanne, the term is “RINO” Republican In Name Only.
It has nothing to do with the rhinoceros.
A little more solemn than usual for Trump. He described the gunshot and what went through his mind at the time. Then he held a moment of silence honoring Cory Comperatore with his fireman’s helmet and jacket on display. Other than that, it was his usual speech, he didn’t say anything I haven’t heard before.
Tucker Carlson’s speech impressed me, I especially like when he said the government does not own the United States, we the people own the United States. The government represents us, and they are supposed to do what we want, not what they want.
The part I got a kick out of was when Trump’s little granddaughter was sitting on his lap picking her nose….cute kid.
Little different than normal “maybe the shooting was a come to Jesus moment”. Message the same, America first then everyone else. This is why when you fly they tell you to put on your mask first…. If you are unable than you cannot help anyone. Rules of business “pay your self first” because if you cannot support the business than you cannot support your employees. Love him, hate him whatever… the man is a lion.
TRUMP 2024
Not much … I can only take so much of that from any candidate 🙁
I have been advised by just about everyone not to listen to scammers and grifters — hang up the phone, close the door, don’t click on the e-mail, and definitely do not listen to their spiel. So, no, I didn’t listen to Trump last night — or ever. I am not going to be conned out of my life savings, pension, and Social Security benefits by a flim-flam man.
Wow. Really. You are losing more money under this administration than you did under Trump’s. You are just another liberal loser.
Well, I’d agree with you about losing money under this administration if I were a billionaire who wants Trump’s tax cut for the wealthy to continue (it’s set to expire in 2025); or if I were a billionaire who definitely doesn’t want more IRS agents who might catch how I’m cheating on my taxes; or, if I were a corporation that wants to swallow up all my competitors so I can raise prices and reap unwarranted profits, so really doesn’t want Biden around to continue enforcing anti-trust laws. But I’m not a billionaire nor a corporation, and my financial statements say I sure haven’t lost anything in these past 3+ years. I doubt I would fare as well under a Project 2025 inspired president.
the tax cuts for the wealthy do not expire; only the middle class cuts expire.
We’re all losing money…. inflation is eating us alive thanks to Biden and all the lackadaisical loonies that voted for him.
Biden’s budget plan….. is to raise taxes $4.951 TRILLION over the next 10 years.
Remember when you’re parroting the Dem’s “raising taxes on big business & making them pay their fair share” BS, that those taxes will be paid for by the higher prices the big businesses will charge YOU the consumer for their products.
I hope some of you on the left have had an epiphany now that it’s been openly exposed that your Democrat leaders have been telling you lies for the past 3 1/2 years (and way before that too).
Hmm. Well, you’ve certainly been conned by news media propaganda.
Listen to Dave Ramsey, he is a financial talk show host, definitely conservative, does not really get into politics. He pretty much is upset with both parties and how they spend money. However, according to him, the stockmarket is doing just great under Biden, and it was good under Trump. Cautiously informed how can you say that some is being conned by the news media when same person say they are looking at their financial statement. Seems more reliable than anything. Are you saying even if you financial statement show you have not lost money in the past 3 years, you don’t believe your statements. Perhaps you should just keep your money under the mattress. That way you will neither loose or gain, and there would be no one to blame.
P.S. I have not lost money in the past 3 years, I have gained on my 401K and also received a nice raise at my work.
So I assume you not listen to Newscum, Biden or Harris either
So who will you vote for? Kennedy? Mickey Mouse?
If you’re under the impression that Trump is going to steal everything you have, you’ve already been conned.
The convention was fantastic. Classy and civilized.
Yes, the exchange between Gaetz and McCarthy was as civilized as it gets. And those fancy ear decorations. PURE CLASS!
You’re exactly right about everything…..Gaetz and McCarthy’s interaction consisted of words, not punches. And the American flag ear patches I saw were terrific, and a wonderful show of support for President Trump.
Trump’s speech was very good, but a bit long.
At the end he wanted to share and compare the past with the here and now, and how it can be better again.
It was for those who might have not known, since the media they listened to or focus on did not talk about it.
Keeping hope for things to get better, …. 🙂
Yes. My opinion was that the speech played out exactly as it should. He reexperienced the traumatic event with the Nation in his words, making it clear he won’t speak pubicly again about the Attempted Assassination.
No matter who you are or how tough you are, in this case and my opinion, it helped him open the gateway to be able for him to talk to the nation about the nation’s business from there. Because there’s nothing harder than life. I watched his reaction each and every time a speaker would bring up the Attempted Assassination on his life throught the entire RNC.
Getting in front of the RNC and the Nation, I saw it reaffirmed his strength and fortitude. He gave the Dems something they didn’t even know they missed. HIM! Go President Trump.
There was so much baloney in his speech he could have fed the convention and the poor.
I thought his Hannibal Lecter remark was quite interesting. And apparently, it’s not the first time he’s brought him up, either.
In my opinion he’s a terrible public speaker but the choice in November is Trump or Harris who is even worse.
Overall, I liked his speech, but I have enjoyed his speeches since well before campaigning, and Trump the man for a long time (we played Trump the Game alot). Much of it is highlighting the obvious, the total disaster of biden’s actions/policies/weakness (none having to do with his very unfortunate decline in health, more around his, and his party’s philosophy, which puts the citizen roughly 5th in priority). President Trump’s honoring of the poor fireman Comperatore was touching.
I didn’t catch it but I know I loved it!
Time to take our country back.
I don’t need to hear any more of his speeches. Actions speak louder than words. And last week facing assassination, we saw what he was made of. He has my vote.
As I am typing this , Trumps good friend and former pastor Robert Jeffress currently has his church on fire in Dallas.
I really hope that this was not started because he was simply his pastor.
I loved all the other speeches during the Republican convention a little bit more. They were truly all inspiring and motivating! Trump’s was long and a little bit tiring but, but he is the man! He has my vote. It is clear we were better off under him and we will be so again. If we repeat another Biden/ Harris / Democrat rule, the country will be in really sad shape. I worry it would not survive.
I saw a few of them, missed most, but I must say that I thought Senator Rubio gave a rather engaging speech. I admit I was not expecting a good speech from him.
MAGA!!! Trump 2024
I listened to some of it. Trump is not an eloquant speaker, he uses the same terms over and over again. “Like you never seen before” several others, it gets tiresome. The speech was too long, but I’m not a Trump supporter, so that is not surprising. After these kind of speeches I try to listen to political pundits from both sides of the aisle to get a more balanced view.
“Cautiously informed, how can you say that some is being conned by the news media when same person say they are looking at their financial statement”
Hanne…. and you say “Trump is not an eloquant (sic) speaker”?
Here’s How Many Times Trump Lied During His Weird …
The New Republic
https://newrepublic.com › breaking-news
2 days ago — Donald Trump unleashed so many falsehoods during his nomination acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention that it seemed to …
@concord Rez – You’re quoting New Republic?
Their continual lies mean they have no credibility, and by quoting them, you have no credibility!