Home » The Water Cooler – Did You Watch Former President Trump’s Speech Last Night? What Was Your Opinion?

The Water Cooler – Did You Watch Former President Trump’s Speech Last Night? What Was Your Opinion?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Did you watch former President Trump’s speech last night? What was your opinion?

Talk about it.


Old Otis July 19, 2024 - 12:29 PM - 12:29 PM

Yes I watched it.
I don’t want biden to drop out. I want him to get his a** kicked in November.

Anon July 19, 2024 - 12:34 PM - 12:34 PM

The media (msm) is saying it went too long. I’m glad he called out all of the shenanigans that the current administration has done that IS NOT HELPING AMERICANS!

Also glad he called out the Unnecessary hiring of 87,000 IRS agents.
It’s just Bizarre that this current administration cares about everybody elses borders Except Our Own!!!

John Pope July 19, 2024 - 12:46 PM - 12:46 PM

NO, because I’m now a RINO. I served in Vietnam and voted for Nixon, but loathe Trump and am saddened by the direction of the GOP. The John is morally corrupt (cheats on his wives and is a sexual predator), a pathological liar (over 20,000 verified falsehoods during his administration), a business failure, (7 bankruptcies) a criminal (34 felonies in NY), a traitor (stole top secret documents and shared them with civilians) , a coward (avoided military service with a bogus medical condition) and worst of all, he despises and belittles veterans. I recognize the issues we face, but feel the party had better options. Liz Cheney is a true, law abiding conservative and would have been a great nominee; even Adam Kinsinger, although somewhat moderate, would have been a better candidate. If the Democrats get the Old Guy to step aside and run a younger, vibrant candidate, the GOP will lose, Trump will again refuse to accept the election results and the country could slip into a shooting civil war.

Dawg July 19, 2024 - 1:04 PM - 1:04 PM

A little more solemn than usual for Trump. He described the gunshot and what went through his mind at the time. Then he held a moment of silence honoring Cory Comperatore with his fireman’s helmet and jacket on display. Other than that, it was his usual speech, he didn’t say anything I haven’t heard before.
Tucker Carlson’s speech impressed me, I especially like when he said the government does not own the United States, we the people own the United States. The government represents us, and they are supposed to do what we want, not what they want.
The part I got a kick out of was when Trump’s little granddaughter was sitting on his lap picking her nose….cute kid.

Angry American July 19, 2024 - 1:26 PM - 1:26 PM

Little different than normal “maybe the shooting was a come to Jesus moment”. Message the same, America first then everyone else. This is why when you fly they tell you to put on your mask first…. If you are unable than you cannot help anyone. Rules of business “pay your self first” because if you cannot support the business than you cannot support your employees. Love him, hate him whatever… the man is a lion.
TRUMP 2024

domo July 19, 2024 - 1:42 PM - 1:42 PM

Not much … I can only take so much of that from any candidate 🙁


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