The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you think the man who attempted to assassinate former President Trump acted alone, or do you think he had help on the inside? Either way, tell us why you think he either did or didn’t have help.
Talk about it.
Absolutely Not. This same narrative has been played out for how long??? And the Truth NEVER comes out…..only an endless supply of misdirected and lies.
There would be No conspiracy theories if there were no Conspiracies!
Agreed, think JFK.
yes – on his own ……lone wolf reacting to his years of bullying as I understand it – wanting to “stand out” doing something publicly
That was no Man. That was a little boy.
Since you asked, here’s my conspiracy theory. It was a hired hit by some top Trump hating officials. I even have an idea of who they are, but I won’t say. Most shooters leave behind a couple of clues, like some sort of manifesto, or something posted on their social media account. So was there somebody else involved helping him? Somebody professional enough to know how not to leave any clues behind? There were witnesses that warned the police that someone was on the roof with a gun, and the cops played dumb, as if they didn’t understand what was happening, which leads me to believe they were ordered to stand down. Then there was the cop that boosted another cop up to the roof, and when the shooter pointed the rifle at him, he ducked down. Why didn’t he radio in that there was a shooter on the roof? If he did, they could have gotten Trump out of harms way, and perhaps the sniper could have brought the shooter down right at that moment. The sniper was looking through his scope, scanning the area, but waits until shots are fired before killing the shooter. Seconds count, what were they doing during those few seconds? What did he see through his scope? If it was a hired hit, there should be a large sum of money somewhere, but where? And will they ever find it? If not, then maybe he was to be paid after the hit was complete.
Anyway, for what it’s worth, that my two cents. I’m probably way off course, but it is challenging and fun playing keyboard detective. In the end, I’m hoping the truth will be revealed.
So many questions, so few answers.
No, the deep state gave the hit. Just like the Kennedy’s. They are so afraid of this man becoming the President again they are doing what ever it takes.
Dawg, Quite a web you weave. I listened to Joe McGinnis on 1530 AM Sacramento, he was sitting in for Tom Sullivan, McGinnis is a former sheriff in Sacramento, he was very sceptical of any conspiracy theories. I choose to believe McGinnis he knows what he is talking about.
If he got up on that roof, carring a weapon with out help, the sercret service is an absolute failure. How on earth did he slip by all the security?
Probably, didn’t see a grassy knoll in any of the pictures.
No. So far his digital fingerprint is clean. How did he know that the SS or any LE ignored the the building which where he took the shot? And the AR wasn’t even his.
Worse than that: they were occupying the building, having a meeting right under the roof where he was! I think they were just stupid. And possibly over woke under their director who is chosen because of Joe Biden. Interestingly the news is now reporting that this young gunman had also done research when the next Joe Biden rally was.
The odds are against the sniper having acted alone.
Historically most assassination attempts have been a group effort.
As kids we were taught Abraham Lincoln was killed by a disgruntled actor. This is untrue. Lincoln’s death was part of a larger coup where many were supposed to have been killed on the same day.
Both JFK and RFK died died under questionable circumstances. RFK Jr doesn’t even believe that Sirhan Sirhan was responsible for his father’s death and he has campaigned hard for his release from prison. Likewise MLK made some unfortunate enemies with the FBI.
Yeah, alone…. just like Oswald.
Why does the Secret Service not use drones to surveil outdoor rallies?
Hannity has been bringing that up lately and nobody has an answer.
Acted Alone, on his own?, …. There is more to this.
Still waiting for the info to find out why the alerts were ignored.
God saves many from near death, … just my option on the case.
Did Oswald?This guy is another mind control patsy.
ask Blackrock.
Of course not!
If alone, why was he killed.
Because he was shooting at the President.
Oh okay…..I guess that means you know for sure he acted alone? Gee thanks……don’t know what I was thinking. Maybe the rest of us ain’t so sure.
An inside job?
My opinion alone. I appreciate Trump, not always agreeing with him but policies always over personality. I am all in. The shooter seemed inexperienced from what I saw/heard. “and I thank God here” Wrong gun for the wrong job especially if not marksman. The M16 (20″ barrel) is a mil spec standard as a 4MOA gun, the shorter barrel (ar15 ….”m-forgery) are more than. 1MOA at 100yds is 1 inch 54 thousands. This means 4MOA is 4.25 (or so) inches at 100yds certified. “Fools would go for head shots” so here we are….. stupid brainwashed kid, thought the world was a video game and he would be famous (popular). Missed with the first then sent rounds downrange randomly. poor souls suffered…..
7 to 70 Tom MacDonald resonates…
Homely, bullied, mentally unstable and a cache of guns at his home…. He acted alone in his reclusive shell.
I believe Crooks acted alone.
Reports say the young man had been bullied, was socially isolated, and came across as awkward. As such, he may have felt like a “nobody” and was out to prove he could be somebody.
I believe his act was intended to emblazon his name in the history books.
Hence, he sought to make his act significant and how better than to assassinate a former president and current presidential candidate.
Reagan made it a joke….
100% bada$$.
No. Just found out this guy appeared briefly in a BlackRock commerical. That tells me he must have connections.
I think it was his desire to eliminate Donald, so he could hook up with Melania. …
I wonder if the feds will release their correspondence …hmmmm.
Oh this fun, Making Stuff up and posting it, as if it’s facts.
@ Lovelace…. it makes more sense than trying to impress Jody Foster.
The secret service probably drove him to the store to buy his ammo and a ladder that day! (Half sarasm)….Absolutely, 100%, no doubt about it, a planned setup. Of course they had to find someone who was a registered republican so all the talking points afterward would be, “why would a republican do this?”
No. why else would our sharp shorter be ordered to stand down , instead the rally should never have started, since they knew he was there. Our sharp shooter could have shot him to injure, not to kill, that too would have been easy, but they couldn’t shoot him till he opened fire and shot to kill . And why didn’t our sharp shooter shoot quicker? He was in his sight , and every sec counts, it might have saved a life or an injury. Also, the Secret Sevice there was the “B ” team, the best were diverted to Jill’s rally in Pittsburg. Planned!
Fake attempt, fake news, fake blood…..fake fake fake!
what color are the clouds in your world? asking for a friend
At 3pm, They let this guy enter the secured area of the rally after he set off the metal detector with his range finder….they decided he was “suspicious” but still allowed to enter. I think he acted alone but I am finding it very difficult to believe that the United States Secret Service is this incompetent.
even making fun of it in the movies, we have lost something here.
How can anyone think this was all fake? Was the dead fire fighter fake as well, plus the other wounded individuals? Ask their families!
It “appears” that the shooter acted alone, but nobody gets that kind of opportunity, without help.
Yes, acted alone. If he would have had any help, Trump would not be alive.
@WORKS925 – if you really cared that little you would not have posted at all.
It’s always an inside job.
From the information that has come out thus far, it appears that Crooks acted alone. It also appears that his motivation was terrorism and was not politically motivated.
Secret Service detail at Republican convention was all male.
No DEI ? ? ?
Trying to figure out how much Soros, Pelosi and Clinton had to pay for this. They lost because the kid really did not want to shoot him and missed. Now he is dead, and they will get away with it again!
Perhaps take a look at who would profit had the attempt succeeded. A money management firm out of Texas wrote a bunch of put options on DJT the day before. Yet they had never held or traded the stock prior.
Had Trump been murdered the stock would have tanked and these guys would have made an ungodly amount of money.
Still think nobody knew about this prior?