Home » 80th Anniversary Of The Port Chicago Explosion – 320 People Died On July 17, 1944

80th Anniversary Of The Port Chicago Explosion – 320 People Died On July 17, 1944

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Today is the 80th anniversary of the tragic explosion in Port Chicago.

On July 17, 1944, 4600 tons on the Liberty Ship E.A. Bryan, and another 400 tons of explosives on the pier all went up in two separate blasts, which were 7 seconds apart. The explosion is recorded as one of the largest man-made, non-nuclear explosions in history. This explosion accounts for 15% of all African-American casualties in World War II.

320 men were killed, and another 390 were injured.


Please watch the video below for more information on the blast.

1 comment

Just Saying July 17, 2024 - 11:40 AM - 11:40 AM

That is a nice looking memorial. Does anyone know how to get to it? I thought all roads going past/through the old weapons station were blocked off.


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