Home » The Water Cooler – Do You Belong To A Gym?

The Water Cooler – Do You Belong To A Gym?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Do you, or have you ever belonged to a gym? If so, which one? If not, why not?

Talk about it.


Kentucky Derby July 16, 2024 - 12:36 PM - 12:36 PM

I’ve belonged to a gym since I was 20. I’m older than most customers but it keeps me in shape. I enjoy working out.

Hanne Jeppesen July 16, 2024 - 1:31 PM - 1:31 PM

No, I do not. Years ago I did when I lived in Foster City, mostly for aerobic exercises. From my thirties into my fifties my main exercise was jogging, hiking and walking, for which you don’t need a gym. Then in the nineties with VHS tapes, you could buy tapes and do the exercises right at home, didn’t have to pay a fee or drive anywhere. I had several tapes with Leslie Sansome for walking, she has walking exercises from 15 minutes to 60 minutes. She makes it interesting, and if it is raining you can still get your exercises. I also had some tape with Gilad it is toning with weight from 2 lbs to 8 lbs. Now you can get most of it from Utube, especially Leslie Sansome. She has burning fat walks, heart healthy walks, all different kinds. It is so easy just turn on the computer choose the one you like and there is no excuse for not getting some kind of exercise.

Winnie The Pooh July 16, 2024 - 2:10 PM - 2:10 PM

Yes! This month is my 2 year anniversary at Crunch Fitness. Didn’t think I would ever join a gym but walking on the contra costa trail is only fun for so long.

Paul July 16, 2024 - 2:22 PM - 2:22 PM

Yes. 24 hr fitness. Once my membership is expired, I want to switch to in shape because it is closer.


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