The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you, or have you ever belonged to a gym? If so, which one? If not, why not?
Talk about it.
I’ve belonged to a gym since I was 20. I’m older than most customers but it keeps me in shape. I enjoy working out.
No, I do not. Years ago I did when I lived in Foster City, mostly for aerobic exercises. From my thirties into my fifties my main exercise was jogging, hiking and walking, for which you don’t need a gym. Then in the nineties with VHS tapes, you could buy tapes and do the exercises right at home, didn’t have to pay a fee or drive anywhere. I had several tapes with Leslie Sansome for walking, she has walking exercises from 15 minutes to 60 minutes. She makes it interesting, and if it is raining you can still get your exercises. I also had some tape with Gilad it is toning with weight from 2 lbs to 8 lbs. Now you can get most of it from Utube, especially Leslie Sansome. She has burning fat walks, heart healthy walks, all different kinds. It is so easy just turn on the computer choose the one you like and there is no excuse for not getting some kind of exercise.
Yes! This month is my 2 year anniversary at Crunch Fitness. Didn’t think I would ever join a gym but walking on the contra costa trail is only fun for so long.
Yes. 24 hr fitness. Once my membership is expired, I want to switch to in shape because it is closer.
Nope, don’t have the time, and even if I did, I still wouldn’t belong to a gym. I don’t need it, I’m in the same shape as I was when I was in my 20s. Well, not exactly the same, but almost, I’ve gained two inches around my waist. I get enough exercise from everyday chores, and I like to walk. There are a couple of stores near my home, and as long as it’s only a couple of items that I can carry, I’d rather walk to the store than drive. When I do drive, I will park at the opposite end of the parking lot and walk to where I’m going. I also don’t eat junk, or fast foods, and I don’t eat at chain restaurants, so I don’t have a weight problem. I’m only five lbs heavier than when I was in the Marines.
I guess I’m doing something right, because I never get sick, not even a cold.
Nope – and won’t …there are too many other sources to follow doing exercises – for free!
Had a gym membership pre- covid, and ready didn’t like the machine workout.
But, for 6 months worked with a personal trainer and that was awesome.
Really liked the yoga class there too, … but not offered anymore.
Keep in in shape with activities, … a 1/3 of an acre is a workout, kind of, LOL!
I’ve had my membership at 24 hour for about 20 years. Barely used it, cause I’m not as competitive as I used to be, or have vanity issues. But recently decided to get in shape. Even though I’m more round now but, hey, round is a shape! On a serious note, when I was younger and belonged to a mom and pop independent gym I took my workouts very serious. Now that I recently rekindled my interest I have today the atmosphere has changed. Mostly comical to me. Some are in great shap and hit the gym with seriousness and respect. The other 95% bring out the comedy. On the phone way too much. Wearing outfits that beg the question,”Do you own a mirror?”, yes that was body shaming, deal with it. If your that confident in your wardrobe of choice, my comment should roll off like water on a ducks back. Then the station hogs who sit at the equipment and won’t leave. Usually a cell phone texting session. Or the hoarders who gather every weight and dumbbell they would require for a workout routine that could outlast any philibuster in congress. Then the flat out grossness left behind on the equipment and benches in the gym and the locker room. So why do I go? Easy. My membership now is only $29. And I love to people watch! In a quiet way. Not like the weirdo stalker kind. My last and favorite group to spot. Take care and use a spotter folks!
Yes, Planet Fatness….. we endeavor to keep a couple extra pounds and inches on ourselves for fear of being just too darn irresistible.
Planet Fatness? That was my comment!
Sorry MTZ GUY….. but something on this website has gone all catawampus !
Well maybe not that bad…. but it’s at least kittywampus.
Yes, California Premier Fitness on Arnold Industrial Way.
It’s a good, no-nonsense gym for people who are serious about working out, and it has a lot of good equipment.
Absolutely.. I’ve been a weight lifter since college. Premier Fitness
Not so much a gym, but definitely an organization. I am the type who needs to go somewhere to work out, I just cannot either remember, or, as the decades have demonstrated, am to weak to motivate myself to do work outs at home, and certainly not as vigorously as when I go to the “studio.”
No. I get enough physical activity doing my and our “honey-do” lists (plural!).
A zombie membership. I need to cancel that one of these days.