Home » California Public Utilities Commission Opens Door For More PG&E Rate Hikes

California Public Utilities Commission Opens Door For More PG&E Rate Hikes


The California Public Utilities Commission opened the door on Thursday to potential PG&E rate increases as soon as next year, adopting a new rate making process that will let the utility recoup its costs for completing energization projects.

Energization projects help connect new customers to the electricity grid, increase capacity for existing customers, and increase transmission capacity to deliver greater loads in the future as the state moves to stop selling gas-powered vehicles by 2035 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2045.

Prior to the CPUC meeting was a protest outside its San Francisco headquarters organized by the Party for Socialism and Liberation. The group rallied against rate hikes and public safety shutoffs, which the company said it performed during the recent heat wave out of caution against wildfires.

The activists also called for the abolishment of PG&E entirely and replacing it with a nonprofit publicly controlled utility created by the Legislature in 2020.


The Golden State Energy Act, Senate Bill 350, created a nonprofit public benefit corporation to serve as a receiver for all of PG&E’s assets. PG&E had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in early 2019 after fires caused by its power lines burned hundreds of thousands of acres in Northern California and led to more than 100 deaths.

PG&E goes through an application process every four years to set rates in line with what the CPUC votes to be a reasonable revenue. But after state lawmakers passed Senate Bill 410, the “Powering Up Californians Act,” and Assembly Bill 50 in 2023 to accelerate the electrification of the state’s grid, the utility gained a new way to recover costs for upgrading its grid.

Under the rate setting plan for 2023-2026, PG&E was already required to spend about $2.5 billion of its revenue on energization projects. Thursday’s vote paves the way for it to spend an additional $2.3 billion and recover a percentage through rate increases for completed projects.

The annual amounts PG&E could recover would be capped at $144.31 million in 2024, $91.568 million in 2025, and $99.071 million in 2026, according to the staff report prepared by Commissioner John Reynolds and administrative Judges John Larsen and Justin Regnier.


Part of the need for the law arose from the fact that PG&E and other utilities were not completing electrification projects fast enough to meet the state’s growing demand.

Commissioner Darcie Houck said the projects were needed in some of the most important areas the state was trying to address. She listed housing, water treatment plants, data centers, EV chargers and hospitals as critical infrastructure that needed quick action from PG&E to be energized.

Houck said she was sensitive to the impact of rate increases and said any proposed increases would still be reviewed for reasonableness under CPUC procedures.

“But this infrastructure does cost money, and we have to balance those critical issues to make sure people are receiving the services that they need,” she said during the CPUC’s meeting.


Commissioners stressed that the vote Thursday was not a rate increase but was a necessary consideration in line with new requirements put on the utility by the state.

Still, several public commenters spoke in person and via phone at the hybrid meeting in San Francisco, objecting to any proposal to increase rates on customers when the company remained a for-profit entity.

Colin Miller, whose group protested rate increases and the utility’s fundamental structure, told the CPUC during its public comment period that the commission should reject any rate increases the utility proposes.

“We are outraged that PG&E is seeking to raise our rates yet again when millions of Californians are already crushed by the rising cost of everything, rising debt, and struggling to make ends meet as it is,” Miller said.


PG&E stock was valued at $17.96 per share at the end of trading Thursday, according to the company’s website for its investors, up about 1.8% for the day.

The company said in February when it announced its 2023 earnings that it was not planning to raise rates beyond the rate of inflation, writing “we are focused on continuing to increase investment in our energy system while also containing customer bill impact at or below assumed inflation in the 2-4% range.”

The company recorded a $2.2 billion profit in 2023, up from $1.8 billion in 2022, after posting substantial losses each of the previous three years, according to PG&E.

A spokesperson for state Sen. Steven Bradford, Chair of the Senate Committee on Energy Utilities and Communications, said he was not aware of the Golden State Energy plan moving forward since PG&E emerged from bankruptcy in 2020.

Roger Lin, attorney for the Center for Biological Diversity, said in a 2023 interview that the construction of transmission towers and power stations is the number one reason rates are increasing,
“Wildfire mitigation projects to bury transmission lines, which keeps them from starting fires, is the second largest reason our rates keep increasing. Transmission buildout is also the thing that lines the utility’s pockets the most,” he said.


Itsme July 12, 2024 - 10:23 AM - 10:23 AM

I believe the CPUC answers to our legislators. Bombard them with phone calls and letters in addition to protests every day. The CEO and stock holders should NOT see any monetary benefits until the company fixes what needs to be fixed from years past that we are already paying for with rate increases. This is outrageous!

Captain Bebops July 12, 2024 - 12:22 PM - 12:22 PM

But their owners (Vanguard and Black Rock) would cry! They want profits, profits, profits at our expense, expense, expense. 😎

Xj July 12, 2024 - 1:54 PM - 1:54 PM

PG&E??? Rate hikes??? Where is my shocked face?

But of course they’re going to vote in favor of it. Like white on rice, they’ll be all-in.

I’d love to vote myself a price hike when the employers have no voice in the matter.

I’m sure Greasy Gavin is going to fight for the people…NOT! A few more high profile dinners at the French Laundry and the vote is affirmative.

Pepe July 13, 2024 - 9:33 AM - 9:33 AM

Why don’t we build more clean power plants in this state? that would make electric rates much cheaper, and we would have enough clean energy for all the electric cars the government wants us to buy. I think we all know the reason they don’t want us to have more cheap power is that the politicians in charge would lose their control and power over us. They would rather ration our power and now our water. If you are rich you can afford to use all the power, you want. It’s the poor and the middle class that will get screwed again.

Paul July 13, 2024 - 11:35 AM - 11:35 AM

PG&E Is just the convenient scapegoat for all the policies, regulations, and the green energy scam by Democrats in the legislature, so they are already completely run by the government!!!!

John Pope July 12, 2024 - 11:27 AM - 11:27 AM

Oh, thank God! I was afraid I’d have enough money to buy food towards the end of the month. I guess running an essential utility badly enough to kill dozens of people warrants an increase in executive bonus money.

Reasonable July 12, 2024 - 11:40 AM - 11:40 AM

And good old PG&E CEO Patricia (Patty) Poppe took home $17 million in the 2023 fiscal year, including her $1.4 million salary and $11.8 million in stock awards. She’s such a princess.

redrazor July 12, 2024 - 2:31 PM - 2:31 PM

Supposedly; for 2022 salary and compensations were $51,000,000 !?!?

Sick of it July 12, 2024 - 11:50 AM - 11:50 AM

They are nothing more than a rubber stamp for PG&E. Not elected and they have the power to give our money away. We need to do away with them. We pay among the most in the US for our electricity and it still keeps climbing, and for what real reason besides greed for share holders and execs

Fed Up July 13, 2024 - 9:16 AM - 9:16 AM

The CPUC is not our friend!

Original G July 12, 2024 - 12:28 PM - 12:28 PM

Governor appoints five commissioners and then CA state senate rubber stamp votes confirmation.
Providing Public Comments at the CPUC
Call your state senator also
Steven Glazer (D)
Capitol Office, 1021 O Street, Suite 7520, Sacramento, (916) 651-4007
District Offices
420 West 3rd Street, Antioch, CA 94509; (925) 754-1461
51 Moraga Way, Suite 2, Orinda, CA 94563; (925) 258-1176

Lazy K July 12, 2024 - 12:39 PM - 12:39 PM

$2.2 billion??!!….. in profit??!!

Bella July 12, 2024 - 2:43 PM - 2:43 PM

Wonderful, glad my Medical discount is applying, Seems NOT!

Oh Brother July 12, 2024 - 3:02 PM - 3:02 PM

Pacific Greed & Extortion. The worst of the worst

domo July 12, 2024 - 4:35 PM - 4:35 PM

It’s the triad where each other pats each other on the back & support each other – PG&E, Newsom, and the CPUC – and Newscum nominated the CPUC commissioners. Voters kept Newscum in office and voted against the recall – hope they’re happy, I’m not.

Bob July 12, 2024 - 4:38 PM - 4:38 PM

Do these people want mobs?

Because this is how you get mobs

Whoe Jim July 12, 2024 - 8:19 PM - 8:19 PM

There appears to be an infinite pattern from all our California politicians to increase our utility bills even when we use less energy and gas. It’s obvious people have been cutting back, like last winter when they have been cold in their own homes to keep their bills down. Now it’s hotter than hell and we are still suffering to stay cool while they want to increase our bills yet again this summer. They know this, but they still want the money regardless. Maybe it’s high time everyone votes these politicians out before we all go broke…

whenwilltheylearn July 12, 2024 - 5:52 PM - 5:52 PM

What did i tell you?They need to raise the rates to act like its for more elec for more elec cars.and even after they are outlawed,thown in a pile and burned,rates wil never go back down,and this was the entire reason for the elec car scam,to rob the public of more and more money,and shut off your car usage with the click of a switch

Dorothy July 12, 2024 - 6:37 PM - 6:37 PM

Why am I not surprised?

Nope! July 13, 2024 - 9:46 AM - 9:46 AM

It’s the same with water, insurance, property taxes, sales taxes, bonds, etc etc. It’s all a money grab and there’s no stopping it.

Dr Jellyfinger July 15, 2024 - 6:36 AM - 6:36 AM

We are being fleeced and State Government is complicit!


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