I’d like to see all the red light runners get ticketed before they kill someone.
July 9, 2024 - 2:31 PM 2:31 PM
When I was a kid, they had life-sized plywood cutouts of black and white police cars that were placed on the side of the road, they even painted the cop’s head in the car window. On occasion, they used old non-running cars painted black and white, complete with the CHP logo. The fake cop cars were effective in getting people to slow down. I was thinking they can find some old motorcycles and mannequins and fix them to look like a motorcycle cop sitting near the traffic lights, but now days, somebody would probably steal them.
Remember as a kid on Highway 50 headed to Tahoe they had old junkers painted up as CHP and they were effective.
Agree with Mika about red light runners and would add Concord PD needs to do something about cars with paper plates using Clayton Road as their own race course. Using empty turn lanes to blow past stopped traffic at red lights, using sidewalks to pass stopped or slow traffic. Weaving thru traffic traveling at the limit, at 50 plus mph and cutting people off.
Concord Guy
July 9, 2024 - 3:06 PM 3:06 PM
Yes. People drive way too fast in our area.
I also agree with @Mika above regarding red light runners.
July 9, 2024 - 3:36 PM 3:36 PM
I’d like to see criminals actually arrested and stay in jail as long as possible. Freaking red light runners are everywhere with little or no consequences.
Back in my day this was called reckless driving and when you got pulled over the officer TOOK YOUR KEYS AWAY and put handcuffs on you and took you to jail! You served time and had to do community service then had 6 months before you got your vehicle back. WE NEED LAW AND ORDER BACK ASAP! Arrest D. Becton for treason! That would be a good start!
July 9, 2024 - 3:37 PM 3:37 PM
No – focus on the hard crimes, then next in line would be red light runners like Mika said
Sandy G
July 9, 2024 - 3:47 PM 3:47 PM
Just one big one
On Hwy 4
Lazy k
July 9, 2024 - 4:15 PM 4:15 PM
I’d be happy just seeing them on highway 4
July 9, 2024 - 5:01 PM 5:01 PM
Speed Traps? No, let Darwin sort out the real idiots. Police hiding with Radar guns seems to catch all the lesser problem speeders. Police could travel more on Hwy 4 and catch plenty of real problems without a trap needed.
Martinez Guy
July 9, 2024 - 8:04 PM 8:04 PM
I bet a CHP speed enforcement on Hwy 4 could raise more revenue than the stupid carpool lanes on 680.
July 9, 2024 - 9:42 PM 9:42 PM
End all carpool and toll lanes. Traffic would be reduced. Emissions would also be reduced. Stress would be reduced. Less people would drive like idiots.
How about giving us our roads back, instead of creating another way to fatten government coffers?
July 10, 2024 - 12:08 AM 12:08 AM
Nope, we all just drove to Reno area round trip mostly 80-85 and even 90+ on parts of 113, 70, 5 and 80., never saw 1 CHP both directions except a couple sitting in construction zones while workers were milling about.
There aren’t enough cops to even begin to slow anyone down, speed limits on freeways are ignored by most drivers and I’m one of them.
July 10, 2024 - 6:44 AM 6:44 AM
I would like to see more mice & rat traps around concord, those bastards are everywhere!
July 10, 2024 - 7:40 AM 7:40 AM
Maybe more patrolling and less speed traps. There are plenty of speeders you can catch without setting up a trap. Not to mention distracted drivers and illegal window tint.
Distracted drivers are more of a danger. I’ll take speeders with two eyes on the road and two hands on the wheel any day.
The Fearless Spectator
July 10, 2024 - 8:48 AM 8:48 AM
I’d rather see more bait cars. They not only assist in reducing auto theft, but they provide outstanding video entertainment. You would expect most would be driven to a chop shop, or put in a container to go overseas. However it’s amazing how many are driven to the perps own neighborhood in order to show his buddies the new righteous albeit temporary ride.
July 10, 2024 - 4:07 PM 4:07 PM
No. Unless someone is really driving crazy. Focus on real crimes and people who are erratic drivers. Stop generating revenue off us for minor stuff there’s real criminals that the police should focus on. We pay taxes already and most of us are just trying to make ends meet as it.
Minor traffic law infraction enforcement hasn’t been done here for at least a few years now.
In fact, in the Claycord town I live in, there is ZERO traffic law enforcement. There are no speed limits and there are no traffic laws. It’s a free for all. Watch out while driving, and while walking your dog on the sidewalks.The self centered get out of way I’m more special and more important than everyone drivers will take you out.
July 11, 2024 - 5:23 AM 5:23 AM
All – read CVC 40801.
Speed traps by law enforcement are illegal in California.
Might need some clarification on the question; ie, speed enforcement.
July 11, 2024 - 7:57 AM 7:57 AM
I’d like to see things like retail theft prosecuted.
July 11, 2024 - 9:43 AM 9:43 AM
In 1989, I got to enjoy a comedy traffic school in Concord. At that time, we were told that a Speed Trap was defined as two lines on the pavement with an officer timing how quickly a car passed from one to the other, and they were illegal. Funny thing, but that’s exactly how CHP airplanes could tell if someone was speeding. I never understood how that was legal, but who am I to question California law enforcement?
For the record, Speed Traps have a completely different definition in this part of the country.
Just sayin’
I’d like to see all the red light runners get ticketed before they kill someone.
When I was a kid, they had life-sized plywood cutouts of black and white police cars that were placed on the side of the road, they even painted the cop’s head in the car window. On occasion, they used old non-running cars painted black and white, complete with the CHP logo. The fake cop cars were effective in getting people to slow down. I was thinking they can find some old motorcycles and mannequins and fix them to look like a motorcycle cop sitting near the traffic lights, but now days, somebody would probably steal them.
Remember as a kid on Highway 50 headed to Tahoe they had old junkers painted up as CHP and they were effective.
Agree with Mika about red light runners and would add Concord PD needs to do something about cars with paper plates using Clayton Road as their own race course. Using empty turn lanes to blow past stopped traffic at red lights, using sidewalks to pass stopped or slow traffic. Weaving thru traffic traveling at the limit, at 50 plus mph and cutting people off.
Yes. People drive way too fast in our area.
I also agree with @Mika above regarding red light runners.
I’d like to see criminals actually arrested and stay in jail as long as possible. Freaking red light runners are everywhere with little or no consequences.
Back in my day this was called reckless driving and when you got pulled over the officer TOOK YOUR KEYS AWAY and put handcuffs on you and took you to jail! You served time and had to do community service then had 6 months before you got your vehicle back. WE NEED LAW AND ORDER BACK ASAP! Arrest D. Becton for treason! That would be a good start!
No – focus on the hard crimes, then next in line would be red light runners like Mika said
Just one big one
On Hwy 4
I’d be happy just seeing them on highway 4
Speed Traps? No, let Darwin sort out the real idiots. Police hiding with Radar guns seems to catch all the lesser problem speeders. Police could travel more on Hwy 4 and catch plenty of real problems without a trap needed.
I bet a CHP speed enforcement on Hwy 4 could raise more revenue than the stupid carpool lanes on 680.
End all carpool and toll lanes. Traffic would be reduced. Emissions would also be reduced. Stress would be reduced. Less people would drive like idiots.
How about giving us our roads back, instead of creating another way to fatten government coffers?
Nope, we all just drove to Reno area round trip mostly 80-85 and even 90+ on parts of 113, 70, 5 and 80., never saw 1 CHP both directions except a couple sitting in construction zones while workers were milling about.
There aren’t enough cops to even begin to slow anyone down, speed limits on freeways are ignored by most drivers and I’m one of them.
I would like to see more mice & rat traps around concord, those bastards are everywhere!
Maybe more patrolling and less speed traps. There are plenty of speeders you can catch without setting up a trap. Not to mention distracted drivers and illegal window tint.
Distracted drivers are more of a danger. I’ll take speeders with two eyes on the road and two hands on the wheel any day.
I’d rather see more bait cars. They not only assist in reducing auto theft, but they provide outstanding video entertainment. You would expect most would be driven to a chop shop, or put in a container to go overseas. However it’s amazing how many are driven to the perps own neighborhood in order to show his buddies the new righteous albeit temporary ride.
No. Unless someone is really driving crazy. Focus on real crimes and people who are erratic drivers. Stop generating revenue off us for minor stuff there’s real criminals that the police should focus on. We pay taxes already and most of us are just trying to make ends meet as it.
Minor traffic law infraction enforcement hasn’t been done here for at least a few years now.
In fact, in the Claycord town I live in, there is ZERO traffic law enforcement. There are no speed limits and there are no traffic laws. It’s a free for all. Watch out while driving, and while walking your dog on the sidewalks.The self centered get out of way I’m more special and more important than everyone drivers will take you out.
All – read CVC 40801.
Speed traps by law enforcement are illegal in California.
Might need some clarification on the question; ie, speed enforcement.
I’d like to see things like retail theft prosecuted.
In 1989, I got to enjoy a comedy traffic school in Concord. At that time, we were told that a Speed Trap was defined as two lines on the pavement with an officer timing how quickly a car passed from one to the other, and they were illegal. Funny thing, but that’s exactly how CHP airplanes could tell if someone was speeding. I never understood how that was legal, but who am I to question California law enforcement?
For the record, Speed Traps have a completely different definition in this part of the country.
Just sayin’