Home » UPDATE: Fire Danger Closes All Inland East Bay Regional Parks

UPDATE: Fire Danger Closes All Inland East Bay Regional Parks

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The East Bay Regional Park District has closed its hills and inland parks and areas through Friday morning due to the high fire danger caused by this week’s heat wave.

Swim facilities and shoreline parks will remain open.

The district still urges people at the swim facilities and shoreline parks to follow safety rules and tips, including avoiding the hottest part of the day.

People should drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated and wear sunscreen and lightweight, light-colored clothing, and should avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine, which can worsen the heat’s effects on their body, according to the district.


Of course, no open fires or barbecues of any type. Gas-fueled stoves are permitted.

The district asks people to stay on designated roads, with no off-road driving. Heat from a vehicle’s undercarriage can start a fire. And secure all tow chains — dragging tow chains can also spark fires.

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Yoyohop July 3, 2024 - 6:08 PM - 6:08 PM

Soft lock down


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