The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you think the authorities should make it a point to crack down on illegal fireworks, or do you think they should leave people alone and legalize them?
Talk about it.
Yes – but even when its reported LE never shows up – too many fires are started that way .. maybe empower firefighters to issue citations around the 4th to help.
YES, my dogs don’t like them, fires are started, kids lose fingers, adults lose their sight. They should be banned from California, & why are they allowing importing into U.S. ?
Is there a tariff ?
$$$ talks…..
Yes on ALL fireworks! Why non profits are allowed to sell them when fire danger is so high it’s beyond stupid!
Irresponsible people sell to other irresponsible people, add to that the high fire danger, combined with lots of booze, it’s a no-brainer.
Yes, absolutely
I’d like to see the responsible party be billed for the
Emergency response and all other damage.
Imagine the bill for the 250 acre Brentwood fire.
They need to charge for the retardant and for the whole response for all that were involved.
I loved fireworks as a kid, and thought it was cool to blow up stuff. Then I spent a year in Vietnam and learned what rockets red glare and bombs bursting in air actually meant. I think legal and illegal fireworks should be banned. I like quiet.
Thank you for your service, sir.
Yes, because they are the biggest fire danger. They have already started in the neighboorhood late at night .
Who do these ignorant creeps think they are?
No, i like seeing a show from my neighbors house in my backyard.
I havent heard of a fire from fireworks in the area for awhile, but they are illegal.
No! Starting a massive brush fire, burning your neighbor’s house, or blowing up a car is the only to celebrate America’s Birthday!
No! Starting a brush fire, burning down a neighbors house, or making a car exploded. Are perfectly acceptable ways to celebrate America’s Birthday!
I have to assume that your comment is tonque in cheek. No one can be that ignorant of the fire dangers.
Absolutely!! As well as blowing off your hand and blinding yourself. A good laugh can be had by all!!
No, they should crack down on stupid people.
When the state placed a ban on fireworks, it opened up a whole new can of worms by creating a higher demand for an unregulated and illegal product with perpetual, dangerous implications. The concern I have with them cracking down on fireworks is that it will be the same as cracking down on drugs. They will bust the user, but will not investigate any further to find the smugglers, and sellers. If they want to get serious about illegal fireworks, they should go after the top dogs, find the storage facilities where they are kept, and destroy them. Until they get serious about getting to the source, they will never solve the problem.
Years ago it wasn’t that big of a deal with the type of fireworks that were sold, But now with professional grade fireworks in the hands of idiots it really does need a major crack down
How about a crackdown on illegals?
I’m lucky enough to be able to watch the Barron Hilton Fireworks show from my deck, it’s about 1 1/2 miles away but I’ve a nice clear view and it’s noisy enough.
“ILLEGAL being the operative word, right? Well, then…..
Yes!!!!!! And make it a felony!
Over the years, idiots have set off aerial fireworks. At NO time did the police respond, despite multiple calls…..until maybe a couple of hours after all had gone to bed.
And I’ve heard every excuse from Concord PD as to why they couldn’t/wouldn’t respond.
Fine, ban the illegal ones though the list of illegal ones should probably be revisisted.
As for banning all fireworks in the county becuase of some animal or some individuals response to the flashing light and noise, sorry but that is too much. We cannot keep reducing people’s freedoms because a small subset of a population ‘feels’ bothered.
You are bothered by the lights and sounds of fireworks for whatever reason, but I myself am energized and excited by those same features. This brings me back to my childhood. It allows me to contemplate the freedoms that this country has because of our history.
So one of us needs to compromise on our wants … who gets to decide who has to compromise?
In your childhood lawn darts were also legal. Don’t confuse ‘freedoms’ with common sense.
Given the weather conditions this year, I say banned all of them (legal and illegal). But people will do what they please. You can’t fix stupid, but you can read about them losing a finger.
Yes! In the wee hours after July 4 last year, on Michigan Blvd a house along with vegetation on an adjacent property caught fire. Cause was the resident improperly disposing of “safe and sane” fireworks in their trash. The matter could have been a lot worse if not for a vigilant neighbor and the rapid work of Contra Costa Fire.
Go out to Modesto where they are legal. There’s stands all over the place sellin’ fireworks like crazy.
There was a group of fools launching huge fireworks at a neighborhood park and some of them were launched into established 20 ft plus redwood trees. Calls were made and no one ever came to to investigate. Incredibly lucky there was no fire but neighbors were on edge. So the anwser the question, yes.
And how would expect them to do that….they can’t even stop these sideshows, gang shootings and these smash and grab specialists….our culture has set a horrible tone for law enforcement.
When we first moved to Cowell, we really enjoyed taking the kids to listen to the California Symphony at the Concord Pavillion on the 4th of July, followed by the fireworks shows. It was a lot of fun, but frankly, I ran out of Ooooohs and Aaaaaahs for fireworks many years ago. But I don’t begrudge the experience for people who do love fireworks.
In our community, fireworks are legal on the 3rd and 4th between 5pm and 11pm, and I can deal with that. Thundershirts seem to help calm the dogs down. But there is no excuse for the jerks who are setting off explosions long after midnight. So, the answer to the original question is yes, authorities should crack down on illegal fireworks and fireworks at illegal times.