Home » UPDATE: Stabbing Reported At Canesa’s Sandwich Shop In Clayton

UPDATE: Stabbing Reported At Canesa’s Sandwich Shop In Clayton


A worker at Canesa’s Sandwich shop on Main St. in Clayton was stabbed by a customer this afternoon, according to police.

A suspect, who was identified by police as 45-year-old Peter Kerns, was taken into custody.

The condition of the victim is unknown at this time. He suffered multiple stab wounds, according to witnesses.

UPDATE: Fortunately, the victim is expected to survive. He was stabbed multiple times.


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Johnny is a great guy and his sandwiches are top shelf. I hope everyone is ok.


Very sorry to see this. Full and fast recovery to the victim.


Oh my gosh – this is shocking. Hope victim is ok. Wonder what in the world could have precipitated this…?


Hope you’re Ok Johnny. This person better go down for attempted murder.


Lets remember we are in California. Suspect will be released within a day.


That’s really messed up. I eat there often and they are great folks. I hope the punk goes to jail for a long time ,but a have zero confidence in our activist of a district attorney.


Peter Kerns’ profike shows he has lived in Concord, Berkeley, San Francisco and Santa Cruz in his lifetime. I will venture to say that he has been homeless for many many years suffering from drug, alcohol and or mental illness issues like so many others on the streets.

A sad societal issue that will never get resolved until this states’ politicians stop their insanity by throwing (dumping) tens of millions of dollars down the drain handing out needles and allowing homeless encampments throughout cities.

I recommend everyone watch a documentary entitled: Seattle Is Dying, and learn what one other state (by the way, not WA) implemented thirty-plus-years-ago to remedy drug and alcohol addiction subsequently causing homelessness.

This program has proven to have a 97% efficacy rate and has also cost tens of millions of dollars less per year than simply dumping money into what is otherwise a broken system with broken policies.

Sadly, CA seems to have far too many left-leaning people who believe the homeless have rights to urinate and deficate in businesses doorways at the expense and detriment of the tax-paying business owners, their clients and other residents within these communities.


Sarah why do you think he’s homeless, because he’s lived in multiple cities? I’ve lived in several cities during my lifetime. Would you assume that I’ve been homeless?


Yes. You need a place to stay?


I don’t patronize this shop, but I’m very sad to see that one of their employees was injured. I would like to see more info on what led up to this.


The streets of Clayton are getting dangerous!


How did you find his profile?

Wishing the worker a speedy and complete recovery. Been meaning to try their sandwiches – think we’ll head over there soon and have a delicious deli sandwich.


Wonder how many times attacker has been thru those revolving Jail doors CoCo county seems to have??? How many times when news stories go into depth have we heard “is known to law enforcement” ?
That was the case in the tragic slaying at Clayton Post office years ago.
California has devolved into a woke liberal cesspool in which a criminal has to work really hard to catch a Felony case that results in incarceration. Whenever DEM ruling class come up against a problem that involves careful critical thinking taking into account long term problems their fix might create, they punt. Forcing their problem down onto all 58 Counties as they did with passage of AB-109.
Here’s a thought, stop electing incompetent DEMs to CA state legislature.


I believe the individual that murdered Ray C. (at the post office) was released from Napa State Hospital prior to the incident.


I just checked and Peter Frederick Kerns is still in custody. Hopefully the pendulum is starting to swing in favor of the tax paying law abiding citizen instead of the violent criminal.

I hope the victim makes a full recovery and go back to a somewhat normal life after such a traumatic incident.


Thank you for checking and reporting.

The guy lives with his mom in a nice house off of Dekinger no previous arrests looks like all the guy does is ride bikes. Really strange what set this off.


That means mom is an enabler. 45 yo and riding bicycles for a living? Really?


If he has mental illness then the mom is only enabling him to not be sleeping on the streets everyday.

He’s still in custody, only $30k bail, and only currently charged with 245(A)(1) PC (assault with a deadly weapon). Seems to me that stabbing someone should more likely be attempted murder……


If Canesa was treated and released same day, it’s unlikely his wounds were life-threatening. I don’t know the story behind the altercation, but it’s worth understanding that some people who carry guns or knives for self defense aren’t necessarily trying to kill their attackers when they use these weapons.


He would have had to go there with that intent. And it won’t escalate to any more if victim survives.

Hope the victim has a quick and complete recovery. I love Canesa’s sandwiches – they’re awesome!

“Maybe it was a provoked attack?”…. Really? Why because he didn’t like the sandwich? I would not necessarily say the guy was “homeless” just by reading an article. But “homelessness” is an issue in California. Gavin Newsome said $24 BILLION spent and nobody knows where the money has gone…. pretty said. When you help someone SO MUCH…. all you are is “enabling”


Just another pointed argument?

So many folks here have it twisted. Kerns came up to the window threatening his daughter cashiering and frightening customers in line. The owner stepped out and said he can’t speak to employees like that and Kerns started stabbing him, a total of 6 times including 2 wounds in the neck. He’s lucky to be alive as these punctures in the neck were within centimeters of the carotid artery. Kerns needs to be charged with attempted homicide, attempting to flee the scene of a crime, disorderly conduct, and any and all charges to keep him from being released back into society so he can maim (and next time potentially murder) again.



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