The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
QUESTION: Have you ever stopped, or tried to stop somebody from drinking & driving? If so, what did they say to you when you did what you did?
Talk about it….
Cut their arms and legs off! Drastic but effective.
Look up the Eighth Amendment.
Criminal activity is cruel and unusual punishment of the victims. I’m find with using the guillotine or hanging to deal with criminals. The pain for them does not last for more than 30 seconds and none of them has ever complained afterwards. Executions permanently remove criminals from society and have next to zero cost compared to our existing prison system.
No, just my Dad when he had Alsheimer’s.
Had to take the keys away, …it was a bit of a fight.
After about 2 weeks, he adjusted to the new life-style.
A potato shoved up the exhaust pipe works!
Up the car’s exhaust pipe that is….
When I was in college, I lived in off-campus housing with a number of other guys. One guy would regularly get drunk and then go for a drive around town. My roomate and I, along with others, feared that this habitual drunk would wind up killing himself and/or someone else. One evening, my roomate and I popped the hood on the guy’s car and disconnected the distributor cable. The next day, the guy told several of us about the strange experience he’d had the previous night. He decided that God must have prevented him from being able to start his car and drive drunk that night. He soon figured out, however, that it probably wasn’t God who’d disconnected his distributor cable, but we felt good about having kept the drunk off the road for one night.
Jail would stop them. Or shooting them.