Home » Claycord – Talk About Politics – June 14, 2024

Claycord – Talk About Politics – June 14, 2024


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MDUSD Teacher June 16, 2024 - 5:39 AM - 5:39 AM

According to the British, all colonists were represented ‘virtually’ in parliament; however, colonists were adopting a nuanced definition that relied upon ‘actual’ representation. Briefly explain the differences. Which perspective should we consider to be most accurate for the time they lived? (avoiding presentism)

MAGA SAM June 16, 2024 - 9:42 AM - 9:42 AM

A woman named Karen cuts her hair short and calls herself Tom and requests others do the same. Tom sleeps with Dave and gets pregnant.
Does this mean “men” can get pregnant? Briefly explain who would be receiving the Father’s day gifts and why. Please provide the most accurate definition of a “woman”. Please explain what mental health is in the time we live “(presentism)” which isn’t a word teach. It’s no wonder the kids are not okay. Skibidi toilet Ohio…

MDUSD Teacher June 17, 2024 - 1:22 AM - 1:22 AM

@maga sam

Presentism – most definitely is a word. I am sorry you did not learn what it means. Sorry if my talk about politics was a tad much for you…

MAGA SAM June 17, 2024 - 3:20 PM - 3:20 PM

It’s most definitely not a word. You’re not teaching anyone anything. Now answer the question: Can a man get pregnant or not?
I really hope you’re not an actual teacher in the MDUSD.

Max June 16, 2024 - 9:59 AM - 9:59 AM

No wonder kids are not learning history if that’s the way you teach them. Virtual representation? Are you kidding me? No! Teach them history, facts are important, and how colonists the colonists were represented. Do they realize there was no phone, telegraph, just very slow mail by ship across the ocean? There was no representation, here was a large ocean between the coasts. Facts, not opinions.

MDUSD Teacher June 16, 2024 - 6:22 PM - 6:22 PM

@max FYI—The colonists disputed the British idealogy of ‘virtual’ representation. Whereas Parliament believed that all subjects were represented purely by being British subjects, the colonists believed in ‘actual’ representation, where suffrage was expanded, and those in elected positions lived close to those they elected to root out corruption.

So, I satisfied your request to teach facts, and I require students to defend who was right using primary sources written by the colonists or Parliament members.


MAGA SAM June 16, 2024 - 8:46 PM - 8:46 PM

So you put students against each other based on emotion instead of teaching facts and call it #criticalthinking. Got it.

MDUSD Teacher June 17, 2024 - 1:26 AM - 1:26 AM

Oh, quite the contrary. Civic discourse is the cornerstone of republicanism. It is the ability to listen to differing opinions and not take those opinions as attacking one’s intellect. It is, to be accurate, a lost art. Unfortunately, too many people think that they are correct if they yell the loudest because they have their feelings hurt.

MAGA SAM June 17, 2024 - 3:21 PM - 3:21 PM

They learn that from you.

Original G June 16, 2024 - 10:10 AM - 10:10 AM

What happens with open borders and inadequate vetting of illegals.
‘El Savador Illegal Immigrant Charged With Rape, Murdering a Mother of Five’
“President Joe Biden’s immigration crisis has reached unprecedented levels, with more than 17 million aliens having entered the country since his first day in office.”
‘America’s migrant gang invasion MAPPED:
ISIS in LA, Venezuelan sex-traffickers in Texas and Chinese drug lords in Maine.
Now check if a violent enclave has sprung up in YOUR neighborhood…’
“Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) made a damning admission this week on the millions of unvetted illegal immigrants entering the United States under President Joe Biden. Acting ICE Director Patrick Lechleitner admitted that the Department of Homeland Security often has no information on the identities of the illegal aliens released into the U.S.
He said that it is nearly impossible for agents to keep track of every single illegal immigrant who crosses the southern border, despite mounting concerns that terrorists are flooding the country. Lechleitner was specifically questioned about the eight ISIS-associated undocumented aliens who were apprehended at the southern border. He said that it is unfeasible for ICE agents to properly vet the millions of immigrants illegally, even if they have undergone background checks.”
“Eight men from Tajikistan with potential ties to ISIS out of central Asia were arrested over the weekend in New York, Philadelphia and Los Angeles”

Original G June 16, 2024 - 7:25 PM - 7:25 PM

“A terrorist attack on U.S. soil is a near certainty and will be even more deadly than the 9/11 tragedy, two counter-terrorism experts told DailyMail.com. That’s largely due to the massive influx of illegal and unvetted foreign nationals into the country through the U.S.-Mexico border.
A former high-ranking FBI official and a 25-year combat veteran specializing in terrorism and hostage rescue say the threat of an explosive or gun-operated attack is not a matter of if but when.
And the attack is likely to be bicoastal as terrorist cells have set up shop all over the country.”
2011 ‘Libya warned smugglers are looting Gaddafi’s guns’
Considering vast amounts of war fighting material in circulation after Afghanistan cut-n-run and fall of Libya where terrorists looted unguarded munitions warehouses for weeks.
2011 ‘Nightmare in Libya: Thousands of Surface-to-Air Missiles Unaccounted For’
U.S. State Department
2011 “The United States has committed $40 million to secure Libya’s arms stockpiles, much of it to prevent the spread of Manpads.”
– – – Benghazi 9-11-2012 ? ? ?

frank June 16, 2024 - 2:49 PM - 2:49 PM

We see some posters obsessed with trans genders . They seem to think western civilization is going to fall. Kinda like Putin in that respect.

it’s almost like they.have run out of excuses for trump and have to worry about something new.

whenwilltheylearn June 16, 2024 - 5:16 PM - 5:16 PM

You posted in the wrong place it seems.and the subject you bizarrely bring up may be your hobby.

MAGA SAM June 16, 2024 - 5:23 PM - 5:23 PM

That’s it frank, I’m obsessed with transvestites. You got me.
Trump wants to abolish the income tax, that would be great. No more tax payer funded pride parades or abortions.

buck June 16, 2024 - 7:08 PM - 7:08 PM

Sing a new song Frank. Your endless ignorant, antagonizing, divisive diatribe is boring.

whenwilltheylearn June 16, 2024 - 8:57 PM - 8:57 PM

His rants are so low octane and cling to a need to be part of something they are created out of the same kind of boredom as a child that hits their sibling for no reason.

MAGA SAM June 16, 2024 - 10:59 PM - 10:59 PM

Who is we? You act like you ain’t alone. You are. Talking like some kind of national geographic narrator in the jungles of MAGA..”We see some posters” who sees frank? Who you even talking to huh?

happypappy June 17, 2024 - 8:32 AM - 8:32 AM

Must be the voices again.

Dr Jellyfinger June 17, 2024 - 7:54 AM - 7:54 AM

Oh sure… you can pooh pooh the threat but when you see it materialize it will be too late to do anything to stop it.
Anytime now, I’m expecting to see Samuel Brinton’s insane sex pervert nuclear dirty bomb revenge on America !
Remember that creepy luggage copping transmaniac was from the Biden circus administration…. he had control over all the nuclear waste & probably has a cardboard box full of it in his garage right next to the Volvo.
Do you think the FBI cares?
Nah….they’re too busy trying dream up some crime to frame Tara Reade with.

Original G June 17, 2024 - 11:14 AM - 11:14 AM

.biden administration. obama’s third term, a never ending fountain of weirdness.
Reminds me of a rowdy in your face group of college freshmen who never grew out of it.

Liar! Liar! June 17, 2024 - 8:23 AM - 8:23 AM

And Frank is obsessed with protecting the groomers from the posters who are obsessed with protecting children from the perverts.

Old-school guy June 16, 2024 - 8:21 PM - 8:21 PM

How do the laid off fast food workers feel about the 25% wage increase? When will politicians stay out of businesses’ business?

MAGA SAM June 16, 2024 - 11:08 PM - 11:08 PM

Who cares let them suffer. There’s a price to progressiveness. There’s a cost to doing business with deadbeat democrats and falling for the lies. There’s a reason they want them distracted with drugs and pronouns and rainbow parades. Keep them dumb and poor. They knew biden would be crushing us with inflation. Gavin knew he was destroying Californias budget. Meanwhile all the rich democrats are laughing at the little radicals.
Maybe next time they will vote for Trump and put America first.

The Professor June 17, 2024 - 7:53 AM - 7:53 AM

The fast food workers who still have a job are loving it. Those that lost their jobs because the restaurants can’t afford them, not so much.

The companies that manufacture and service the ordering kiosks are the biggest winners of all.

Original G June 17, 2024 - 11:31 AM - 11:31 AM

In not too distant future don’t be surprised to see automation cooking fries, making shakes and most of what kitchen staff does now. What will not happen is all human workers being replaced. Even fully automated, one or two humans will still be needed. However future is very bright for techs that will perform maintenance on those human replacements who only have to be trained once.

THE BLACK KNIGHT June 18, 2024 - 12:58 AM - 12:58 AM

Then it’s time for the government to tax the companies that use these automated fast food kitchen workers at a rate higher than what it would cost to employ a human to do the same job.

The Professor June 18, 2024 - 6:01 AM - 6:01 AM

Yes, that’s the answer. Any business that uses machines should be taxed at higher rates. Transport companies that use vehicles instead of hand deliveries. Farmers who use tractors and combines. Laundromats that have washing machines and dryers. Anywhere that human labor is replaced.
Brilliant. Typical short sighted lefty thinking.

Dr Jellyfinger June 17, 2024 - 3:11 PM - 3:11 PM

I’ll bet alot of them got their hours cut back too, no OT anymore either.
We should ask some of them.

Dr Jellyfinger June 20, 2024 - 8:02 AM - 8:02 AM

Or we can just ASSume it’s all working out just swell!

happypappy June 16, 2024 - 10:00 PM - 10:00 PM

The recognition and acceptance of natural rights led to the great success of America. Trampling on those rights is driving the left’s planned downfall.
Dems, the deep state, and their media minion enablers are soiling themselves and have no other way out but to fall back on their usual criminal methods of retaining power.
Are you ready for the chaos?

Speaking of rights: When Muslims are in the minority they are very concerned with minority rights. When they’re in the majority there are no minority rights.
W. Churchill

MDUSD Teacher June 17, 2024 - 4:07 AM - 4:07 AM


As Enlightened thinkers exchanged ideas across the Atlantic Ocean through the Republic of Letters, natural rights were a common theme. However, most colonists could not exercise their natural rights. You mention conspiracy theories and blanket narratives about the trampling of those natural rights. In your opinion, who should be able to enjoy “natural rights”?

By way of states having the ability to control elections, felons cannot cast votes, so I wonder how Democrats have used them to retain power.

MAGA SAM June 17, 2024 - 3:27 PM - 3:27 PM

Stop copy pasting from a 5th grade history book. Are you kidding me?

Hope Johnson June 17, 2024 - 3:23 PM - 3:23 PM

Whether or not you agree with HappyPappy, it’s comedy that the post uses a quote from a well known British Empire elite – as if old school British colonizers didn’t have reason to make all Muslims sound like savages the way the political elite are trying to do now. LOL!

Original G June 17, 2024 - 9:57 AM - 9:57 AM

While most of us are wondering how much cash we’ll have left at the end of the month there are people operating on a whole different level. Read story below how the ‘privileged’ few live above us little people.
‘Lawmaker spent $75K in campaign cash on 49ers, Giants, Warriors tix’
He is a member of super majority CA state legislature who pass what ever bill they want.

Concord Resident June 17, 2024 - 10:23 AM - 10:23 AM

But I thought drag queens reading to kids were the only pedophiles?


funny how none of you said a word about drag queens during the raid in Oakley last weekend.

The Professor June 17, 2024 - 12:12 PM - 12:12 PM

Abusing kids in any way is “inappropriate”, to say the least. It does not matter what their race, sex, or political persuasion is. Like rabid dogs, these sick people should be removed from society.

I hope that you feel better now.

Liar! Liar! June 17, 2024 - 12:20 PM - 12:20 PM

Absolutely nobody ever said that drag queens were the only pedophiles. But every drag queen who tries to insert themselves into the world of children are groomers.

Dr Jellyfinger June 17, 2024 - 3:26 PM - 3:26 PM

Why would anybody say anything about drag queens seeing as there weren’t any of those particular perverts involved with the child molesting scumbags arrested in that perv roundup last weekend? Try to make sense would you?

happypappy June 17, 2024 - 7:34 PM - 7:34 PM

Doing your best simply isn’t enough. First you must know what you’re doing and THEN do your best.
Just once would someone please let Sloppy Joe wander off? We’re constantly embarrassed on the world stage by that babbling buffoon.
The puppeteer had to rescue the mental midget;

frank June 17, 2024 - 11:33 PM - 11:33 PM

This should get about three frequent posters spun up

Here’s a quiz . Carville just reported trump has been accused of sexual harassment by 26 women .
Is this fake news?
A lie put out by Biden?
Who cares ? . He’s trump and entitled.
The women all came on to him
The women are all liars .
Par for the course .

Pick as many as you like.

MAGA SAM June 18, 2024 - 2:39 AM - 2:39 AM

James Carville (born October 25, 1944, Carville, Louisiana, U.S.) is an American political consultant, author, media personality, and Democratic Party strategist who successfully managed the first presidential campaign (1991–92) of Democratic candidate Bill Clinton.
This guy?
You are the definition of a desperate democrat

The Professor June 18, 2024 - 5:53 AM - 5:53 AM


Dr Jellyfinger June 18, 2024 - 7:48 AM - 7:48 AM

@Frank…. you know there have been several women who accused Trump of sexual assault but were unable to make it pay and eventually gave up and admitted lying about it. You can try to find those stories online but they’ve been pretty much buried or deleted by those liberal info sources who decide what you’re allowed to read.

MAGA SAM June 18, 2024 - 12:17 PM - 12:17 PM

I hear there’s 20+ women who were raped by Trumps VP pick…whoever it is

whenwilltheylearn June 19, 2024 - 3:09 AM - 3:09 AM

No,no,they were raped by Hunter Biden’s gun.

ADC June 19, 2024 - 6:54 AM - 6:54 AM

Or the classic go-to “Fake News”

Original G June 18, 2024 - 9:02 AM - 9:02 AM

What is it with DEMs and kids ? ? ? ?
“Democrats in California are now in the business of creating a crisis, then providing perverted and distorted ‘solutions’ ”
“California parents are systematically being replaced by school counselors, teachers, mental health providers, abortion providers, “gender-affirming” trans care specialists, or any number of adults willing to give vaccines, feed kids drugs, provide opposite-sex hormones, authorize gender surgeries, and get them treatment for sexual violence and rape – without a parent being any the wiser. This is also a Constitutional violation of parental rights.
The California Senate passed AB 1955, by Assemblyman Chris Ward (D-San Diego) last Thursday, to prohibit schools from notifying parents if their child is “gender confused” and is using a new pronoun at school. The bill was passed in a divisive 29-8 with 3 abstentions vote, the Globe reported.
caglobe https://tinyurl.com/fnzbtcxx
‘…Your Kids are Now Apart of the Collective’

Original G June 18, 2024 - 10:38 AM - 10:38 AM

A couple more pieces on flood of criminals flooding across border,
“A group of good Samaritans helped nab the 25-year-old Ecuadorean migrant wanted for the brutal sexual assault of a 13-year-old girl at a Queens park…”
“An illegal alien from Mexico, deported 16 times from the United States, is accused of killing a 64-year-old man from Bailey, Colorado, in a vehicle crash.”
Driving for a trucking company and did not have a commercial drivers license.
‘Seattle to use illegal migrants to bolster depleted police force after losing 700 officers in just five years’
If you’re wondering about woke DEMs in CA state legislature, you should know better.
Typical of DEM politicians in CA,
Passed 2021-2022 legislature session.
SB-960 Public employment: peace officers: citizenship.
“This bill would provide that those standards shall be interpreted and applied consistent with federal law and regulations, as specified. The bill would remove the provision that requires peace officers to either be a citizen of the United States or be a permanent resident who is eligible for and has applied for citizenship, and would instead require peace officers be legally authorized to work in the United States…”
What’s next on tier agenda ? ? ? ?

happypappy June 18, 2024 - 11:06 AM - 11:06 AM

Biden Regime Unseals Indictment Against Texas Doctor Who Blew Whistle on Sex Change Program at Texas Children’s Hospital – He is Facing Up to 10 Years in Prison!

“As previously reported, Biden’s corrupt Justice Department indicted a Texas surgeon who blew the whistle on a sex-change program at the Texas Children’s Hospital.
In May 2023, Dr. Eithan Haim leaked the sex change documents to investigative reporter Christopher Rufo. Dr. Haim was careful not to disclose any patient information but the Biden DOJ indicted him on four felony counts related to HIPAA violations.
One day after Dr. Haim exposed the Texas Children’s Hospital, the Texas state legislature voted to ban transgender medical treatment and procedures on minors.
Dr. Haim was informed last year that he was under federal investigation for leaking documents to Christopher Rufo.
On Tuesday, heavily armed agents showed up at Dr. Haim’s door and told him that he had been indicted with four felony charges.
“Had three heavily armed agents at my door 7AM Tuesday to inform me I was indicted with four felonies…for blowing the whistle about the largest children’s hospital in the world lying to the public about their transgender program,” Dr. Eithan Haim said on X.”

happypappy June 18, 2024 - 11:10 AM - 11:10 AM

Ho…Humm…….just another day….nothing to see here……

FBI knew since 2016 Hunter Biden’s team nearly scored $120 million Ukrainian deal while Joe was VP.


Original G June 18, 2024 - 7:38 PM - 7:38 PM

A bit of immigration trivia, at end of 2023 America had 682 immigration Judges.
Thanks to obama’s third term,
‘ICE Non-Detained Docket on Pace to Hit 8 million Active Cases This Year ‘
Electing DEMs has consequences.

Paul June 18, 2024 - 7:56 PM - 7:56 PM

Biden announces new policy shielding undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens from deportation. The action would shield about 500,000 immigrants living in the U.S. from deportation.

Thank you Biden for keeping families together!

whenwilltheylearn June 19, 2024 - 3:07 AM - 3:07 AM

This means they will let you stay?

MAGA SAM June 19, 2024 - 5:42 AM - 5:42 AM

64% of Americans want mass deportations and the government gives amnesty.
Yes, thank biden for that.

Original G June 18, 2024 - 9:43 PM - 9:43 PM

One of the selling points of Prop 64 was legal POT would be safe.
On page 5 of the Proposition it states “The Department of Public
Health will license and oversee manufacturing and testing, ensuring consumers receive a safe
product.” In the full 65 page text of Prop 64 the word ‘testing’ is mentioned 45 times.
An here is how our DEM run state is protecting it’s citizens.
‘That dizzy feeling isn’t the weed –
Chinese pesticides used on pot farms linked to nausea, memory loss and even cancer’ …
“Pesticide bags with Chinese text and hazardous chemicals found in California ” …
“An LA Times and WeedWeek investigation probed some of the most popular brands of vapes and pre-rolled weed in the Golden State.
Some 25 of 42 legal pot products bought from stores and tested at private labs showed concentrations of pesticides above state or federal safety levels.” …
“Worse still, contaminants can include chemicals linked to cancer, liver failure, thyroid disease and genetic and neurologic harm to users and unborn children. Some chemicals have been smuggled in from China — a sign of the growing involvement of Chinese gangs in legal and contraband pot farming in the US in the wake of legalization.
Can’t keep out illegals, why should we expect DEMs to keep out illegal pesticides.
An where is all this testing the 2016 Prop 64 promised, they’ve had more than enough time to get it up and running.

MAGA SAM June 21, 2024 - 12:32 PM - 12:32 PM

City of Concord was warned but someone had both hands in the cookie jar. Just like all the communist housing going up downtown. Vote these idiots out already

happypappy June 19, 2024 - 9:05 AM - 9:05 AM

What if Hilary had married O.J.? Do you wonder how many people wouldn’t be dead anymore?

happypappy June 19, 2024 - 9:28 AM - 9:28 AM

Juneteenth Festivities In Full Swing


whenwilltheylearn June 19, 2024 - 2:39 PM - 2:39 PM

If video of Biden is fake,go ahead and show the real video.Why has nobody said this?
Mop top is a sad little liar.

whenwilltheylearn June 19, 2024 - 4:59 PM - 4:59 PM

If you want to see fake,just look at the ear to ear smiles from Bidens ilk standing behind him when he talks,why are they there?it’s all psycholgical for the low IQ dems,there is nothing to be smiling about and this shows how fake they and anyone supporting them are.Some on dems,tells is what the fake joy is about?Nothing is hunky dorey for any Biden.Complete fake.Doesnt even comprehend what and why he’s doing what he’s doing.

whenwilltheylearn June 19, 2024 - 7:23 PM - 7:23 PM

Why would anyone need to manipulate footage of Biden.He’s already so screwed up.Even the liberals on this sight cant believe this BS..can they?They have to go along with this,like Chuck S’s raw burger with cheese on it,im waiting for a liberal to tell me this is an age old way of cooking burgers.
You leftists have nothing and never did.How many children can see all this as fake but leftist adults stick with it?Its an insult to children to call the left childish

Original G June 19, 2024 - 7:24 PM - 7:24 PM

Another one of them there “newcomers”, isn’t that’s what DEMs call ’em now ?
‘Rachel Morin’s family have ‘no doubts’ illegal migrant accused of her murder has more victims as investigators struggle to account for 10 months in the lead up to his arrest’ …
“… illegally crossed the southern border in February 2023 after he also
allegedly murdered another woman in El Salvador a month earlier.” …
‘International murder suspect found, arrested in Tulsa’ …
“Hernandez is wanted in El Salvador for murder, according to reports he fled to the U.S. Hernandez then popped up in Los Angeles where he violently assaulted a 9-year-old girl and her mother during a home invasion.”
‘Family of Woman Killed, Raped by Illegal Immigrant Says Death Never Would Have Happened Under Trump’
Just like this guy, an law enforcement still don’t know how many more he murdered,
criminals come to America to HIDE OUT..
How many more murders have DEMs let in ? ? ?

Original G June 19, 2024 - 8:31 PM - 8:31 PM

in NYC,
“A Good Samaritan who beat up an illegal immigrant child rape suspect has revealed the sharp comeback he made as the man pleaded for mercy. Jeffrey Flores, 24, said: ‘He was yelling for help… he kept saying
“Help!”… and I said, “That’s what the little girl was saying”.”
When will voters say enough and vote out DEMs ? ? ?

Whoe Jim June 20, 2024 - 5:17 PM - 5:17 PM

Oakland Mayor Thao being investigated by the FBI for money laundering all while being up for a recall vote. Doesn’t look good for her. Now we can only hope Governor Gavin Newsom can be investigated for the 24 billion dollars unaccounted for to house the homeless…

MAGA SAM June 20, 2024 - 10:47 PM - 10:47 PM

Jack Smith on trial Friday. How did that happen democrats? 🪃🪃🪃 Never really thought communists were really taking control even though I said it 4 years ago. Joe McCarthy was right.

Dr Jellyfinger June 21, 2024 - 6:28 AM - 6:28 AM

What’s really funny about Biden supporters is that if the Dems can ever convince Joe he has to step down and they replace him with another candidate, (no matter who it is) all his former supporters will glom on over to the new guy (or gal) and preach in unison about Joe’s cognitive loss and senility.
All of a sudden the right wing’s supposed “deep fake videos” and ridiculous claims of Biden’s mental & physical decline will become real and undeniable.

Done with libs June 21, 2024 - 8:14 AM - 8:14 AM

Does anyone care that the public school system in California now will just pass your child even if they are failing in every subject? This is happening now. The schools are setting these kids up for failure and dumbing down the education system.

The Professor June 21, 2024 - 11:51 AM - 11:51 AM

This has been going on for decades. Does anybody else remember the whole “ebonics” push in the early 80s?
They wanted to push improper grammar as something to teach. Lots of “I be, we be, he be, she be” stuff.

Dr Jellyfinger June 21, 2024 - 6:55 PM - 6:55 PM

I remember Little Richard and the Heebie Jeebies!


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