Home » Claycord – Talk About Whatever – May 31, 2024

Claycord – Talk About Whatever – May 31, 2024


Happy Friday to all the wonderful citizens in the City of Claycord.

This is a post with no subject, you can talk about whatever you want. If breaking news happens (such as a shooting, earthquake, etc.), or you hear about something newsworthy, feel free to post it here.

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S May 31, 2024 - 7:02 PM - 7:02 PM

Pick One:
A) Leg of Lamb
B) Lamb Shank
C) Yuck

Dorothy May 31, 2024 - 7:39 PM - 7:39 PM

A and only if fixed right.

The Old Goat June 1, 2024 - 8:26 AM - 8:26 AM

And what is fixed right?

S June 2, 2024 - 8:17 AM - 8:17 AM

That’s the beauty of a Leg-o-…..
So many ways to fix it right….
Sure would like to hear everyone’s versions of Fixed Right….

Dr Jellyfinger June 4, 2024 - 3:29 PM - 3:29 PM

Chef John always makes the best…..

Jeff (the other one) May 31, 2024 - 7:43 PM - 7:43 PM

ummm, yes to A or B…not so much c

Dawg June 1, 2024 - 1:23 AM - 1:23 AM

Leg of lamb.

Captain Bebops June 1, 2024 - 9:08 AM - 9:08 AM

C. Never been much of a fan of lamb except for the lamb sausage that some Indian restaurants do. I think I had to babysit my cousin’s lambs too much when they went on vacations.

S June 2, 2024 - 8:13 AM - 8:13 AM

Heavily spiked with garlic cloves
Rubbed down with an cracked black pepper & oregano bourbon paste
Slow smoked….

Concordejet May 31, 2024 - 7:34 PM - 7:34 PM


When does a joke become a ‘dad’ joke?
When it becomes apparent.

Bob June 2, 2024 - 4:09 PM - 4:09 PM

Oh dear

Dorothy May 31, 2024 - 7:38 PM - 7:38 PM

Book report: Key Out of Time, Andre Norton, 1963.time Agents, Murdock and Ashe plus Karara and her two telepathic dolphins are on a sea planet. They are to investigate why or how everything from the planets past caused not only the entire civilization but everything relating to it. They set up to go back 10,000 years when disaster strikes and sends everyone and the dolphins back even further while destroying their equipment that could take them back to their own time. And so the adventure begins. Enjoy.

I was going to do a book report on Cyborg, M. Caidin, 1972, but gave it to my brother. Interesting and very detailed about everything they done to save well known hero Steve. It is a how to story for about 2/3s of creating a cyborg from a near dead man with a couple of perilous adventures at the end. But if you ever watched the 6 Million Dollar Man, this is the story it came from. I think there was a female version later but I might have that mixed up with Wonder Woman.

Sancho Panza June 2, 2024 - 11:59 AM - 11:59 AM

Dorothy-There was a female version starring Lindsay Wagner and it was called The Bionic Woman…loved watching that show as a child in the late 70s!

Dr Jellyfinger May 31, 2024 - 7:52 PM - 7:52 PM


b2b May 31, 2024 - 8:22 PM - 8:22 PM

Anyone taking bets on when the Dutch Bros on Clayton road will be open? I’m guessing spring 2025.

Bob June 2, 2024 - 4:10 PM - 4:10 PM

Probably backed out and I wouldn’t blame them

Cyn May 31, 2024 - 9:00 PM - 9:00 PM

I’ll eat just about any meat except venison and lamb. I never acquired a taste for either. (Congrats on being first). 🙂

S June 2, 2024 - 8:19 AM - 8:19 AM

Thank you…
Not a fan of venison either. Have had it prepped several ways…. Just don’t care for it….

Cowellian May 31, 2024 - 9:10 PM - 9:10 PM

Cowellian’s first.
Y’all have a great weekend.

Givengold May 31, 2024 - 11:18 PM - 11:18 PM

A, A and A

The Old Goat June 2, 2024 - 1:36 PM - 1:36 PM

Shopping for butter?
Land O Lakes salted/unsalted
Safeway, $8.79
Lucky, $5,99
FoodMaxx, $5.99
Let the price reductions begin.

Original G June 4, 2024 - 12:36 PM - 12:36 PM

Nothing doing right ?
He’s just had enough . . . .

Original G June 4, 2024 - 1:14 PM - 1:14 PM

why can’t you schedule emergency broadcast interruptions at top of the hour ?

The Fearless Spectator June 5, 2024 - 5:49 PM - 5:49 PM

On these hot days it’s great to listen to classic rock while stuck indoors. There are always new videos of live performances, many with enhanced audio that showcases great musicianship. Sometimes the singing, not so much.
This begs the question, who is the worst front man in classic rock?
I’ll go first: Mike Love of The Beach Boys.

S June 6, 2024 - 7:10 AM - 7:10 AM

Gee, I’m not sure I can have a true answer…. Was never much for paying attention to lyrics, just enjoyed the instrumental.
Davy Jones; Monkees (not sure that counts though)

Dr Jellyfinger June 6, 2024 - 3:50 PM - 3:50 PM

Tom Petty.
I could not stand that whiny nasal voice.
Songs were pretty lame too.

S June 6, 2024 - 1:26 PM - 1:26 PM

Hope Y’all see this; I may re-ask in tomorrow’s Whatever as well…
Do any of you have experience with a local coin appraiser? Who? Where? Your level of trust?
I’ve some vintage coins from around the world.

Dr Jellyfinger June 6, 2024 - 3:02 PM - 3:02 PM

I sold a bunch of old silver dollars on e-bay auctions. They pay better than pawn shops!

S June 6, 2024 - 5:37 PM - 5:37 PM

agreed… ebay and such…. looking for an appraiser for the coins I can’t determine any value
some of the coins have a story; those are getting handed down, but some are just stuff, so prob will sell…
kinda my summer project

THE BLACK KNIGHT June 6, 2024 - 4:51 PM - 4:51 PM

There is usually a coin show in Concord or Walnut Creek about every three months, so there would be several dealers there to possibly give you multiple appraisals.

S June 6, 2024 - 6:07 PM - 6:07 PM

good to know, I’ll watch for one

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