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Home » Claycord – Talk About Politics – May 31, 2024

Claycord – Talk About Politics – May 31, 2024


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For those with short memories, obama believes he could get terrorists to “LIKE” us if America apologized, bowed and gave $900 Million of YOUR, taxpayer dollars to rebuild Gaza (hamas).
An look what happened, 07 October 2023 attacks on Israel.
‘Israel Can Thank Hillary For Hamas Terror Tunnels’
DON”T be shocked when it all happens again in a decade or so.
“Speaking to reporters at the White House Friday afternoon, President Joe Biden announced a new ceasefire proposal to keep Hamas in power and vowed the American taxpayer will pay to rebuild the Gaza Strip.”‘
Set aside time to watch this video which presents a view of iran and terorists DEMs can not grasp. An you’d best be sitting down when you do.
Admiral Ret James Lyons had top secret clearance through out his career and had full information of what he speaks.


Another example of our tax dollars funding both sides of a war, that we shouldn’t be involved with in the first place.


Should have taken out iran decades ago, instead a naive spinless megalomaniacal WIMP allowed them to develop nukes. 444 day jimmy THE WIMP carter could have ended them.
Overwhelming lethality is solution for terrorist leadership.


Or we could have just developed our own natural resources, so we had no need for Middle Eastern oil and spared ourselves the turmoil in that region.

Did you ever notice when one society tries to “end” another society it always backfires.


What’s frightening, is the hatred for Trump, which probably has no basis, is more important than the love and concern for our country!!!!


An infamous mass killer of last century said,
“All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself
to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.”
He also said “… all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan.”
Propaganda machine DEMs have forged is powerful, coupled with incessant short biased “news” designed to push DEM focus points, spewed out to handheld devices.
Social media providers in past were less than beacons of neutrality.
Unfortunate so few voters bother to search for news on their own.


Still spreading the lies even after the real story was published. That was never tax payer money, It was Iran’s money that got frozen when they seized the embassy. At the same time in 1980 Republicans sold out the hostages. They made a deal with Iran to not release the hostages before the election and they will sell them arms for their fight with Iraq. Thus began the Iran-Contra scandal. Remember, Republicans sold out the American hostages so they could win the election. Bush 1 pardoned everybody involved so no one got in trouble.


The Trump trial verdict is very scary! How can a judge that donates to the democrat party, and whose daughter works for the Democrat Party, not recuse himself or be allowed to stay. And how could they keep the trial in New York City eith 80% bias against Donald Trump.
Nothing was fair about this trial. It will probably be overturned by the Supreme Court but what scares me the most is that these democrat judges and politicians can do this to any one of us next! Crooks and criminals are running loose on all of us but they don’t care about those only those that threaten supermajority rule of the democrat party.


Yes Badge if you plan to falsify your business records to hide a hush money payment to a pornstar to interfere with an election the judicial system can do this to you as well.


Look who is interfering with an election!


jwb &doh

However, you can kill American citizens in a drone strike with impunity (Obama). You can invade foreign countries over WMDs and have impunity (Bush).
However, if you are Trump and commit an misdemeanor that has expired, that misdemeanor can turn into 34 felonies. Also, the key witnesses are a porn star and a convicted liar who both openly despise Trump. Only a NY jury would convict him. He was not even granted a change of venue. Lets not talk about how biased and compromised the judge is (daughter/Biden supported) . He was not given a fair trial.
Sad day for Americans.


Not sure why you look down on a porn star and somebody who got convicted by a NY jury? First of all it seemed the porn star was good enough for Trump to have a sexual encounter, which btw he still keeps denying (so much for the liar part). And since you think Cohen is a low life because he is a convicted felon then you must also think Trump is a low life since both are convicted felons by NY juries.
Now if believe the enhancements were unjust under NY law or that the judge was biased he will have a chance to reverse on appeal. But don’t hold you breath. Just because the MAGA influencer keep telling you this it doesn’t mean it’s true….


It’s unlawful for a NY judge to donate to a political party. The case is junk. Give it up already. I know you’ve been waiting for this moment for years but this ain’t what you think. Going ballistic posting about this “win” only makes you look foolish…again and again


Hush money BWJ….?..what about your boy Michael Jackson’s hush money for molesting kids.He’s yer boy…….and hush money aint illegal.

Hush money payments are common and if you think an affair with a pornstar was somehow going to turn 2016 election then you’re out there man…The error was a technicality and it wasn’t Trump pushing the button. Furthermore this should be a misdemeanor. This was a communist show trial from the start by the weaponized Biden DOJ. I don’t get how Americans don’t see how dangerous this is and what just happened. People need to go learn history.


These charges were misdemeanors, at best, with “statutes of limitations” that had run out, so how NY was able to restart the clock and charge as felonies seems pretty fishy to me. Trump, like him or not, we should all be concerned; because, the government can do the same thing to anyone of us…….the Constitution, and the Law means what they say it means, apparently.


What I can’t figure out about District Attorney Alvin Bragg is that he almost always reduces Felonies to Misdemeanors for thieves, rapists and murderers. Yet when it came to a former President, he increased 34 Misdemeanors to Felonies. Why the change of heart?


The judge didn’t decide the verdict; the jury did. That was Trump’s signature on the tax forms saying I approve this on record. The facts were laid out for all to see.


Trump actually won in court. Desperate democrats helped him again. It’s called the boomerang effect. Enjoy the results. We aren’t worried about any of it. As you can tell. Looking forward to the future arrests of so many criminal politicians. Thanks for the presidency and all the green lights. We’ll be using them


400+ 5th Amendment Pleadings
3500 lawsuits
91 Criminal Charges
26 Sexual Assault Allegations
6 Bankruptcies
5 Draft Deferments
88 Indictments
2 Impeachments
2 Convicted Companies
1 Fake University Shut Down
1 Fake Charity Shut Down
$25 Million Fraud Settlement
$5 Million Sexual Abuse Verdict
$2 Million Fake Charity Abuse Judgment
$93 Million Sexual Abuse Judgements
$400+ Million Fraud Judgment
Convicted of 34 felony counts


Facts and truth do matter to those of us with common sense.

Protect your amygdala…do not be afraid, this is the state which logical thinking takes a back seat..” The amygdala also functions in regulating anxiety, aggression, fear conditioning, emotional memory, and social cognition.” This state of chaos in the brain is optimal for taking advantage. This is all planned. Take a break and go outside to enjoy nature with your family…
Your comment is spot on.


You mean the Supreme Court where one justice is getting gifts and money for a top GOP donor or the other justice who is all about letting his wife fly anti-USA flags?

Is that a concern for you?


No, more like Bill Clinton who never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinski.


Resident – you are either stupid or lying or both. That is a patriotic flag, flown by the founding fathers, and was flown by the city of San Francisco until this week. But anti-patriotism is important to San Francisco.


What anti USA flag?


So a Wife should be subservient to her Husband in all things and should obey his commands as if it were the law of the land?!? So in your household a Wife is just chattel?

A Wife doesn’t get the protection of the Bill of Rights?!? No 1st Amendment right of free speech or expression without her Husband’s permission?

Misogyny thy name is Concord Resident.

FYI: a flag flown inverted is a military signal of “dire distress in instance of extreme danger to life or property.” It not anti anything. It is a warning.


So Alito didn’t make a ruling that women shouldn’t have a choice on what to do with their bodies?


Please oh please expand on how one Justices opinion on Dobbs V. Jackson, ONE OF FIVE by the way, influenced YOUR opinion on what a Wife is allowed to do without her husband’s permission.

Does Alito somehow control your emotions and opinions on Woman’s rights and Constitutional protections? Do two wrongs make a right?df

Even in Dobbs V Jackson, the court COLLECTIVE ruled the Constitution did not address abortion and it was up to the States to decide under the 10th Amendment if it was right for their communities. The Court nor Alito’s opinion DID NOT out right ban abortion as you mistakenly opine since it is legal in 34 states, California included.

You were the one all up in arms because Alito had the nerve, THE NERVE mind you, to “allow” his chattel to “fly anti-USA flags” without his patriarchal permission. (I will ignore your willful ignorance on the meaning of an inverted flag for the sake of brevity.)

OWN IT Concord Resident! That is your unconscious bias and prejudice on a women’s place in society becoming very conspicuous. DO BETTER.

No CR, Alito did not make a ruling that women shouldn’t have a choice about their bodies.

He ruled that the states get to make the rules about abortion. If a woman does not have access to an abortion in their state, then she can look to her state legislature as the reason.

Alito gave back to the states their constitutional power. Read the 10th amendment. It essentially says that Federal powers are listed in the Constitution and that anything not mentioned belongs to the state. Nowhere is abortion listed in the constitution. Hence, the power to regulate, promote, or ban abortion belongs to the individual state.

Alito did not take away a woman’s ability to choose. Instead, he gave back to the states those abilities. Like any other state issue, a woman has the choice to fight for whatever “rights” she wants to fight for and vote for. Also she has the choice to pick up stakes and move to a state with laws more to her liking.

The justice system is now a corrupt tool controlled and manipulated by the corrupt democrat government.


Cautiously Informed,
You are correct…the State has been captured as we are in a Color Revolution. The Trump saga is a distraction. Here is a good explanation of what the globalist technocrats are doing while the never ending distractions/chaos keep us from seeing what is right before our eyes…


A judge donating to either political party, in and of itself, is not a reason to recuse oneself. Even if the person on trail held office. If that were the case, then how could there be a fair trial if the judge donated to the RNC?
The merits of Trump’s case had very little to do with political ideologies anyway. You are avoiding the corruption that is actually at issue. And in doing so does not justify other instances of corruption, those are other issues that should be dealt with. Trump’s case is not dependent on how another individual’s indecencies are addressed and vice versa.


DI- here is the NY law on judge’s political activities.

It’s illegal for a sitting judge to donate to any political party or candidate.


Prediction: DJT will be sent to prison at the sentencing hearing, but this will backfire on Biden, Bragg, and judge Marchan. DJT will become this nation’s Nelson Mandela, and will win the election in a landslide.


Nelson Mandela served 27 years before becoming president. Sure, DJT can run after serving 27 years .


He’s not going to prison


As I said a couple of weeks ago…”no one is above the law.” That was our current president saying this today.
He, his family, etc., The Clintons, and countless others fall into this category. It’s a matter of time before we get to the heart of the matter and see what is really happening.


The Trump campaign raised more than 34 million dollars within hours of that disgusting criminal kangaroo court verdict. And it was all from small donors.

Remember that 17 million dollar congressional hush fund?

I think it’s time to expose those names and shop for a DA.


If you put up an American Flag outside your house
everyone knows who you’re voting for in November.
If you don’t have a flag, pole and holder, get one and put it out each morning and bring it in each night.
Playing with liberal minds is so much FUN.


“Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser”

General Patton


“A date which will live in infamy”


@ Frank…..Remind us when Biden concedes the election.


When will Trump concede the 2020 election?


The loser typically concedes the election when it is determined that there is no mathematical way that any chance of winning remains.
It may be on the night of the election or it may be the next day after she has finished having a nervous breakdown and smashing everything in her hotel room.
I expect this November the election will be decided the very moment the polls close even though many of us have already determined who the winner will be, and that his handlers will let Joe sleep & give him the bad news in the morning.


Liberals: “If we could just jail Trump, get rid of MAGA, end the Electoral College, stack the Supreme Court, ban voter ID, and censor free speech we could save democracy.”


Better yet, just ban elections. Leave the leader picking to the smart guys.


Trump guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying business records. That’s more felonies than most prisoners in jail. More trials are coming. Next up is the sentencing, which will come on July 11, just days before the Republican Convention starts. Let’s see how the party claiming to be law and order party behaves.

Trump faces a maximum prison sentence of 136 years. Most class E felonies don’t get jail but with 34 counts we can hope.


You said you want to see how the party behaves. Well, Trump was found guilty yesterday and not a single police station was burned down. I guess the only thing on fire was his website.


I did see a group of young “teens” run out of Safeway with bags of stolen items, but not sure if that was related to the verdict or not.


Trumps convictions will all be overturned in appeal. IT could go directly to the Supreme Court because it was federal charges, and the judge broke so many constitutional laws. Everyone knows this was nothing but a political hit job. Democrats don’t care about what is right or fair.


“Stacked court” isn’t it ironic


Why do communists hate the idea of making America great again?


Oh come on you can do better then that.
No one calls anyone a commie anymore.

While you are at it remember trump promising to testify. You may recall i said that was a bald faced lie.

It was.


I definitely could do better, it just doesn’t matter. Everyone knows the entire system is rigged by communists. No good attorney would ever let their client testify, especially under these circumstances. I hope he gets 187 years in prison. Trump will run the country from prison and you will cry about it. That’s your future. I couldn’t care less about any of it. I’m happy he was convicted in a biden show trial.


The show trial just proves to the world how low the Democrats will go to try to win an election.


Control, Control, Control of our lives.
Look at all the jackass regulations that have been issued. We can’t think for ourselves.


There’s no proof to the rumor that The Beast (Hilary) laughed at Trump for paying hush money to political liabilities rather than employing the proven more economical method.


Hillary is mad she didn’t get a shot at Stormy, although Bill probably did.


Don’t look at me,I don’t think I voted for him……

But I will do everything in my being to vote for the other guy.


In 24 hours following the verdict Trump received $52.8 million in donations.
“…ten Republican senators announced on Friday that they are suspending all cooperative legislative efforts with Democrats, accusing the White House of engaging in actions that are “un-American” and making a “mockery” of the rule of law.”


I’m sure the donation number is accurate. I mean the Trump campaign never inflates numbers, after all he had the largest audience for any inauguration in 2017, or he could draw 100K plus in NJ, or 50K in the Bronx…..


This must be the first time in Alvin Bragg’s history where he increased the charges on Trump from Misdemeanors to Felonies. He usually decreases charges from Felonies to Misdemeanors. I wonder why?


Anyone remember when Hillary simply got a slap in the wrist (a small fine) for essentially the same thing Trump was just found guilty for (basically improper paperwork assuming Bragg is to be believed)? Yet Trumps violation somehow amounts to 34 felonies? Braindead liberals just can’t comprehend the complex idea of double standards.


Only desperate democrats with TDS could fumble this so bad and gift the presidency to Trump with a bow and at the same time elevate him to a civil rights leader/hero. You guys are really better off doing nothing at all. All this trying to control everything has backfired on you from kids in cages to COVID HOAX to russia russia russia, you fail. Now it’s our turn and you won’t be happy


Trump is a civil rights icon. I didn’t do that. Thank your people


This is a serious question. There will be no need for snarky responses. I am trying to understand.. so many people, not just the Claycord followers complain about high prices of products across the country and rightly so. So tell me why the same people who are working hard for their money, many of which have very little to begin with would send their hard earned money to a “billionaire” for his campaign, legal fees or whatever. The man has not said HOW he will bring prices down to ease everyday life. Again, I’m trying to understand. No need for snarky mean angry responses.


No snark or meanness forthcoming! I wouldn’t send money for Trump’s campaign; I don’t get that either. But most people with their eyes open and listening ears on know they could buy more with $100 under Trump than in the last few years. A childish analysis, I know, but it’s exactly what wins elections.


Cut the regulations, stop the government spending, stop pushing the climate hoax, allow businesses to expand and let the free market correct itself. Not really hard to solve.


Because he proved you can run a Country like a business in his first term ( that really pissed off all these career politicians), and he is our best and only hope of saving us from Obama and his stooges intentional destruction of The United States Of America.


He can run a Country like a business? Maybe after all he had six business bankruptcies……


And Biden is connected to at least eleven LLC’S assigned to P.O. Boxes that offer zero services therefore no such businesses ever existed. No corrupt foreign money laundering here, nah. Think I will trust Trump and his bankruptcies with my tax dollars instead.


Now look up how many bankruptcies most billionaires have had..6 is nothing professor


Using the DOJ to go after a political opponent is just corruption. Anyone acting like it’s not is a liar. Using corrupt people doing corrupt things is simply cowardice. Democrats don’t have a platform except for Trump bashing and lies. They told you men can get pregnant. That narrative has died down recently. Wonder why


Sentencing set 4 days before the RNC Convention to nominate Trump.
This is all GREAT NEWS for We the People
1) Trump Presidential victory sealed.
2) Precedent now set for Bush, Clinton, Obama arrests.
3) Overturn on Appeal guaranteed.
4) Top-to-Bottom DOJ Corruption exposed.
5) U.S. Supreme Court will be FORCED to conduct Emergency Review of
“case” and make a ruling.
6) Supreme Court is a “captured” entity that fully understands they uphold the Law or individually face UCMJ Treason trial for violating their
Swor Oaths to the Constitution.
7) No civilian admirably law court can override a UCMI protected
Commander-in-Chief, no matter the amount of propaganda they use.
8) CIC Trump is untouchable. He’s simply leading the Swamp Rats to
their final resting places.
9) Brunson Case verdict remains a proverbial nuclear weapon that can be deployed to eradicate the vast majority of House & Senate members for violating their sworn oaths on January 6, 2021, by unconstitutionally certifying the 2020 election without an investigation.
10) @realDonaldTrump holds ALL THE CARDS. Watch him win it all! Election Interference is Treason. ALL found guilty must forfeit all personal, family and corporate assets to the U.S. Treasury.
WeThePeople just won the lottery and will soon win our Republic back!


Ha ha ha Sam, that’s great stuff. But didn’t you forget about reinstating Trump? Remember how during most of 2021 you were posting here that President Trump will be reinstated any day now? And arresting Clinton and Obama I can clearly recall that you told us that Durham was doing this a few years back?


The swamp is deeper than anyone imagined.


Never was a fan of Trump except for his game. When it came out I gave it to some friends who yearly liked to play monopoly around Christmas and beat the socks off me. But it’s more a game of chance anyway and they had more luck. However they didn’t do so well with Trump’s game where I always won.
As I often say Trump should have tried his hand first a being mayor or governor. I doubt after that he would have forgotten any dream of being President. I also think he was perfectly happy being an entertainer and game show host. Problem was that was not the family business.
Now corporate heads and politicians are going to be closer scrutinized because many of them have shady dealings and hidden secrets. Nothing new.


All this reminds me…….


Trump has been in court on four cases . Every case involved him lying . He has lost every case .

Even his biggest fans can see a trend.


Yes Frank, all these kangaroo courts and all in an election year…. it’s a Democrat “election interference” trend obviously and the courts don’t seem to mind being used as their political weapons…. I wonder how the voters feel about all these slimy tactics?
We’ll see in November!


Remember, if they are willing to rig a trial, they are willing to rig an election.


Ah yes .The great “They” . The unseen forces of evil that only trump can protect us from.

Got it.


Who says they are “unseen”? That’s you saying it. I know exactly who’s on the field


It’s pretty obvious, Democrats are cheating right out in the open this time and they are proud of it.


NO, you don’t get it.


While I’m not voting for Biden or Kennedy, I’m also not voting for Trump. Here’s why:

1. His disrespect for the military. Having a father, nephew, brother-in-law, uncles, and grandfather who served in the military, I found just his remarks about John McCain to be uncalled for. He has made other comments about the military which I also found disrespectful.

2. His lack of respect for women.

3. Crickets from Biden, Kennedy, and Trump about Social Security. Trump didn’t do anything during his four years to shore up Social Security (and there is nothing on his posted list of accomplishments to indicate otherwise). Most of us seniors count on Social Security for a big chunk of our income, and the Trump tax cuts (and Biden college loan forgiveness) only made Social Security more tenuous.

4. I am a moderate who wants moderation. Trump will push an already conservative Supreme Court further to the right, while I would prefer the addition of one more liberal justice to get a bit more balance.

I will acknowledge that President Trump did some good things during his term, particularly a strong economy. At the same time,. my 401k has never been higher than right now, under President Biden. Unfortunately the negatives of Trump and Biden make it unlikely that I will vote for either of them.


A 401K exists to assist in financing retirement. To properly do that, it ultimately must out-perform the combination of inflation and taxes. The Biden syndicate has given us runaway inflation and reckless spending that will force tax increases. This will adversely affect the buying power of your 401K assets regardless of AUM.


Fearless – You are absolutely correct. The “real” value of my 401k is 85% of the current value in 2020 dollars. Which is one reason Biden doesn’t have my vote, either.


Wow you should get a better financial advisor.
Here is a calculator which shows you how your investment in a S&P 500 index fund would have performed over time (both in absolute dollars and inflation adjusted dollars).
$100 invested into the S&P500 in January 2020 would now be worth $166.77 and inflation adjusted $137.23.
If your investment now is only $85 inflation adjusted you made a terrible investment.


After the first $100,000 it gets easier.
In 2018 $10,000 invested in NVIDIA ( NVDA) would have gotten you 300 shares.
Today those 300 shares are worth $328,800.


OG it gets really easy with hindsight. No reasonable investor just puts his money in a single stock. Your comment is about as useful as standing at a roulette table and seeing the ball land on 24 saying, if you would have put $10,000 on 24 you would now have $350,000.


I didn’t say anything about my rate of return or amount of money in the 401k in 2024 vs. 2020. I haven’t lost 15% since 2020. I was saying that whatever the amount of money is in my 401k (or your 401k) when adjusted for inflation is worth 85% in 2020 dollars.

I have mostly index funds (stock, international stock, bond, REIT) which I bought for my 401ks over the last 30 years of my working life. My funds mostly track the market returns and have very low yearly costs. So while I don’t have any NVIDIA stock (except perhaps in the mutual fund index funds), my returns are pretty close to the S&P 500’s returns.


The figures you’re showing assume 18% inflation since 2020. Do you really believe that? Inflation also puts people in higher tax brackets, meaning they pay more tax.

That simply makes no sense you only look at inflation but not at the returns? You realize that that Feds aim for about a 2% annual inflation target. So in your world you just keep losing? The goal of investing it to outpace the inflation, otherwise you may as well simply stash your money in your sock drawer.
And it’s pretty dishonest to say your 401k investment compared to 2020 are only worth 85% and then stating that you had returns which matched the return of the S&P500 over that time frame.


JWB. I think you are purposely misreading me (and honestly, I’m not sure why I’m arguing about my 401k). The 65% or so of my 401k invested in US stock funds has almost exactly matched the S&P 500 (a 66% return +-). Because of the international stock funds, REIT funds, and bond funds which were bought to diversify my portfolio and provide income, my total return (for 2001 – present) is probably closer to 55%. My point is that my 155% is really only worth 85% of 155% (131.75%) in 2020 dollars. Don’t worry, I didn’t lose money, even with inflation. But you and I both saw 15% eaten up by Biden’s inflationary nonsense over the last four years.


jwb, … you’re partially correct.
I don’t gamble, it’s like Peter Lynch said “buy what you know” and. Another example, bought 50 shares of costco stock back in 2018 and still hold it. As of this morning it is up 263%.
401k was originally to solely benefit kodak company.
Companies have since used it to dissolve their pension plans, shifting retirement burden onto employees saving them from retirement liability. Problem is if 401k is not started early in a person”s work life their retirement will be hard due to loss of effect of compounding.
INH, … jwb does on occasion have a bit of difficulty with black letters on a white background and some how ends up in left field, we need to have patience and understanding.

Jwb purposely misreading is what he’s known for. He’s a typical lying leftist desperate democrat. He will say anything to make it sound like biden has done a great job, the economy is great, the boarder is secure, and inflation is in your imagination.


Look you’re going in circles. Inflation is a complicated issue. As you can see your foreign stocks didn’t do better because obviously there was worldwide inflation. So maybe it is a tad disingenuous to simply blame the current administration for it?
Generally inflation follows the increase in money supply (M2) see an explanation here:
As you can see the steepest increase in M2 was actually under the previous administration. And, maybe it was necessary because as you will remember it coincided with the Covid pandemic. M2 started to tapper off in 2021 (while still high) and reached prepandemic levels in 2022.
In short, economics might be a little bit more complicated than what you think.


JWB. Unless you majored in Economics, I’d put my knowledge of Econ up against yours any day of the week. My father was an economist for 40 years. I took a couple of Econ classes in college, so I’m pretty well-versed in the basics. Most importantly, I spent the last X years of my career working for a noted economist (in a executive, but non-economics role), and working with economists of all backgrounds. I listened to hundreds of my ex-boss’s presentations to financial clients of all types. During staff meetings we talked about economics. During lunch meetings, we talked about economics. I listened and learned. I am very well aware of the complexities of economics.


Good for you INH, but also means you don’t have excuse for the stuff you posted. You would know that the main driver for inflation is M2 and you could have checked when M2 started to explode. You would know that nobody looks just at inflation in his/her investment, because the Feds always aim for a modest inflation, because deflation would really be horrible for the economy. If you check during the Trump administration the agregate inflation was about 6ish percent, but nobody says oh my good my 401k was only 94% of what it was in 2017.


INH, I think you’re right.
Some people just should not vote.
People who can’t decide between 2 imperfect candidates, which one is better for the country
should stay home and let others decide for them.
If we wind up with 4 more years of the disastrous Biden regime you can proudly hold your head up and say “I didn’t vote!”
After all…. you’re an American!
Land of the free & home of the Neurotic.


Hi Dr. J. I haven’t missed a voted since I turned 18, and won’t be skipping this one. Plenty of issues in Oregon to vote on and I will be voting (just as I just did in our primary). But for the reasons I listed above, I don’t want either Trump or Biden to be the next president and won’t support either of them. I understand that one of them will be the next president, but I won’t be the one to encourage or contribute or vote for them.

On the other hand, if one of the candidates starts talking about shoring up Social Security, then anything could change.


OK, even if you hate Trump you should still do what’s best for America…
America First!
Look at it this way… you’re not voting “for” Trump…. you’re voting “against” Biden.
Lesser of two evils if you must equate it that way, but don’t pee away your vote on some Libertarian who hasn’t any chance… the only statement you’d be making is
“I wasted my vote”.

A judge who donates to biden, a DA that campaigned on getting Trump, A democrat prosecutor sent by bidens DOJ in a 95% democrat jurisdiction. Haha yeah


Unanimous Guilty verdict by a jury he helped pick.

I hope we start holding corrupt politicians, judges, traitors, et al, accountable, both left and right. Also bring back the Fair Doctrine.


You’re acting as if the most mundane aspects of the trial were somehow rare and remarkable. Of course it was a unanimous guilty verdict. If it wasn’t unanimous it would be a hung jury and a mistrial. In jury selection, both sides get to help pick and eliminate jurors.

Are you going to pretend it was a fair trial because they kind of followed some of the rules?


Unanimous? Well, it started out that way of having to be 12-0……then things changed along the way.


Maybe an independent film company will make a movie about the Trump trial, kind of like
“12 Angry Men”.
They can call this one “12 Useful Idiots”

Biden gives Ukraine permission to carry out limited strikes within Russia using US weapons…yesterday this news hit the cycle but everyone is distracted by Trump…coincidence in timing? Blinken gave the green light–escalation!

“The initial limits preventing Ukraine from firing into Russian territory with US weaponry were rooted in the Biden administration’s concerns about the war escalating. While those concerns remain, the US moved to change position after the Ukrainian government explicitly cited the need to defend Kharkiv, European allies began changing tack and NATO leadership quietly urged the US to allow such strikes.”


Those of us here in the real world judge politicians according to what they do(or don’t do) for the country. Also, not all of us are members of the gullible masses.
p.s. Every historian? What TV channel did that one come from?


Hey CI I googled “presidential rankings” and your favorite TV channel. For example I did Fox News and you will find the information. I tried posting the link for Fox News but I guess this is not allowed.


Who’s ’every historian’? To validate your comment, please list all the world’s historians, and their stated opinions of Trump.
p.s. presidential ranking? Really? Apples and oranges.


Got it. Googled it, so it must be true.


Don’t care what you think, my comment was an answer to ITSME’S question. Go away, you’re beyond rude and annoying.


Above was meant as a reply to one of jwb’s irritating comments.


Think of it as proof why human cloning has to remain illegal ! ! !

What….me worry?
Nah…. Ask a guy who knows (and was NOT allowed to testify).


Don’t believe JWB when he says “You guys are really cracking me up” he was already cracked up when he got here… not our fault.


You guys are really cracking me up. You seem to have no clue how courts work. Do you really think Judges have no pride in their work? There is nothing Judges hate more than being reversed by a higher court. So you think all these alleged reversable errors Google.Esq finds and keep parroting around would have just been ignored by this judge.
I’m not saying that there is certainty that the case may not be reversed but certainly not based on what you find on the internet or what you’re being told by influencers, asking for your donations.


Trump is just another justice affected person. You should really show some support for individuals affected by the systemic issues in the justice system. What kind of liberal are you really? After all he’s a victim of the system like so many before him. You’re the last person I would expect to be defending a traditionally corrupt system. Man seriously, what kind of liberal are you?
Wish you libs weren’t such hypocrites..It’s a shame


Have you noticed that we didn’t burn down any cities because we didn’t like an outcome? Instead we raised 53 million dollars for our cause. We are NOT like you. We are far superior.


Perhaps the “people struggling with not many assets” realize we can’t afford more Biden inflation or higher taxes & maybe they are a little PO’d that Biden decided to let the taxpayers finance the illegal immigrant’s invasion into the USA of over 11 million unvetted people from all over the world as well as using our tax dollars to pay off the college loans for students as an obvious ploy to buy their votes.
Whatever small donations that those “people struggling with not many assets” can afford to send may be a necessary investment in their opinion, to monetarily take care of their families by electing a competent President.


@Maga Sam
JWB thinks the errors made by the judge are “alleged”. I believe you know what kind of person he is.


Sorry Cyn, I guess you don’t know what “alleged” means. It means you claim that these were errors. Hope this helps.


Give it up dude, nobody agrees with you on anything. Your TDS and biden love is blinding you. Get some help before it’s too late


Your wrong Sam…. several nobodies agree with him.

More evidence that jwb is playing at being an attorney.

Cmon – what’s your state bar number?

He’s gonna be Juan sorry Judge!


“The Governor’s proposal would slash $80 million from the state prisons and reduce our prison capacity by roughly 4,600 beds. The Legislature’s counter is even worse. If Legislative Democrats have their way, they’ll cut more than $1 billion from the state corrections’ budget.” …
“The 2011 Public Safety Realignment Act (AB 109) was a seismic shift that transferred tens of thousands of inmates from state prisons to county jails. While intended to reduce state prison populations and address overcrowding, this move ignored a critical fact: county jails were never designed to house long-term, violent, and dangerous felons.”
DEM’ fix for what AB-109 did to all 58 county jail systems was Prop 47 which has proved very close to a complete failure.
So what will be your answer to DEMs ? ? ?
Will you reward them for endangering you and those you care about by reelecting them ? ? ?


I changed my political party affiliation a few days ago and very glad I did.


Matthew Colangelo is the biden DOJ associate attorney general that was dispatched by biden to work for alvin bragg to prosecute Trump.
So alvin bragg campaigned on getting Trump. The judge donated to biden, and the this Biden DOJ clown quit his big job in the biden DOJ to take a low level job working with bragg.
This is a complete communist show trial even the USSR wouldn’t be this obvious. Yet jwb and frank do victory laps. Haha this is why they got rid of circus’s in the US. Now we just have clowns everywhere. This is literally weaponizing the DOJ against you political enemies…sick


It’s all out there, the Biden Administration coordinated the entire legal warfare effort against Trump to interfere with his campaign.
It is literally election interference.


I will NEVER trust a democrat.

Seems that everything they touch turns to $hit.

Culmination of years of DEM governance.
‘Shocking new footage emerges of huge wooden ‘shantytown’ built in Democrat-run city whose name is byword for crime and urban decay’
‘Is this the most dangerous square mile in America? Crime hotspot in Oakland where gas stations and In-N-Out are hit by brazen car thieves dozens of times EVERY DAY – but cops say they are powerless to stop it’
Want it to STOP ? ? ?
STOP electing DEMs.


Remember, they never said Trump committed a second crime to make it a felony, only that he
intended to.
He’s a convicted felon because democrats allege he intended to commit a misdemeanor crime.
That’s unconstitutional


Well, that would be a crime. Unlike what President Trump was convicted of. Try again desperate democrat. You can’t even verbalize what crime President Trump committed. Your feelings are fragile


Thank you jwb, you have proven the point. Nobody knows what if any crime was “planned” to be committed because NO CRIME was committed. I understand NY law doesn’t need a conviction of another crime, yet zero crime is alleged. This is a stupid fake play the corrupt fools made and will be thrown away. You know it and so does the rest of the WORLD.
When you pay your lawyers, you mark it as “legal expenses”. This whole case revolves around the idea that Trump “wouldn’t” have legal expenses. And your partner franks keeps saying, Trump has had 4 cases in a row. Everyone knows he pays lawyers and accountants.
The supreme court will decide what is constitutional and what is not. Not a TDS suffering confused desperate delusional clown chat bot posting like a stalker weirdo here.
Get it together, I feel embarrassed for you.


Ooooh – look, jwb is pretending to be an attorney. Wonder what else he/she/it/they/them plays at?

The Miracle In Georgia. 300,000 more voters than voters –


Or more “votes” than voters.


Joe Biden is the Tonya Harding of Presidents.
If you can’t beat your competition, hire henchmen to cripple them.


You think he made Trump sleep with Stormy Daniels and then try to cover it up? He has that kind of power over the former president?


It has never been proven Trump slept with Stormy daniels. He’s denied it. There is a written statement from her that says it never happened. This whole concept that he paid “hush money” and has “fixers” is an absolute desperate democrat fantasy. Just like the putin russia dossier.


Why would someone as germaphobic as Trump even touch a porn star?


Means nothing at all. Of course joe biden did this. Only a clown in denial would pretend otherwise. I already connected the DOJ clown who biden installed to do it. It’s way beyond proven biden targets his political opponents.


Well now, this should start some world class sniveling and hurt feelings . . . .
‘Idaho bar sparks fury for declaring June ‘Heterosexual Awesomeness Month’
and giving free beers and 15% discounts to straight men’


I am convinced that we need to try “ranked” voting. The 2 party system is influenced by the wealthy. A third party system is not the answer.


We’ve all seen the wonders “ranked-choice voting” has done for Oakland.

Trump has lost four cases in a row. Some blame Biden.

One thing ; his big fans will never admit trump did anything wrong. Never.


Certainly, Trump has done wrong things. Probably the worst thing he ever did was listen to America’s physician, Dr. Fauci. Fauci said to shut down the country for two weeks to slow the spread. Fauci was a liar.


Fauci has been an enemy target from the beginning. You’re lost guy.


Anyone who commits crimes against humanity.


Your post doesn’t change mine at all. This country shut down on March 17, 2020, thanks to Fauci. It didn’t take long before Trump knew that was a bad idea and said Birx and Fauci were self-promoters trying to reinvest history to cover for their bad instincts and faulty recommendations; and as it turns out, Trump was correct. He even wanted to fire Fauci. I like Ted Cruz, but don’t you think that video is a little outdated? Perhaps you’re still a little shook about investments and the spanking you received from “I’m New Here”.


Man, you really did get spanked, didn’t you? I said Fauci lied and you’re talking about your love/hate relationship with Ted Cruz and beanie babies? Good grief. Maybe you should take the advice that you gave to HP.


Yeah….. that never happens…..



OhMy, DEMs have a dilemma who ya’ll gonna support ? ? ?
“… Queers4Palestine disrupted Sunday’s Pride parade in Philly”
Yet in NYC,
“The NYPD took no chances with Sunday’s Israel Day Parade in Midtown Manhattan, ordering cops to arrest any protesters without hesitation if they cross the police perimeter.
An internal police memo obtained by The Post shows that New York’s Finest were told to bust any intruders on the parade route…“ … “Any spectator who attempts to enter the frozen zone between the barriers or who attempts to go on to the parade route must be immediately arrested for trespass.”
Massive Police presence.
Isn’t it amazing DEM politicians have allowed riots, arson and looting in cities they controlled.
Yet NYC DEM politicians seem terrified of not getting the Jewish vote or Jewish campaign contributions.
The self preservation force is strong in DEMs politicians of NYC.
What a difference, when civil order, is to their political advantage of retaining elected office.
Almost like they were controlling an outcome, for their advantage.



Trump Campaign Raises Staggering $200 Million Since Thursday Kangaroo court Conviction


SEN. JOHN KENNEDY (R-LA): The NY charges never would have been brought against anyone on God’s Green Earth except Donald Trump. This sort of thing happens in countries whose “Powerball jackpot is 287 chickens and a goat.” It is not supposed to happen in America.


34 is my new favorite number! The rule of law has prevailed, despite the right wing pearl clutching over the past few days.

No one is above the law, especially a 77 year old illiberal delusional mentally diminishing con man lying grifter.


Actually there is one very much above the law:
He is 81, used to shower with his daughter, hosts drugs and topless transvestites at the White House, accepts cash for influence, and has demonstrated a preference for terrorists over Americans.


How embarrassing will it be on Nov 6th when people are saying”Biden cant even beat a guy with 34 felony convictions”!!!!

If you had any doubts biden harris regime cares about laws.
‘Joe Biden’s administration gave ‘mass amnesty’ to illegal migrants after ICE official ordered termination of 350,000 asylum cases as border crisis rages on’…
“A top Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) adviser, Kerry Doyle, circulated a memo in 2022 instructing prosecutors to dismiss cases for migrants who are not found to be national security threats, the New York Post first reported.
As a result, that year nearly 103,000 migrants had their cases dismissed – allowing them to walk free into the U.S. without an immigration court judge’s verdict on the merits of their asylum claim.
Later in 2023, that number of dismissed cases skyrocketed to 149,000.
So far in fiscal year 2024, 114,00 cases have been terminated without a verdict, according to the report.”
Massive amnesty using guise of prosecutorial discretion.
Stealing a country as YOU watch and do nothing


State legislature DEMs is such smart people . . . . . NOT
‘Bearded trans inmate is removed from California women’s prison after ‘raping female cellmate”…
newsom signed SB-132 transgender prison bill into law September 2020.
In case you’re wondering yes it was a weiner bill, read it for yourself and check if DEM you elected ‘supported’ the weiner bill.
Want the insanity to stop ? ? ? ?
STOP electing DEMs


What?!!! ” STOP THE INSANITY ?”…
No more topless transgender parties on the White House lawn?
No more transvestite nuclear waste disposal expert luggage thieves in high office?
What’s next? No more cross dressing United States assistant secretary for health ?


Trumpy’s resume:
400+ 5th Amendment Pleadings
3500 lawsuits
91 Criminal Charges
26 Sexual Assault Allegations
6 Bankruptcies
5 Draft Deferments
88 Indictments
2 Impeachments
2 Convicted Companies
1 Fake University Shut Down
1 Fake Charity Shut Down
$25 Million Fraud Settlement
$5 Million Sexual Abuse Verdict
$2 Million Fake Charity Abuse Judgment
$93 Million Sexual Abuse Judgements
$400+ Million Fraud Judgment
Convicted of 34 felony counts.


“Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.” – Lavrentiy Beria, Secret Police Chief to Josef Stalin
There’s nothing new under the sun.


A 2020 Trump campaign aide and two attorneys who did work for the campaign have been indicted on forgery charges related to the so-called fake electors scheme to undo President Joe Biden’s electoral victory in that state.

The charges against former campaign aide Mike Roman and attorneys Kenneth Chesebro and Jim Troupis are the last in a series of criminal prosecutions related to former President Donald Trump’s attempt to reverse his loss to Biden in the 2020 election.

Trump himself is charged in federal court in Washington, D.C., and in state court in Georgia with crimes connected to that effort.


Nobody believes any of it. Must suck. Tell me more about these alternate electors. Are they in the room with us right now? Show us on the picture where they touch you?


Yes youre right,Biden will get destroyed in Nov and his devils spawn son


The Trump Fundraiser in California happening on June 6th is entirely SOLD OUT. Tickets started at $50,000 and went up to $500,000. Trump is DOMINATING. 🔥
TRUMP won California in 2020
No amount of vote fraud can save you.
We are gonna run roughshod on you. Get ready


I hope he does get locked up. It would be the best gift ever. Thanks in advance


Trump Donations Top $200 million since verdict.
I wonder how bad Joy Behar is leaking now?


Biden claims inflation was 9% when he took office. The official numbers are a fraction of that, and validated by the reduced buying power of Americans. The only people who don’t agree are those not responsible for their own expenses.


Don’t let facts get in the way of democrats’ opinions. After all, they “think” they know best….and “think” they know what’s best for you.

3 1/2 years later…….Lightning Joe plans Executive Order to curb illegal immigration to only 17,493 per week!


Wait a dang minute.
DEMs prattle on about black felons ad nauseam, equity second changes and how they should be called justice impacted, not felons. Yet every liberal media outlet of DEM party is pushing hard Trump felon.
Considering number of black men incarcerated in DEM controlled states, Trump trial and verdict may give him a lock on the black voter block after “the system” went after him.


Biden’s fingerprints are all over the Trump prosecutions
From the Federalist:


Which one would you choose?

I’d save the stupid and attractive one. The other three are evil.


If all four were on fire I would not even bother to pee on any of them to put out the flames.

newsom and DEMs taking care of the ‘little people’ making minimum wage.
Wonder how many DEM politicians know how to spell economics let alone know how an economy works? Then again they live in a fantasy world where whatever they think up always works out with no downside.
‘Beloved Mexican chain abruptly SHUTS 48 restaurants in California as state’s $20-an-hour minimum wage has its first casualty’ …
“Mexican chain Rubio’s Coastal Grill is shuttering 48 restaurants in the state –
because of the ‘rising cost of doing business in California’.”


Robert Deniro’s invitation canceled and his broadcasting award revolked after anti Trump rant outside courthouse.
Pathetic has been award needed.


“NASA discovers that 80% of ‘global warming’ in last ten years
was actually caused by ‘net zero’ policies”
Really is something, all the money being made off of the ‘net zero’ FANTASY.
“If you want to understand any problem in America,
you need to look at who profits from that problem,
not at who suffers from that problem.”
–Dr. Amos Wilson


I would tend to believe reports generated by an organization that isn’t chasing grants to reach a predetermined conclusion.

Those receiving funding from organizations with a n agenda are immediately suspect….as are others who stand to gain financially- including politicians.


“Doctors are calling for Joe Biden to take a cognitive test and make the results public after a bombshell report laid bare his mental decline.
Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal revealed a concerning picture of a President who struggles to remember meetings from one day to the next, mixes up key details of his own policies and who, at times, speaks so softly that aides struggle to hear him.
The report, which included interviews with 45 insiders, also said the 81-year-old spends long periods of times in meetings with his eyes closed.
Dr Stuart Fischer — an internal medicine physician in New York City — said the latest report once again showed that Biden needs to assure the public by taking a cognitive test.”
Would you want to take a chance on a giggles presidency ? ? ?


EPIC TAKE-DOWN BY FBI……Bad Guys Arrested?
Remember this when you vote.


🚨EXCLUSIVE: Democrat Senator EXPOSES Party & QUITS! “I’m Done,” Susan Eggman


More bad news for sniveling pantie-wearing weak-kneed whiny woke lunatic liberals.
The Georgia Court of Appeals on Wednesday halted all proceedings in Trump’s RICO case until the court rules on the effort to disqualify the CROOKED Fulton County District Attorney Fani-The-Liar-Willis.


19,811 DEM voters in New Jersey’s 10th house congressional district voted for a congressman who died April 24th, 2024. Informed voters ? ? ?


Just dead people voting for a dead candidate.

But to be fair, he was the only candidate on the ballot, and NJ election law ruled out replacing him because he died after the March registration deadline. NJ will hold a special primary in July.


Too bad…. he sounds like the perfect D candidate.
Couldn’t they give him an office desk and just tie him to the chair?

With Biden micromanaging the Ukrainian’s war with Russia, what could possibly go wrong?


“Reform California Says AB 2586 Will Spike Illegal Immigration and Violate Federal Law
Defeat AB 2586 and Stop Taxpayer Funds for Illegal Immigrants!”


Much more info from CA Globe
Katy Grimes


Better alternatives to Joe. Who is your pick.

Halfway around the globe they know more than you.

This could help…….but only a little. It still ain’t enough to repair the reckless damage done by the Lunatic Left.

Hey pedophiles…….Joe’s just like you. Here’s the proof!

Newsom’s Simple Plan To Fix CA 55 Billion Dollar Deficit



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