Home » California Schools Get Millions Of Federal Dollars For Electric School Buses

California Schools Get Millions Of Federal Dollars For Electric School Buses


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency this week announced over $91 million in rebates for school districts across California to purchase electric school buses.

Most school buses run on diesel fuel. Diesel emissions have been linked to asthma and other health problems and have been targeted for reduction to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These issues are frequently worse in communities of color and tribal communities, according to the EPA.

Of the 47 California school districts selected, four were in the Bay Area and Central Coast region.

The rebates were part of an overall $900 million in funding across the nation from the EPA’s Clean School Bus Program that went to 1,500 applicants and will fund 3,400 new buses.


U.S. Sens. Alex Padilla and Laphonza Butler, D-California, said the buses would help students lead healthier lives.

“Setting California’s schoolchildren up for a successful day of learning starts with a cleaner commute,” said Padilla.

“The Clean School Bus Program is a crucial down payment on the transition to zero-emission buses, which is especially important to lower income communities who face some of our nation’s worst air quality,” Padilla said.

Butler said she applauded the awards.


“These federal dollars will provide targeted investments to school districts most in need, making sure access to cleaner transportation is equitable for all Californians,” Butler said.

The funding was provided as part of the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act passed in 2021.

EPA’s Pacific Southwest Regional Administrator Martha Guzman said the buses would make a noticeable difference in air quality.

“I’ve seen firsthand the advantages of these electric buses, with the absence of noxious diesel emissions benefiting students, school staff, and neighboring communities. Thanks to these investments, more electric school buses will be on the road in school districts across California,” Guzman said.

The recipients were selected through a lottery system, with 45% of recipients selected from districts in rural, low-income or tribal communities, according to the EPA.

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Who pays for this??? Oh I remember it’s us taxpayers.


You’re going to be real surprised to find out who paid for the old school busses

I hope they all feel good about spending the money from the infrastructure bill. Where do they get the buses? Have they executed a competitive bid process so the taxpayer gets the best deal on the buses? Where is the metric they will use to show the impact to reducing emissions, costs savings of retiring the old buses and improving the lives of these children. These politicians don’t care, they can pat themselves on the back and add this to the list of all the great things they have done. But don’t have anything to show for it.


I’m sure there will be fat salaries paid, Chinese companies paid, Unions paid etc. They’ll roll out the EV bus or two to much fanfare. I figure less than 10 years later, they’ll be in a junkyard somplace rotting. They’ll be too expensive to run, to maintain and be unreliable. Nobody will know how to work on them.

Cue the fire trucks when they catch on fire and children die.


Good! We need to fight climate change


Stop contributing your CO2 and taking up all the O2!!!


I am climate change paul


Don’t feed the troll.

Let’s guess how far that money goes for EV buses. Seeing the crook Padilla involved probably padding some EV companies wallets. It of course is “feel good” legislation that the public should question and we see a lot of this during election years. We need some funds to boost the general public’s IQs so they don’t fall for it.


These would be busses that don’t catch fire ? ? ? ?
“Bishop ,CA August 4, 2023 – In the late evening hours of August 3rd, a vigilant call was made to the Bishop Volunteer Fire Department alerting them to an unusual smell of smoke.”
“SCHOOL BUS An Electric Bus Spontaneously Catches Fire! AND
My opinion, is little more than using taxpayer dollars in a presidential election year.
Eventually Pittsburg, CA electric busses will be part of a DEM press release.
Being a retired industrial electrician, worked with high amperage AC, DC and motor drives.
From experience can tell you bolted connections and the more connections there are the more eventual fault conditions will develop. With out reliability testing using infrared heat gun to see hot spots that are promptly corrected equipment WILL FAIL. Problem wit Li batteries is putting a fire out, thermal event generates oxygen.
Keep the money and wait 10 – 14 years then spend the money.
Smart vehicle buyers don’t buy first few model years.
obama biden regime shoveled vast sums of money at solar.


Don’t mind the EV buses for schools just wish there was more attention on school supplies for the students. Parents are given a list of thing for them to get for the kids. Some teachers put part of the (small) salary into filling student class needs. But EV buses does give more news splash.

“LAPHONZA” …… She will live a “healthier” life with all the “kick-back” $$$ she’ll be getting, I bet.


PG&E will love this. We will be seeing another school tax increase on the next ballot to keep up with the high cost of electricity, and the liberal voters will most certainly approve the measure.


These electric buses will certainly put the diesel tow truck business in growth mode.


What could go wrong ?


Other cities that have tried this have found that the busses break down, are very expensive to fix and parts are not readily available. Basically a mess.

Likely manufactured by the bankrupt Proterra. Good thing the busses will never need spare parts.


Oh this is great. Electic school bus…..
But the kids still can’t read.


Nothing for better education? Funny huh?

Do little yellow electric school busses dream of electric sheep?



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